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Only bad people don't have MSN


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So one of my online friends has just told me he's insulted because i won't talk to him on MSN. Even though i talk to him via notes on our online diaries, and sometimes e-mail. I thought we were pretty close actually, and we've never fallen out previously. I was really shocked when he said it.


So every single person on the planet obligated to have MSN?? I HATE instant messenger. I just hate that form of communication. I just always feel pressurised to come up with adequate responses really quickly, and then there's the making typos cos you're trying to type so fast, and both typing at the same time, etc. I just much prefer e-mail, where i can have the space to give someone a decent response.


But he's made out like i've snubbed him or something. I'm really upset. I don't feel like i've done anything wrong. But he's a very reasonable and intelligent bloke, and doesn't usually get in a stop over nothing. So that makes me feel like maybe i am out of order.


This sucks. :weep:


Does anyone else hate IM, or am i the only one? Seems like everyone loves it. Maybe i should just give in and get it, to save people getting bloody offended all the time. God.

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So every single person on the planet obligated to have MSN?? I HATE instant messenger.

In the old days yes. Now it's all about Facebook. If you don't have Facebook, you're nothing. Apparently.

and then there's the making typos cos you're trying to type so fast, and both typing at the same time, etc. I just much prefer e-mail, where i can have the space to give someone a decent response.

Perhaps, but I consider the fast typing (if pressured) a good thing as it gives you some training on how to type correctly and quickly. Assuming you're not 1 of dem ppl who type like dis. r u?

Does anyone else hate IM, or am i the only one? Seems like everyone loves it. Maybe i should just give in and get it, to save people getting bloody offended all the time. God.

I prefer one solid IM, I have both YIM and AIM but haven't used them in years. I tried using Trillian but wasn't feeling it personally. Give in a get it, just to see how you find it. It's not a permanent commitment, if you don't like it you don't have to use it ever again. Plus you get to play some lovely games against your contacts.

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I find it very helpful but it doesnt really bother me if people dont talk to me on it.


What does wind me up is when I am talking to someone on it and they tell me to go post on their Facebook wall. WHY??? Im talking to them right then so what they hell is the point?!


A written record?


I barely use MSN any more. Just because whenever I do I think someone is going to talk to me and I feel obliged to stay (even though I may wish to speak to the person I seldom have the time). Whereas facebook chat you can get away with popping on and off, which is typically how I use the internet anyway.

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Fuck Facebook Chat. If I want to talk to someone without talking to them in any great detail, I'll use Twitter.


Yeah, I use MSN, inasmuch that I naturally login as soon as my laptop boots up, but I understand if people who are older than 14 hardly use it.


People I'm not interested in never really start conversations with me any more after years of me being shit at small-talk. Unfortunately though, I'm now used to it, and there are a small handful of people I'd really miss if I were to suddenly get rid of it.

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I dont really use Facebook chat that often. Usually only when someone on there talks to me first.


I did have a problem on it a while ago though. For some reason it didnt like the noise it plays when you get a message and kept trying to download it, when it did this it would also redirect me to my cousins facebook page. It was all very weird.

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Pancake, does he understand you don't have MSN Messenger? If he thinks you have it and you're blocking him, I can see why he'd be insulted. If he thinks you should install certain programs, he's being unreasonable. I mean, it's OK to suggest someone installs it, but not to be insulted if they don't. He should be grateful you talk to him via whatever means you already do.

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I'm all about the asynchronous communication.


Instant messaging doesn't really fit with me because the conversations are always imbalanced. If I'm talking to you via such a medium then you have my attention, I'm not going to be juggling lots of other conversations and occasionally chipping in a "lol". Naturally most people don't respond in kind, though; I'm not really saying this is a failing on their part, more that I'm diverging from common usage to my own detriment.


Anyway, if this person's offended by you not using Messenger then tell them what you just told us. If they're still offended afterwards then they're evidently a bit self-obsessed and in need of some perspective.

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Pancake, does he understand you don't have MSN Messenger? If he thinks you have it and you're blocking him, I can see why he'd be insulted. If he thinks you should install certain programs, he's being unreasonable. I mean, it's OK to suggest someone installs it, but not to be insulted if they don't. He should be grateful you talk to him via whatever means you already do.


Actually i was a bit stupid here, at first i told him i didn't have any IM programs (which was true) and then he encouraged me to download MSN, so i did... but i never had any intention of going on it really. I just did it to pacify him. I didn't want him to think i didn't care about him. :( I told him i probably wouldn't be on it much, thinking he'd accept that and that'd be the end of it. But then he kept coaxing me to go on, and finally got offended when i kept making excuses not to.

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I love Messenger and I'm online whenever my computer's on, i.e. pretty much all day. It's a form of communication that fits me, but I understand completely why some people prefer for instance emails instead. I do have a problem with not receiving some messages on Messenger once in a while. Any idea how to solve this problem?

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I love Messenger and I'm online whenever my computer's on, i.e. pretty much all day. It's a form of communication that fits me, but I understand completely why some people prefer for instance emails instead. I do have a problem with not receiving some messages on Messenger once in a while. Any idea how to solve this problem?


..carrier pigeon?

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Lol. I did try. The butter wasn't enough though. :hmm:


..then all it takes is a little sugar :heh:


Carrier pidgeons don't have the technological knowhow to solve the problem. I've tried.


In seriousness, though, what did you mean?


..uh.. pretty much just sending messages via pigeons instead of through messenger :hmm: The pigeons never fail..


You should never underestimate the [un]quality of my humour :indeed:


I remember having similar problems with MSN in the past but nothing much recently..

Edited by nekunando
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