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Captain America: The First Avenger


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What an incredible film, Loved it.


so out of interest

is it exactly that Captain America crashes the plane at the end?

does it link in anyway what so ever with the extra scene from the Incredible Hulk film, where people claim to see Cap's shield in the snow? I'm calling crap on that, as Caps shield was found inside the plane was it not?




Also another thing regarding Red Skull

Is he just 'warped' to Asguard or something, or actually killed? what are people's thoughts on this?




Do you guys think they did a good job trying to tie everything from the other Avenger stand alone films to this and to the eventual Avengers movie?


oh and one last thing...


The sound effects, they were the same sounds as Iron Man's hand blasters things right? is that like... a build up to Iron Man's weapons?




As I said, brilliant film, but left me with questions.

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What an incredible film, Loved it.


so out of interest

is it exactly that Captain America crashes the plane at the end?

does it link in anyway what so ever with the extra scene from the Incredible Hulk film, where people claim to see Cap's shield in the snow? I'm calling crap on that, as Caps shield was found inside the plane was it not?



Well as it was a deleted scene I think it probably was Cap's shield everyone saw but as it wasnt used in the actual movie they didnt have to stick to it.

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Traditionally, Cap fell in to the sea and froze, then gets found by the first Avengers team (nerd tip: Cap isn't actually a founding Avenger). They just added the plane for the movie, so the Hulk scene is truer to the comics. Understandable that they changed it though.


re: Hydra weapons: I like that Howard Stark was studying the energy source. It's not made out exactly but you can fill in the gaps and say that study leads to the arc reactor and the new element from Iron Man 2, so the SFX makes sense in that way.

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Chris Evan as Cap was brilliant, was a little worried back when they first announced that but man did he pull it off. And teh CG Skinny Evans looked awesome, I couldn't even tell it was CG, though I wasn't really concentrating on the effect of it and more on the character preformace.


Hugo Weaving's Red Skull was wicked... though he is always wicked when playing the villian anyway.


Loved how they fit everything in from Thor mythology and having Howard Stark involved just to help bring it all together.


The only thing that kinda gets me continuity wise though is


How is Cap's sheild in both films if it was frozen with Cap?


Howard Stark makes it clear that it is the only one in the world as it contains all the Vibrianium in the world so Tony wouldn't have a 2nd one just lying around.


But the SHEILD Agents (forget his name) reaction to it in Iron Man 2, does suggest that it is the actual Cap Sheild that Tony has.


Only thing I can think of is it's not clear when Cap was found, maybe he was actually found before the events of Iron Man 1 and just stayed hidden with Fury till The Avengers start, and somehow Caps Sheild found it's way into Tonys possession (maybe it has a "Made by Stark Industries" stamp on it or something so they gave it bacl :heh:



Loved the Avengers teaser, worth the wait (thoug I still wish they'd show these things maybe just halfway into the credits)... wish they could have shown more of different heroes interacting though I guess it was just a "teaser"... didn't see Hulk in though... unless I missed him, kinda disappointed on that


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The only thing that kinda gets me continuity wise though is


How is Cap's sheild in both films if it was frozen with Cap?


Howard Stark makes it clear that it is the only one in the world as it contains all the Vibrianium in the world so Tony wouldn't have a 2nd one just lying around.


But the SHEILD Agents (forget his name) reaction to it in Iron Man 2, does suggest that it is the actual Cap Sheild that Tony has.


Only thing I can think of is it's not clear when Cap was found, maybe he was actually found before the events of Iron Man 1 and just stayed hidden with Fury till The Avengers start, and somehow Caps Sheild found it's way into Tonys possession (maybe it has a "Made by Stark Industries" stamp on it or something so they gave it bacl :heh:


In Iron Man one all we see of Caps shield is a schematic on his table. In Iron Man 2 its half built, obviously Tony was just building it again. Most likely just for fun, like we see him doing with cars etc.

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How is Cap's sheild in both films if it was frozen with Cap?


Howard Stark makes it clear that it is the only one in the world as it contains all the Vibrianium in the world so Tony wouldn't have a 2nd one just lying around.


But the SHEILD Agents (forget his name) reaction to it in Iron Man 2, does suggest that it is the actual Cap Sheild that Tony has.


Only thing I can think of is it's not clear when Cap was found, maybe he was actually found before the events of Iron Man 1 and just stayed hidden with Fury till The Avengers start, and somehow Caps Sheild found it's way into Tonys possession (maybe it has a "Made by Stark Industries" stamp on it or something so they gave it bacl :heh:

That seems fairly reasonable to me. There's nothing to state that Cap doesn't appear in the present before Iron Man, and at the end of Cap I don't believe they claim to be "S.H.I.E.L.D." (who got their abbreviated name at the end of the first Iron Man iirc)
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In Iron Man one all we see of Caps shield is a schematic on his table. In Iron Man 2 its half built, obviously Tony was just building it again. Most likely just for fun, like we see him doing with cars etc.


Isn't the full Sheild hanging on a Wall in the background of one scene in the first Iron Man? Could have sworn that's where I saw it.


Don't remember in the 2nd it being half built, would rewatch but don't have it on Dvd/bluray (waiting for a full Avengers boxset)... suppose I could check Youtube but that is just effort.


Don't see how Tony could rebuild it though as all he could do is make a cheap copy since all the worlds vibrainium is contained in the original sheild




Ok checked Youtube, yeah the Cap Sheild is unfinished in both Iron Man films.... still doesn't explain why he would be building it given his lack of vibrainium

Edited by Mokong
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Loved it!!!!


I don't think he is dead and I assumed that he had been transported to another realm but who is to say that it was Asgard he was sent? There is nine Realms out there...



I loved how it linked in well with iron man and thor as well. It was a bit of a 'different' super hero film as it was basically a war film but with a super hero and was still ace! :D

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Re ; Caps shield in Iron Man;


A) From the looks of it, its not Vibranium anyway. And it was really just an unimportant easter egg for fans.


B) Nothing to say it isn't Vibranium either. They said it was rare and that was all there was in the world....70 years ago. ;)

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Seeing this at 8.30 tonight, poingnantly in 3-D, despite the majority of showings being in 2-D (which I approve of, it was the opposite for Thor, at least at Odeon). I'm in for the 3-D lol, not seen a 3-D film since Alice in Wonderland.


Looking foward to it after hearing reviews.

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Seeing this at 8.30 tonight, poingnantly in 3-D, despite the majority of showings being in 2-D (which I approve of, it was the opposite for Thor, at least at Odeon). I'm in for the 3-D lol, not seen a 3-D film since Alice in Wonderland.


Looking foward to it after hearing reviews.


From what I've heard, the 3D isn't great, with the studio opting to add the effect in post production rather than doing it through filming.


Anyway, I saw it earlier. It was enjoyable/good. Probably all I can say about it really other than I thought Chris Evans was great as Cap and Hugo Weaving was great also as Schmidt/Red Skull. Wasn't keen on TLJ's performance though. Even with his character's status, he still felt a bit static if you will in terms of delivering his lines. Maybe that's just me but I did feel the same him in the Men in Black movies.


Think quite a bit of it washed over me, particularly nods to the other Avengers films, due to my lack of knowledge of anything Avengers related. Haven't seen The Incredible Hulk (although did see the Ang Lee one but that was awful), Thor or Ironman 2 (saw the first but didn't care for it) so nods to those didn't exactly leave a mark. But even then, it sufficed as your typical action summer movie and was good.


Saying that, having watched the movie, I wouldn't mind going and reading some of the comics. One of the biggest issues with me wanting to get into reading comics is the whole superpower thing as I've never really taken to it, much preferring something like Batman where he's just a normal person, albeit with a wealth of money to give himself gadgets. Captain America falls into that niche for me so I'd love to read some of the comics and get the full story if someone wants to point me in the right direction for starting.

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You should read Invincible, its not very super-powery.




As for Captain America, I don't actually know what to recommend as the majority of the stuff I've read is the Death of Captain America, and features (Bucky) in the Captain America mantle.


Although "Captain America" has just started, by Brubaker and McNiven....but there is only one issue. :p

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well the start of Ed Brubaker's run on the comic is a good starting point.

The first collection is called "Captain America: Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection" and covers about twelve issues.

If you're really intersted there is a 25 issue collection here which I have ;) It includes that first trade I mentioned and takes you up until the Death of Captain America (after which Bucky takes over)

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I thought it was great and just really enjoyable. Better than Thor and Iron Man II (and I probably prefer it to 1 but haven't seen 1 in so long I couldn't say), but obviously they're all enjoyable.


I loved, absolutely bloody fucking vagina cock penis wound LOVED the war bonds explanation for him getting into the fighting AND the costume. That was a stroke of genius and I want to make love to whoever thought of it. Brilliant brilliant BRILLIANT. I assuemd they'd have to invent the costume in a shitty/typical way but this was unexpected and just so so good a decision.


LOVED all the nods to Avengers and Marvel stuff. Hey Arnim Zola, I've heard of you. Hey obvious arc reactor coming from the cosmic cube/hydra.






Red Skull's face was great, though reminded me of Janet and/or Michael Jackson. Soz Janet/Michael. Hugo Weaving was a good villain, but maybe in an ideal world could have had even MORE screen time, but still good.


I liked Agent Carter (OH HEY RELATION TO SHARON CARTER?? I don't know since I've only ever read one issue of Cap from 1998), considering she was the 'uptight female foil'. But she felt done well. I loved how she was the definiton of a ranged combat expert. Little unbelievable sometimes why she was in the thick of battle, but then it was a superhero film.


But yeah I loved. I loved the dancing girls song. I thought Chris Evans was brilliant too! Never seen him as a leading man, and come to think of it, never seen him as a non-douchebagesque character.


Omg Avengers trailer. Tells us nothing and really just fan service of the shots they've done I guess but cool to know it's coming together. Hey Maria Hill.

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I saw this today in Leicester Square. :)


I was pleasantly surprised. Very enjoyable. Only a few things irked me which was good this is exactly how a Superhero film should be done unlike X-men First Class.


Chris Evans gave a great performance as Captain America. They managed to make what could have been lame and cheesy, real and believable with in its own comic book logic upheld through out and not gettind ridiculous.


The woman was strong and it was greatly amusing at times but for good reasons.


Red Skull was okay wanted more of a fight at the end for such an evil villain.


Gah! the last half an hour was uncomfortable because I really needed the Toilet but I didn't want to miss anything on screen because I was thoroughly into it so I managed to struggle and then eventually forgot about it.


One of my favourite movies this year, definitely. Isla, I loved the Star Spangled Man song. :D

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Got around to seeing it yesterday. I enjoyed it, probably not my favourite of the Marvel movies but definitely enjoyable.


I thought the Red Skull was really well done, one of my favourite comic to movie characters I think along with Loki. Music at times was a bit too patriotic for me, only a bit but it was enough that I noticed it. I liked the use of a montage in the middle, made you feel like he had been at this for a while so there could easily be more stories to tell from his WWII days. I also liked Chris Evans as Captain America, I thought he was a believable Steve Rogers.


One thing I did notice at the end:


The woman was played by Amanda Righetti who is playing Sharon Carter in the Avengers movie so its a safe bet to assume that was Sharon.


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Ahhh a good observation!


The music was very patriotic, but that's how they roll in America, so whilst it was very noticable it was very true, because it's all about the American dream for them! For that reason I actually fully embraced it and liked it.


... man you should have heard how OTT the 4th July Firework display I watched last year at Disney World was!... about as indulgent as it gets!


I think the fight montage was just a quick way of showing them going round destroying all 7 factories (or however many it was), and Captain America developing/growing in to himself... so I'm not sure whether more stories could come from that.

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Oh yeah I know it was just showing them taking out the other factories but it showed that time had passed. He could have been on other missions inbetween those moments.


For the most part I was fine with the music and understood the patrioticness of it. It was just certain moments during fight scenes I think when I dont think it was needed.


I was reading earlier that apparently cameos from Wolverine and child Magneto were originally planned but problems with Fox and the rights to the characters made it fall through which was a shame.

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Question about Cap... how 'regenerative' is he?

So he says in the film about the serum meaning his liver heals itself/recovers for example... but if he was shot in one of his organs and the bullet removed, would he quickly heal?... if his hand was chopped off for example... would it slowly regenerate over time?

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