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DIY Mafia: The Game Thread


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He's at a bloody festival guys, I said maybe wait till Monday. Waiting a couple of days will hardly make people lose interest.


Either this is a mafia tactic by Paj to just get out someone who can't defend themselves or you guys are being way too quick about things. I'm not going to vote, although Smeagol' suggestion of finding someone who can replace him may be good?


I understand he's been a bit iffy in other games but still, there isn't a need.

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Sorry for not participating much so far guys, been a busy few days, and probably will be for a couple more...I'm trying to keep up reading the thread wise but don't really have the time to really think about it, hence my lack of posting. I'll try and have a proper catch up asap.

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Either this is a mafia tactic by Paj to just get out someone who can't defend themselves or you guys are being way too quick about things. I'm not going to vote, although Smeagol' suggestion of finding someone who can replace him may be good?


I just can't bear repeat offenders/inactives. And I have a fear of games not moving on due to inactivity. We're all too clingy over here in regards to mafia games (probs cause there's not a whole lot going on at once like other forums), and scared to die etc. But inactivity just really annoys me, seeing as my new thing in life is being concise and definitive. I can't deal with crap clogging the plug hole when it can be removed.

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Also I posted on his Facebook last time


Mafiaaaaaa duuuuudddeeeee. @ 6:41pm


Shiiiit sorry bro, will get on it in an hour or so @ 10:41pm


Yeah.....nothing happened.


Ellmeister, when you've been inactive recently A) You've let people know in advance, B) You've still even tried to get on and C) You've given updates via Ashley. Different kettles of proverbial fish.



But I absolutely agree if there is someone we can find to replace him then excellent.




And we still need to hear from the writer. Our only lead. Don't remain quiet.

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Thinking about it, the writer may be Dan-loves-trees-too-much or dyson who are both away.


And they did both warn everyone they were going to be away.


You're right actually, I think it could be dan-likes-trees (he has actually posted in this thread, and its probable he sent a target in)


Cube, I say its important because he appears to have watched a redirector. We need to see if Diageo is mentioned in whatever he has to say.


But we might run out of time soon, so I still think we should lynch an inactive, and at least get a clue and by tomorrow we'll have (hopefully) a lot to work on.

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Sméagol, I can confirm that the good-looking man is not the man in white.


Also, ReZ: Are you or are you not the character described as a circle/ring in the write-up? Does the circle have anything to do with you or your power?


It is my power. So that bit of the write up is me.

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Hmm, I'm willing to give Dyson a chance, it's just another day, I won't lose my interest ;). This will also give the other people who preferred to wait 'till Monday(night) a chance to catch up.


So I'll retract my vote and change it for now to: no lynch


This doesn't mean the rest can speed things up by agreeing on the same vote, there still plenty of active players around.


If my records are correct, I believe there are 5 people who have yet to post since night 1. 6 if you include Gizmo who hasn't actually commented on the events yet. This would be dan-likes-trees, jayseven, Jonnas, Nintendohnut, and Zell.

It could be one or more are silenced. More likely most of them are simply busy.. They can't all be mafia ;).


Some other thoughts:


[..] I can, however, confirm that the man dressed in white is NOT the same character as the good-looking man.


I actually overlooked this. This would imply either: he targeted either of them; or he knows one or both some other way (or even he knows one and targeted the other by chance). My hunch is he's one of the 3 friends.


Also, I find Diageo story a bit sketchy. He says his power failed, that's possible. But if he's roleblocked, there almost certainly should be something about it in the write-up, hinting at that event. If he targeted someone untargetable, it's possible he didn't show up in the write-up. In which case, if he let us know who he targeted, someone can confirm his claim by targeting the same person next turn.

Edited by Sméagol
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I never even said Rez targeted me, although Rez may have. I cant find myself in the write up so Im not sure what's going on. But Rez saying he has a certain power but the character isn't him is really weird. Makes Rez look suspicious if anything.


Sorry didn't see your post Smeagol.

Edited by Diageo
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I never even said Rez targeted me, although Rez may have. I cant find myself in the write up so Im not sure what's going on. But Rez saying he has a certain power but the character isn't him is really weird. Makes Rez look suspicious if anything.


It's rather simple:


I'm not sure if he is confused but I'm pretty sure I'm the person that caused the "circle thing", and I targetted him last night.


ReZ's power caused the circle ring. In doing so he roleblocked you.

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I never even said Rez targeted me, although Rez may have. I cant find myself in the write up so Im not sure what's going on. But Rez saying he has a certain power but the character isn't him is really weird. Makes Rez look suspicious if anything.

Nah you're confused, I made a joke about Rez being Ring Man from Megaman, he says he's not the [Ring man]. He does say the Ring is his ability, but his character doesn't appear along with it, so a long-range ability.


Sorry didn't see your post Smeagol.

I just posted, np.

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