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Mafia: Day Phase Length


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It seems there was a problem in the Poke mafia concerning day phase length.


What are people's thoughts?



IMO days should be 24 hours (or any other time length stated at the start of the game) -- no more, no less. No variation depending on amount of discussion.


[Obvs the day ends when a majority is reached].

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But what if, for example:


The day starts at 9pm

One player has work, then a social function, and cannot get online until 10pm the next evening, at which point the day has ended.

However that person sent in his or her PM for the previous night and has received information about a mafia member

The next night the mafia kills that person and they are unable to share their information.




That's just one example of how that situation fails. However, what I think it more important is that if a person has been confirmed as evil by a player with an hour of the day phase left and there are less than half the total number of players in the game online then that person won't be lynched. Which is ridiculous, because not everyone can be online all of the time and therefore a majority will never be reached.


Basically, I disagree with you. A day should end if a) the discussion is dead and nobody is going to be voted off, b) someone is voted off or c) the town votes for a no lynch (or at least it looks like that is definitely going to be the outcome)

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That's just one example of how that situation fails. However, what I think it more important is that if a person has been confirmed as evil by a player with an hour of the day phase left and there are less than half the total number of players in the game online then that person won't be lynched. Which is ridiculous, because not everyone can be online all of the time and therefore a majority will never be reached.


you could say the same for the night phase for the mafia.


Its perfectly fair. Perhaps more than 24 hours but CD did stipulate it was a variable.


If you can't access the forum in the timescale (christ we all have mobile phones with internet access these days) then you shouldn't be joining.


I personally think the GM should make up however many roles, have it all organised then start the thread, and the game pretty much straight after numbers confirmed, none of this we'll play after this mafia has run and that mafia has run etc

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you could say the same for the night phase for the mafia.


Its perfectly fair. Perhaps more than 24 hours but CD did stipulate it was a variable.


If you can't access the forum in the timescale (christ we all have mobile phones with internet access these days) then you shouldn't be joining.


I personally think the GM should make up however many roles, have it all organised then start the thread, and the game pretty much straight after numbers confirmed, none of this we'll play after this mafia has run and that mafia has run etc


While I don't want to sound like a bitch, you are the one person more than anyone recently who has said things such as "we can't all be on the forum 24/7, some of us have jobs!" In fact it was you I was thinking of when I wrote my post, as you often say you don't have time to read through the whole thing and vote.


The night is the same - you wait until you have had all of the players' PMs in, you PM those who haven't sent theirs saying they have until this time, and then you start the day. Perhaps it is the same but with the most recent night stage of Maddog's mafia lasting for several days it clearly is variable. However, not using your power for one night isn't the biggest problem in the game. Not letting people discuss things and reach a lynch is much more important.


Incidentally I don't think this would have been a problem until Rez ended the day when a player only needed one more vote for the lynch. I mean, come on, that seems a bit silly doesn't it? There was clearly ongoing discussion and it would have taken one player voting to change the outcome of the day, but Rez just ended it before that could happen. I think in those situations a little more common sense needs to be used really and the game needs to be allowed to continue.


Perhaps Rez had a specific reason, for example the mafia would win/town would win, wanting the game to continue, but it is not up to the GM to make that decision as it messes up the game. I'm just speculating now anyway; we will have to wait to see what he says when it is over

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I'm with Nintendohnut. Only finish the day early if the discussion is dead for some time. And a warning beforehand can do wonders.


As for the night, I had a rule: if 24 hours had eloped, check if those who hadn't sent their PM had the opportunity to do so. Wait for those who couldn't, give the others a warning. The day would start at 48 hours at the most.

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It feels everyone is far too invested in the game - as though its personally offensive if you get killed or miss a night target - if you have strict set rules, you learn to deal with it.


It should be "Day phases last x amount of time, end of." That way stalling out a lynch is a viable tactic for the mafia, and adds a much needed backbone to the game, rather than "Let's keep it open as long as people are interested."

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It feels everyone is far too invested in the game - as though its personally offensive if you get killed or miss a night target - if you have strict set rules, you learn to deal with it.


It should be "Day phases last x amount of time, end of." That way stalling out a lynch is a viable tactic for the mafia, and adds a much needed backbone to the game, rather than "Let's keep it open as long as people are interested."


But is it really advisable to encourage the mafiosos to stall? We should be encouraging players to talk, not the opposite.

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I've never played a mafia game but I've been watching a few for the last week. It's obvious people have different opinions on this matter so it's probably better left to the GM's discretion. If you don't like the way a game is run, make your own perhaps?


Running a mafia game is harder than i expected :heh: so alot of people i doubt would have enough time/want to put in enough effort.


Maybe DIY ones are easier or harder? I can't give you the answer to that, but i know it takes more effort than i ever imagined.

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While I don't want to sound like a bitch, you are the one person more than anyone recently who has said things such as "we can't all be on the forum 24/7, some of us have jobs!" In fact it was you I was thinking of when I wrote my post, as you often say you don't have time to read through the whole thing and vote.


Yeah because all the students or people not working are rushing the game on ahead without giving everyone a chance to contribute - coming to a majority before half of us get to speak. That's what I was referencing.


If there was a defined timescale I could decide beforehand whether I could play.


(also - at that time I had very valid reasons for not committing myself to the game)


The night is the same - you wait until you have had all of the players' PMs in, you PM those who haven't sent theirs saying they have until this time, and then you start the day. Perhaps it is the same but with the most recent night stage of Maddog's mafia lasting for several days it clearly is variable. However, not using your power for one night isn't the biggest problem in the game. Not letting people discuss things and reach a lynch is much more important.


not necessarily - it takes the mafia longer to decide who to kill because they all have to be online and discuss their tactics.


So a short night could be a disadvantage to them, whereas a short day is a disadvantage to town - therefore it evens out.

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Yeah I'll explain more once the games over, but I'm considering making them 24 hours permanently. Its just easier, everyone knows where they stand, and if the mafia stall there are ways of keeping track of it (noting who is not posting, who is changing votes off confirmed mafia, stuff like that)


At least they way it is clearly defined and no arguments can be made.

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A fixed time is kind of nice, as it forces action/the game, less time for dawdling etc. Maybe room for movement is a minimum/maximum time setout at the start and stated in each day opening the exact amount, to allow for how the game is going etc. I dunno really, I don't do mafias much.

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I think there's a common sense to this suggestion :)


I think the decision for day periods should be left to the gamesmaster, purely because they may not necessarily be able to stick with 24 hours precisely and continuously. An option could be that users are advised to not post psat the 24th hour out of courtesy and any such ones are ignored... the obvious danger is that discussions may not be over, that someone with crucial info can only ever log-in close to the end of the day.


But then again that sort of frantic furvore could add to the tension of a game!

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