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I bodged it together


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Clearly most people here have their mothers cook for them.




A dial for temperature. As Shorty said it would be redundant to colour code this as it goes clockwise from the coldest to the hottest setting and having used a few ovens in his time I'd presume (home, student flat, uni flat etc) you become used to the general location of common heats.


The other controls setting such as grill (top, bottom), oven, fan-assisted oven etc etc. This is important because if you put food in and think you're cooking with the standard oven and you have it on grill then that would be a disaster!


Anyway. I have been to Shorty's flat and noticed the stickers and just assumed it was decorated out of whimsy.

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A dial for temperature. As Shorty said it would be redundant to colour code this as it goes clockwise from the coldest to the hottest setting and having used a few ovens in his time I'd presume (home, student flat, uni flat etc) you become used to the general location of common heats.


Our oven can turn both ways (no bi jokes please). So you can go from 0 to the hottest setting without turning through the rest.

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Also I thought that the colours represented actual degrees.


Otherwise if you needed something at 230 you'd just guess?


Common, Ashley, don't make out like these are silly questions.


These are serious, hard hitting questions.

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Our oven can turn both ways (no bi jokes please). So you can go from 0 to the hottest setting without turning through the rest.


Yes, some (many?) can but its still based upon the principle of 0° = 0°C and 359° = hottest°C regardless of which way you turn it.


Also I thought that the colours represented actual degrees.


Otherwise if you needed something at 230 you'd just guess?


Common, Ashley, don't make out like these are silly questions.


These are serious, hard hitting questions.


Yes. There's a commonality amongst ovens. Hell I can turn the oven on to certain common temperatures without even looking at it. 230°C is about 225° for example.

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Yeah but if a dial can turn both ways you may not be sure which way to turn it if it doesn't have numbers.




Always clockwise.


It is that as standard (at least in the UK).


I have never used an oven (and I estimate I will have used close to, if not more than, 25 in my life) that was anything other than clockwise.


Always clockwise.



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I don't know if this counts, but I remember using super glue to hold a dogs flap of skin closed, and I think duct tape as well. Cheaper than a trip to the vet, and it works just fine.


I've used a combination of metal coat hangers bent in such a way as to suspend a laptop from the upper bunk so I could lie flat and watch movies.


Breaking the front speaker panel of a TV open to pull out the wires and directly wire them into a speaker from a stereo.


Tearing a telephone cord apart (into 4 separate wires) in order to hook up Stereo speakers.


I re-wired a SNES controller to a different controller plug since it's plug didn't work. They were different brands though so there was some guess work as to what wires went were (different colors). I think it was Orange to any other wire would simulate pressing the B button though.

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