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Ideas on a forum 'Top Trumps' game


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Hi all,


I know someone made some Pokemon cards for players before, but I was thinking more along the line of making Top Trumps, where there would be a defined set of, say, 6 or 7 values for each forumer. Perhaps I could throw in some complexities such as special powers or event cards, too. Most of all, I'd like it to be a playable game between forumers. For those who've never played, one player plays a card and states which attribute they are fighting with (e.g. height). Then the second player must play a card that beats this to win that round. I made this topic here since I'm basically just getting ideas right now.


Once a sufficient number of these had been made, I could PM two players at a time a list of image URLs to individual cards (or someone else if someone would like to be a helper - in fact that would be a really good idea). That way you couldn't just use any card you wanted since the issuer would see an image URL that wasn't one they dished out.


I'd like any ideas you might have on gameplay/rounds, most of all card attributes. I've been thinking of some potential attributes:



Claim to fame: <description> <number>

For instance, the most popular topic/event associated with a member (e.g. KingV virginity) plus a number up to 100, depending on how epic that particular event was.


Supreme power

Perhaps something to do with the 'power' you command on the forums (position). This would create a few 'high power' cards in this attribute, since there's far fewer admin/staff than there are regular members.


A date with history

This would basically be when the person originally signed up to any of this forum's iterations.


Tasteless spam

This would calculated by some sort of ratio of rubbish to not rubbish posts, or just down-right lack of decency. A little controversial, but hopefully a bit of fun.


Force the darkside

Perhaps from a stat of 0 (a fairly neutral, carefree guy) to someone who is known to do good things (50) or seem like an evil kind of guy (-50). -40 would beat 30, for instance.


I'm sure there could be better ideas, suggestions are welcome. Or anyone offering to help, or if you think it's a good idea/sucks then tell me what I could improve. Cheers.

Edited by Sheikah
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Definitely playing a game with them afterwards. There's always a really crap card in every Top Trumps...maybe Stewie? :p


I really like the sound of making some sort of special power, perhaps affinities for cards. For instance, a card attribute could be bad but against a certain other card would effectively be doubled.

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Definitely playing a game with them afterwards. There's always a really crap card in every Top Trumps...maybe Stewie? :p


I really like the sound of making some sort of special power, perhaps affinities for cards. For instance, a card attribute could be bad but against a certain other card would effectively be doubled.


I think it's a good idea having a special power. I think a good idea would be to have a power like if you win 5 cards in a row, you get to see the next card your opponent has. Also, since it's only N-E playing (maybe), I think maybe we could have a special power as the player (if that makes sense).

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I have the idea that each card has a special power, yet only once per game can you play a power, and only one. And after you play that particular card.


Just an example card I have in mind:


Name: Solitanze

Quote: "If I increase turnover by 400% and quadruple the market share I might just find a girlfriend"

Claim to Fame: 10 (Infamy) Senselessly spamming the front page of N-Europe with imaginary console sales figures.

A Date with History: N/A - (don't think he ever signed up...or did he?)

Tastleless spam: 98 (King) Nobody does it better.

Force the darkside: -24 (Lackey) Reggie's brother, the one his parents don't talk about.


One time use special power:


"He's not with me": Solitanze's lack of charisma rubs off on the opponent: the opponent suffers -30 to the Claim to Fame stat of his card, until after he/she battles with that attribute once.

Edited by Sheikah
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A Date with History: N/A - (don't think he ever signed up...or did he?)


I remember some epically terrible Twilight Princess thread he made. He was eventually banned from the forums.


These are the cards you mentioned:




Check our these. Blast from the past.

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I have some ideas for attributes.

1)Argumentative nature

2)Ability to bring up life story and girlfriend reminders (not on demand)

3)Ability to take offence and counter with lots of posts



Will think of some others.

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I remember some epically terrible Twilight Princess thread he made. He was eventually banned from the forums.


These are the cards you mentioned:




Check our these. Blast from the past.


Those are just fucking epic! I love the artwork! Fantastic job!

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At least you've got the ball rolling with some ideas.

Yes, ideas not intended to provoke/annoy people. :)


I'll gather some more ideas, then I'll try and think who I'll make the cards of. I might not be able to actually make the cards until next week but hopefully once I have a template down it'll be quite quick to make each one.

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