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Mcoy's server is probably out of date, should be up later on with updated client, woo Mcoy loves minecarts :P



Minecraft Update Released

Nov 10 2010 16:51:16 by Deehem

The Minecraft update that was mentioned has now been released. We'll be updating this and rolling it out to machines soon as we receive an updated version of Hey0's to compile. Please bear with us and apologies for any inconvenience caused. :)


Game News Minecraft Update Coming

Nov 09 2010 17:23:48 by liv3d

Tomorrow (Wednesday 10th Nov) there will be a Minecraft update

The multiplayer updates are:-


* hellworld=true no longer overwrites old save chunks. Player positions will still break if you switch it on a running server, though

* boats are now visible to other players

* minecarts move nicer

* fishing kinda sorta works, but needs more work

* sheep and cows look like sheep and cows now

* buckets work now

* fixed stairs being really difficult to destroy

* increased the timeout before “Took too long to log in”

* made it possible to ride carts and boats (pigs should work too..)

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taking a break from this for a couple of days- I have a new PSU on its way that will let me install a graphics card to replace my built in chip. Currently, because I basically have no graphics capability, the render speed on the game is crippling the framerate and it's quite unpleasant to play.

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Mcoy report of Neurope City two

Area: regular temperate bordered with desert


Reason settled: Mcoy notes this city was settled in a panic after the previous city was destroyed by an active volcano.

Pros: Mcoy has noticed there is plenty of flat land and fresh resources for the happy inhabitants

Cons: Mcoy has noticed that the city is Prone to flooding, prone to desertfication and deforistation


Current dangers: Mcoy has watched the inhabitants and while their city has flourished their managment of the enviroment has been rather shocking. Mcoy notes three fires have been on going, one near the city, one to the east and another to the west. Mcoy notes these fires have a high risk of spreading and destroying more plant life. Mcoy also cites concern about the lack of replanted trees which is having a small effect on the ecology of the area.


Wildlife: Mcoy has noticed that wildlife is generally not welcome in the city, Mcoy has seen many pigs, chickens, cows and sheeps burnt on sight by angry residents. Mcoy has noted that a rather large slimish creature has been granted sanctuary in a glass cage of some sort. Mcoy is also concerned about the sick experiments being carried out on other animals by an individual in the north west.


Mcoy notices more building projects are being carried out everyday however Mcoy is furious that nothing has been built to honour him as a god. Mcoy will continue to observe the species on this planet closely.


(Mcoy close up of the city)


Edited by Brian Mcoy
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After weeks of on and off playing, I have finally finished my giant glass sphere:





And thank god it's finished as it's taken an age to get all the glass in place just to finish it. I could work out just how many blocks of glass went into making the thing but I can't be bothered to do the math. It's surpassed 10,000 easily (perhaps even pushing on 15,000).


Not really sure what to do with it now. There's a ladder that leads up into the sphere at the base so could put something inside. Think I'll take a break from it though and head off exploring. Saw a couple of islands off the coast not far from the thing, some of which look to be pretty big, so may set sail for new shores :D Who knows.

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I was on a bit yesterday afternoon, as was Nintendohnut but I'm on a crappy course at the moment so the past week I've been busy. Finishes this Friday though so I'll be back on more after that, got some ideas I wanna build.


Mcoy also finds himself in a bit of a situation. Mcoy goes to work, goes to the gym, has dinner and other stuff to do, Mcoy struggles to fit in some real minecraft time on Mon-Fri.

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I've been on a fair bit recently. Built myself a new little home that I'm hoping to link to my current home via a funky tunnel and/or sky-walkway. I agree we need a night with a full server though!


Also: I think I may make a new (small) volcano soon nearby my tree/house (but obviously far enough away to avoid fire issues). Hope nobody objects :)

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