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The Official N-E Quiz 100 Question Special (Scores Updated)


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44. If you ignore quotations, all the random bits before the book actually starts, and the chapter title.


The 10th word is Snow.


I didn't ignore the chapter title because it's not a quotation which is what we were told to ignore. Oh well.

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I will but the scoreboard will be updated at the end :)


I'll do the scoreboard at the end. The current scoreboard is from previous rounds.


There's no sense in my updating it several times.


I'm not on the leaderboard :(


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Edited by Shorty
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What have I gotten myself into here :heh:


Here goes:


21. I'm going to do it in fives. So...


Paper Paper Rock Scissors Paper


Rock Scissors Rock Paper Rock


Scissors Paper Rock Rock Scissors


Scissors Paper Paper Rock Scissors


57. I've worked this out but there might be an easier way.


Start off on 301.


Get triple 20 3 times = 180 (3 darts). Score is now 121


Get triple 20 again (which equals 60) (4 darts) Score is now 61


Get triple 16 (which is 48) (5 darts) and the score should now be 13.


So, the answer is 5 darts.


My second go was:


rock rock rock rock scissors

paper scissors paper rock scissors

scissors paper paper paper paper

scissors rock paper scissors scissors


So the score would be (W = win for you)



L... well that's the best of five lost so I cba to carry on. Sorry, you lose that question! You can try again, or answer another.


But you got 57 right.









96. Red eyes, I'm calling your bluff!


I was going for red and black eyes but I'll take red since the black's just the pupil and someone would've argued with me.


36. Japan.


30. 5 bananas. Also, you would have a healthy doze of calcium.




52. Is it d3ee4ae0e47e8b8b8b55cac2ebeb7bca ?

65. I think an inhalation hazard safety sign.


52. how did you arrive at that? :heh: is that just the hash code for it or something?

65. yep


49. Elbow


68. Is


Not elbow I'm afraid. You can answer 1 more question. 68's right.


39. You weren't bored, you loved every minute!


80. Graphite

No no, I was very bored, but that was a stupid question so you can have a point. Graphite wasn't really detailed enough though I'm afraid. You can answer 1 more question.


24. Master Chief as he got into his pod thing at the end of the Halo (I so wanted to write 'halo' as the answer, but I do want points)


34. Will' drove a Lotus Elise. I think.


124. ??????


140. Profit!

Yes both right. No points for meme!


31. 58


70. 60 Inches



80. Graphite core with a clay binder. (The casing is made of painted wood)


96. Red Empire.

graphite and wood was enough for me. Someone beat you to 96 so you can do another question.


44. If you ignore quotations, all the random bits before the book actually starts, and the chapter title.


The 10th word is Snow.


50. http://n-europe.com/favicon.ico


I didn't ignore the chapter title because it's not a quotation which is what we were told to ignore. Oh well.


Riiigh... ok, erm, I didn't think of the title etc so you can have a point each :3


Was I right?
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47. 6


76. 16 Buttons (counting R3 and L3) plus 2 joysticks and motion which aren't buttons.

Start, Select, R1, R2, R3, L1, L2, L3, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, Left Analogue Stick, Right Analogue Stick.

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21. R, s, s, s, p, r, p, r, s, p, r, s, p, p, p, r, s, r, s, p,


EDIT: r=rock, s=scissors, p=paper just in case you couldn't work it out.

s, p, r, s, p, r, s, p, r, s, p, r, s, p, r, s, p, r, s, p




w=win, l=lose, d=draw just in case you couldn't work it out.


Shut up. I'm not here to read.


18) d.


38) Rats

18 wrong I'm afraid.


36. Ashley visited Japan last summer.


46. (4x + 5) 2 – (2x – 1) 2 = 8x + 10 - 4x + 2 = 4x + 12


Errm sorry but the Japan one was already answered and while 46 might be right, it's not in the form requested in the question :3 Feel free to try again :3


47. 6


76. 16 Buttons (counting R3 and L3) plus 2 joysticks and motion which aren't buttons.

Start, Select, R1, R2, R3, L1, L2, L3, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, Left Analogue Stick, Right Analogue Stick.

6 is right but the PS3 pad one is wrong, sorry.

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Pretty sure I got 62 wrong then, so I'll answer something else:




Home button















Both analogue sticks...

In-built sixaxis crap




the reset button!


So I guess you'd call that 17, if you count the analogue sticks as buttons themselves and discount motion stuff.

Edited by Sheikah
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76. 17 Buttons (counting R3 and L3) plus 2 joysticks and motion which aren't buttons.

Start, Select, PS button, R1, R2, R3, L1, L2, L3, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, Left Analogue Stick, Right Analogue Stick.

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Nobody's posted the whole correct Dual Shock 3 question yet. Remember, no editing.


I'm not counting analogue sticks (except L3/R3) or motion control, only buttons.


63. Domino's pizza at Chalk Farm - London
Nope sorry. It was a trick question :3
Hey Shorty, did I get number 6 right? I said the missing word was dirt
Yep. I did update the OP.
45. Um, is it 7?
Oh man, so close. But no, sorry. And your simplify question... that's not what I got but I haven't actually done this stuff for ages so I'm going to ask a math whizz to check it.
93. Looks like part of/a wheel from a toy car (the CE declaration marking gives it away).
Good guess but I'm afraid not. It's slightly bigger than that, and many of you will have seen it before (this exact thing). Edited by Shorty
Autosplerged Doubleghost
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