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Black Swan


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Saw it today. It's rather special. I figured it would be like The Wrestler in the sense that it was on a theme that I care little about, but have a good story. Pretty much as I expected, but better.


I thought that Mila Kunis' character would be in her head. Was a nice little twist that she was only partly in her head.


Natalie Portmans characters death was pretty obvious, especially given the parallels with the story of the ballet.




Also, on ballet in general. For something that focuses so much on beauty and grace, the whole thing doesn't half make the performers ugly. Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis are both rather lovely ladies, but both (and all the ballerinas for that matter) look horrible in ballet attire.

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I'm off to see this later today with my cousin and sister :D I can't wait as I've heard such good stuff about it.


I asked a few friends if they wanted to go see it. Not even one :/

Funnily enough this made me lol, 2 friends and myself were walking to this place to study in Limerick. I asked them if they wanted to see Black Swan and they just pointed out this --



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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay so I've seen this today and I must say how fantastic it really was. Natalie Portman was simply magnificent and Mila Kunis was brilliant too.


I loved the twists of how Nina was fantasising about Lily and how only half of it happened. I, too, saw that Nina would die but I need some confirmation. Did she actually die or is she halucinating?


I'm 98% sure she really did stab herself but still...



Totally brilliant and beautiful film and I'm not liking how some people are dismissing it as a ballet movie because it's more than that. So much more. I've just advised my friend to watch it and he's saying how it's a 'dance movie for chicks'...it does actually make me want to hit him, lmao.


9/10 from me! :D

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I really wasn't impressed by this film. I have to admit if I wasn't with my boyfriend, I would of walked out.


I know i'll be the exception, as I was with disliking Inception. I don't like films with no clear plot or ones which become complicated just for the sake of it. For 3/4 of Black Swan I felt like was waiting for it to start.

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I really wasn't impressed by this film. I have to admit if I wasn't with my boyfriend, I would of walked out.


I know i'll be the exception, as I was with disliking Inception. I don't like films with no clear plot or ones which become complicated just for the sake of it. For 3/4 of Black Swan I felt like was waiting for it to start.


While I really enjoyed it / think it deserves the acclaim, I can understand the notion of not being moved by it. [since my thing nowadays is taking things as they come to you. Enjoying things for what they are. Wallowing in the shallows, and diving deep where it takes your fancy Etc etc.] But by no stretch of the imagination could it be a film you'd walk out of. Unless you had a phobia of birds or something.


I'm not really sure why you think the plot was complicated? The plot was: Nina is cast as the Swan Queen. She tries to prepare for the role, but her mother is suffocating. etc etc. Much more simplistic than Inception.


The only complicated thing about it was whether things happening were happening in reality or not, and even then, it works out fine as a fantasy story if you take everything that occurs at face value as real.


[i suppose you may have been confused by the similar-looking actresses. I was slightly thrown at the very start about who was who, but it became clear after they gave Beth a proper part]


Even if you totally disconnected from the film, the music alone was entertaining. [To be expected, tbf, considering it's all inspired by the real ballet music]. Not even to mention the great visuals and choreography.

Edited by chairdriver
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I agree with what Chairdriver has said. I can understand people not being moved by it (I was though, I really felt for Nina) but I don't understand how people found the plot complicating, I thought it was quite simple myself but, like Chairdriver has said, the only complicating part was whether the things happening were real or not. I did find the ending confusing but I didn't.


Did Nina REALLY stab herself or was it a hallucination? I'm almost definitely sure it was real but I just wanted confirmation.


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I watched it a while back. I thought it was pretty good (though I wasn't moved as others were)


I don't think anything about the movie is confusing (well... maybe if you aren't paying attention to things). From personal experience, the only things people disagree in are in the symbolism of specific hallucinations, but that's minor.


I just have one complaint:

HER FINGERS! Why does she have to graphically mutilate her fingers throughout the entire film? My hand hurts just from remembering it, gah!


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I watched it a while back. I thought it was pretty good (though I wasn't moved as others were)


I don't think anything about the movie is confusing (well... maybe if you aren't paying attention to things). From personal experience, the only things people disagree in are in the symbolism of specific hallucinations, but that's minor.


I just have one complaint:

HER FINGERS! Why does she have to graphically mutilate her fingers throughout the entire film? My hand hurts just from remembering it, gah!


Through out the cinema every time that happened everyone was like "no, no OH GOD no."


I was like YES PLEASE.

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Well yeah, the White Swan commits suicide because the Black Swan steals her love/life.


I thought so but I just had to be positive. Thanks! :D


...but yeah, fantastic movie. Loved it a lot. I didn't find the finger thing a problem either, it was the clicking of the toes when she gets out of bed that got me, I was cringing at the scene, haha.

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Well yeah, the White Swan commits suicide because the Black Swan steals her love/life.


Was going to to be angry at you for spoiling it, but actually no.



Anyway, I finally got round to watching it today. Solid, interesting, but it failed to excite me. Knew where the whole thing was going the whole time - but then you're pretty much supposed to. As has been said, working out what's real and what isn't is probably the most interesting part.


The end of the first act of the performance, where Portman (imagines) physically turning into the Black Swan as she dances was an incredible sequence. So very well done.


The ending worked very well, I think, the reveal of the stabbing



But the rest left me slightly dry. Kind of not as interesting as it should have been. Kind of like how someone described Inception as 'what Hollywood envisage a thinking person's film to be like'. Like what Hollywood imagine a stunning / edgy film to be like.



Then, if I hadn't seen the trailer multiple times (youtube, cinema, film 2010, radio) I think I'd have enjoyed it more. The film looks so incredible but I'd already seen the best it had to offer *shrug*.


/ latetotheparty

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Not a single best movie nominee I've seen this year has lived up to my expectations except Winter's Bone (which surpassed them massively, as I thought it was just there for "affirmative action" purposes). Although I was still quite pleased with Black Swan/Inception/Social Network. And there really wasn't a single one out of the 10 which wasn't at least good (well, kids are alright was meh).


Still, it's the first time I haven't got a clear favourite.

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Oh fuck's sake...isn't the Vigilant Citizen the site that claims every entertainer ever is a puppet of the Illuminati?



No she just wants to look attractive and edgy to sell albums you absolute fool.

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Yup, pretty much.


About 95% is just silly jargon. I can't help being fascinated by it though.

I find the people who comment to be a bitch though. Many/most are all "We need Jesus to come back!! Our world is doomed!!"


Melodramatic...In a way I find oddly interesting :hmm:

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