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has anyone bought the xbox version yet?? :)


Probably get round to it next week once my exams are out of the way :D Minecraft has been running pretty poorly on my laptop recently (went back to it to update it to 1.2.5 or whatever the latest patch is) and the frame rate is all over the place so going to pick up the 360 version to tide me over till I sort out a new laptop/PC during the summer.

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Have you tried Optifine? It's a mod that can give you great performance boosts especially in the FPS area. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/249637-125-optifine-hd-b1-fps-boost-hd-textures-aa-af-and-much-more/


has anyone bought the xbox version yet??

I have. It's a great port, but it's a little disappointing to have to rewind to 1.6.6 beta. Just little things like no shears, no food bar, no stacking pork chops, no new biomes (although the world generation was better back then.)


Also IMO they have killed a lot of the fun by lacing it with tutorials and tips, and making all the crafting accessed by selecting from a list of recipes, meaning there's no discovery to it.

Edited by Shorty
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I dont have a 360 anymore anyway so it doesnt really matter but I wouldnt have been getting that version regardless. I dont like the fact that its a pre-launch version or the fact that the worlds have limits, plus from what ive seen it crashes a lot. The only thing it has going for it in my eyes is the ease of multiplayer.

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Apart from the downgrade to 1.6.6 beta I'm actually enjoying the Xbox 360 version more than the PC. Runs a lot more smoothly and nice split-screen co-op. I'm yet to feel the reduction in world size so maybe that would change my mind.

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If anybody can't be arsed to build a powered track 500m long for the 'On a Rail' Achievement, you are welcome to ride my cart.


Feel free to join my game on Live.

I might just take you up on that :p I dug out about 200 iron and made a long declining coaster, I was about half way to the 500m and then I accidentally quit without saving and lost the lot. I'm not sure why saving is so slow compared to the PC, or exactly what is being autosaved when that icon appears in the corner....

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I might just take you up on that :p I dug out about 200 iron and made a long declining coaster, I was about half way to the 500m and then I accidentally quit without saving and lost the lot. I'm not sure why saving is so slow compared to the PC, or exactly what is being autosaved when that icon appears in the corner....


Sure, just add me. I'm pretty much addicted so am on most nights. (Apart from tomorrow night; working away)


EDIT: I also have a saddle and a carefully constructed tower with a pig trapped at the top in a 1 x 1 square. All it needs is for someone to ride the pig, and I remove the block underneath for the 'Pigs Might Fly' Achievement.


Also, I have constructed a Nether Portal. Not sure if removing one of the blocks and another player replacing it will give the Achievement to the second player.


Let me know if anybody wants any of these cheevo's.

Edited by MATtheHAT
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a few thoughts:


1/ I hope the achievements will be expanded - a lot of them are easy and part of course in playing the game.... (like making a pickaxe, growin crops, makin bread..) a bit more difficulty would be good so you've felt like you achieved something.


2/ its a real pity they've used an old version as its still got bugs - every time I log in again I lose all my shit and start with a map again! Argh! Although I'm building up a fair number of maps, its a bit of a pain....! And the stairs go a bit wobbly too!


3/ love love love the quality of mp now its on the 360. And all your mates can play it if they have an xbox360, no speed or compatibility issues. Trash talking your mates over it is so much fun. Pork vs paper fights... Just a pity you cant share a map and have it available to everyone, not relying on person A who created the map in the first place.


4/ Needs some kind of chest security added to it... i've already had a poacher thieving my stuff ha ha


5/ controls feel a lot nicer on the xbox


6/ more dlc!


7/ crappy crappy caves that go no where and no proper mineshafts like in the pc version!

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Sure, just add me. I'm pretty much addicted so am on most nights. (Apart from tomorrow night; working away)


EDIT: I also have a saddle and a carefully constructed tower with a pig trapped at the top in a 1 x 1 square. All it needs is for someone to ride the pig, and I remove the block underneath for the 'Pigs Might Fly' Achievement.

I ended up making the rail myself in the end, but I can't find a saddle anywhere...

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I ended up making the rail myself in the end, but I can't find a saddle anywhere...


Type in 888 in the world seed, climb over the nearest mountain, drop into the water below and turn around. There should be a dungeon there with a chest containing a saddle.


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I don't think there's one going at the moment. I was messing around with a Tekkit server on my computer today, and I'm considering trying to run one. It wouldn't be online 24/7, and I don't know how many people it would be able to support, and I live in Canada, so there might be a little bit of lag for most of you, but it still should work. I ran a vanilla server a while back with a few people, and it worked fine.


So if anyone's interested, just let me know. I'd like to see what the interest is before opening it up.


Oh, and the earliest I'll be able to get it up is Monday.

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To be honest, I'm really not sure what people were expecting from the 360 version. I mean, maybe it makes sense if your PC isn't capable of playing Minecraft, and you still want to play it. Aside from the multiplayer though (and considering the sort of behind the scenes stuff that will be implemented in 1.3, it's looking like that sort of drop in multiplayer will be included in the PC version eventually), I'm not really sure what the 360 version can do that the PC version can't. There's even a mod that allows you to, albeit hackishly, do split screen now.




Alright, my schedule's changed a bit since my last post, I can start hosting a server any time now. So anyone who wants in should let me know, and I'll add them to the white list.

Edited by Emasher
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Split screen on a machine that typically lives in front of your sofa makes for a very different type of gaming, for me that's the long and short of it.


Finally found a saddle and got the When Pigs Fly achievement :D And without resorting to that seed, too :)

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Just read on Eurogamer about the next update for the 360 edition is the piston functionality. Any good?


Also mentions adventure and creative modes being worked on. Although technically these are much bigger and complex patches.

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Pistons basically allow you to move blocks around without removing them and placing them. They can be used to create quite complex machines, including automating some aspects of farming. Although, to automate things completely, you need the PC version with a few mods installed (mainly buildcraft).


Here's the wiki page if you want more info:


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Hey Emasher since you seem to be up for hosting mind telling us all your server details and adding me to your whitelist? Could be some good Friday fun. Been a while since I've been on Minecraft, I'd be up for it. My username is Sheikah.

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Just read on Eurogamer about the next update for the 360 edition is the piston functionality. Any good?


Also mentions adventure and creative modes being worked on. Although technically these are much bigger and complex patches.


Pistons make such a huge change. The number of things they can be used for is immense. Most commonly they're used to make secret doors but they can be used to make huge complex machines. When is the next update expected?

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Alright, the address is:


The rules are basically:


- No Stealing.

- No Griefing.

- No Pixel Art, Large Statues, etc.

- Do not partially cut down trees.

- Do not build on top of other people's buildings/machines/etc.


Keep in mind that this is a tekkit server, so you have to get the technic launcher here, and connect using tekkit: http://www.technicpack.net/


A few more things I should say; This is a home server so be reasonable about how far you travel. Keep in mind certain Industrial Craft blocks, like the Nuclear Reactor, the Mass Fabricator, and obviously the nuke explode, and cause very large explosions, so be careful where you place them, and definitely read up on them before you use them. Monsters are turned off.

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Keep in mind certain Industrial Craft blocks, like the Nuclear Reactor, the Mass Fabricator, and obviously the nuke explode, and cause very large explosions, so be careful where you place them, and definitely read up on them before you use them.


I have no idea that any of the stuff you just mentioned exists, but that sounds awesome.


Monsters off though, oh... :(

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For the last few days, I've been working on making a few new mods, as well as updating and expanding an older one I never released before. I though perhaps it would be a good idea to release them here, and get a little bit of feedback before releasing them properly on one of the big mod sites.


All of these mods are for Minecraft 1.2.5 SSP/CSP/HSP. They all require ModLoader. None of them replace base files, so you can just drop the zips into your .minecraft/mods folder (make one if you don't have one) to install them. You may however need to replace one base file zg.class to get the biomes mod to work. Four block IDs are used total (213, 214, 215, and 198) At the moment, these are not configurable. Additionally, if you install the one mod that contains biomes, six biome IDs are also used (254, 253, 252, 251, 250, and 249). Although, I haven't tested them with anything else, they should be compatible with everything that works with ModLoader, as long as there are no ID conflicts and the other mod doesn't overried zg.class. I'd seriously recommend starting a new world to use these mods. New hemp and mine gas will only spawn on new chunks (so you may have to go pretty far in an older world), and if you install the biome mod, the new biomes may screw up the landscapes as you travel to the edges of your world. If you do decide to use an old save, back it up first. I take no responsibility for any damage caused to your worlds/minecraft game files/computers/ect. when you use these mods. The details are in the recipes and screenshots sections for each mod.


The first one adds industrial hemp to the game, and like in the real world, it has a number of uses. Keep in mind, this mod isn't meant to be realistic, it's meant to feel minecrafty.





In order to grow more hemp, you must first extract the bud, which contains the seeds:



Then you can extract the seeds from the bud:



While seeds can be planted, they can also be used to make oil:



And the oil can be used as a fuel:



You can also use it to make string:



Or paper:



And even armor:






There are also a few secret recipes.






Hemp grows naturally in most biomes:



If you want to grow some yourself, you must plant it on either dirt, gravel, sand, or grass:



While it can be planted on these blocks, it will only grow if the block it's planted on is adjacent to water:



It also requires light to grow (same light level as wheat). And as you might expect, it grows up to 3 meters (blocks) tall:



The armor has the same resistance as leather:






The second mod, adds toxic mine gas to the game. It is a little bit hackish the way I had to implement it, but it works.





Throughout the world, you'll now encounter pockets of gas while underground. Either while mining:



or in caves:



The gas damages the health of both you, and all other living (or undead) things that you encounter:



Once the pockets of gas are exposed and start expanding however, you can protect yourself by lighting a fire to burn off the gas:



You can also craft traps that release gas when they are activated (right clicked) or when redstone current is applied to them:




Additionally, you can craft a gas mask so you take no damage while exposed to the gas. Beware however that it will not last very long during continuous exposure:







Vials can be crafted to store the gas in. Filled vials can also be used as fuel:



The traps are crafted using a full vial:



As you can see the gas mask is fairly cheap to make, but doesn't last very long:






The final mod is a lot smaller than the other two. It adds 3 5 new biomes and a structure to the game. Although there are no major bugs, it's still a work in progress, and there are a number of things I still want to add to it.




If the game crashes with this mod installed you may need to replace one base class in your minecraft.jar: zg.class.



Throughout the world, small ruins will now be generated:



Each one contains a chest with some loot inside:



They spawn in all biomes, except for oceans and rivers:



The first new biome is called "Summit". Basically, very tall snowy mountains:



Then there's a similar biome called "Glacier". It's not quite as tall as summit, and also contains ice:



The next biome is called "Canyon". It adds a new block called "Red Dirt", which is similar to dirt, and is crafted using sand, gravel, and dirt:



Then there's the "Prairie" biome, which is similar to the vanilla "Plains" biome, but is flatter and has a few trees, which is more realistic. The picture compares it to a plains biome:



And finally we have the "Sand Forest" biome. This one is covered in sand, and has tall dark trees growing everywhere:



There's also a biome called "Reef" which is similar to "Ocean" but is more shallow and has sand bars. There's no picture, sorry.





The following APIs and mods have been tested with these mods and should work, if they don't, you may need to change a few block IDs:





Minecraft Forge

Player API

Turbo Model Thingy

Audio Mod



Flan's Mod

Rei's Minimap

Buildcraft 3

Industrial Craft 2

-Advanced Machines

-Compact Solars

-Buildcraft Industrial Craft Crossover

Death Chest


Greg's Prospecting


Recipe Book

Red Power 2


Simply Horses

Smart Moving

Balkon's Weapon Mod



If you find any bugs in these, please let me know. Be sure to post the full error report, as well as a description of what you were doing in the game at the time.

Edited by Emasher
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After being interested in this for a while I bought it on Xbox. I had fun so far, already started building my grand castle.


Only thing that I don't like, which just made me turn off the xbox in frustration, is that if you die you lose all your stuff. I was digging a mine to China when I suddenly dropped down in a pitch black cave, filled with monsters. I only had a iron sword and helmet but regardless of equipment I'm sure fear and panic would have killed me anyway.


I'm doing the farming thing right? I tilt the ground, put "seed" in it, and then just wait? How do I harvest? And with sprouts you don't need to tilt the ground, just put them down and wait?

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