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I don't even know when mine will ever start, haha. I've been going through some ideas but I'm not entirely sure whether some will work or not. It would be great if it did though. I have a couple of new ideas that I would like to try and I would like to see if this would work or not.

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The point here is that NO ONE will be made out to be the bad guy for questioning or disbelieving any given explanation NO MATTER WHAT, as long as they respect the explanation given. :)


I'm not entirely sure what's in question here(what game, what occured etc) but I think this is a contradictory statement. Why do they have to respect the explanation given and what if they don't? Then they're made out to be the bad guy for questioning or disbelieving it?


Unfortunately, inactivity claims/bluffs are legitimate in mafia. Other players are/should/possibly need to be aware of this. They should be allowed to call bullshit on it and you shouldn't be allowed to get pissy about it, unless it's all within the game and how you're gonna play. If you don't like it, don't play the game. Hell, if you're inactive, you probably shouldn't play the game anyway. If you've a problem, it shouldn't go anywhere but the game thread or GM until after the game's over.

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I'm not entirely sure what's in question here(what game, what occured etc) but I think this is a contradictory statement. Why do they have to respect the explanation given and what if they don't? Then they're made out to be the bad guy for questioning or disbelieving it?


Unfortunately, inactivity claims/bluffs are legitimate in mafia. Other players are/should/possibly need to be aware of this. They should be allowed to call bullshit on it and you shouldn't be allowed to get pissy about it, unless it's all within the game and how you're gonna play. If you don't like it, don't play the game. Hell, if you're inactive, you probably shouldn't play the game anyway. If you've a problem, it shouldn't go anywhere but the game thread or GM until after the game's over.


It would probably be a good idea to read the other posts on the topic, both in the original game (DIY Video Game Mafia) and in this thread after the game, as it explains the situation a lot better. But I'll try to address your points.


A distinction it was important for me to make (which was what started it all) was that, first of all, anyone is free to disbelieve anything in a mafia game. Of course they are, because it's the entire point of the game, truth and deception. However, what I felt Tales was saying was that busyness in real life per definition is an invalid explanation for any behaviour in the game - not that he simply didn't believe me, which would have been fine, but that I simply couldn't use that explanation, whether it was actually true or not. The impression I got was that he was saying that real life cannot and/or must not affect the game in any way. This is what pissed me off, both due to the fact that I was actually busy and stressed at the time, and due to the fact that I felt he was saying an internet game should be prioritised over real life. Obviously this is not an excuse for losing my temper like I did, but simply an explanation for why it happened.


It is indeed a tricky distinction, but one that is essential to make in order to understand what happened. I also fully acknowledge that I may very well have misunderstood what Tales was trying to say - however, from the subsequent talks it does seem like we, as well as many other members, disagree somewhat on the topic.


To sum up: No one will be made out to be a bad guy for questioning or disbelieving something in a mafia game - that is, as you say, the point of the game, after all. (No one should be made out to be a bad guy, anyway - we want to avoid unpleasantness like in this case.) But to do that fairly we can't set rules for what explanations are valid since that would defeat the entire point of the game - especially if they turn out to be true, which would just be offensive to the one who has given the explanation.

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Unfortunately, inactivity claims/bluffs are legitimate in mafia. Other players are/should/possibly need to be aware of this. They should be allowed to call bullshit on it

I can take a pic of my tickets if ya like :P


EEVILMURRAY is also announcing a quiz/game show mafia. If the premise is as sexy as I'm thinking, it may turn out alright :)


EDIT: I think it's good to go.

Would anyone be interested in this when I get back?

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I'd be interested in the quiz/gameshow mafia.


The queue needs a revamping, anyway. The first person to speak up about a game that's ready to start is the next one, at this point.


Mine is ready, I've got all the characters and abilities ready, but obviously I'll be away soon so it's pretty much ready to go.


May as well get rid of the Assassin's Creed Mafia. It's probably not going to happen with this, and my in-the-works "human Pokémon mafia".

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@Dannyboy\-the\-Dane, I've only read the posts in this thread regarding it. I still think however your previous post is a contradiction, how exactly would you define disrespecting an explanation that's given?


Like I tried explaining: By saying it's not a valid explanation, that for instance being busy in real life cannot be used as an explanation for in-game behaviour. Of course it can - it happens all the time. We can agree that it's bad if real life affects your playing too much and that you should probably consider taking a break until you have the time and focus to properly play, but claiming it's not a valid explanation makes no sense. However, my main point is that it breaks the purpose of the game if we start disallowing certain explanations in a game that's based on deceit.

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Even if somebody wanted to claim that in a game thread, though? Or was the issue bringing it up outside of the thread and suggesting that it should be banned(quite silly and unenforceable imo). Would be interesting if a GM specifically did disallow it though.

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Even if somebody wanted to claim that in a game thread, though? Or was the issue bringing it up outside of the thread and suggesting that it should be banned(quite silly and unenforceable imo). Would be interesting if a GM specifically did disallow it though.


That was an entirely different aspect of the situation brought on by Tales bringing up the discussion outside the thread while the game was still running, an act that was obviously against the fundamental rule of the game: Don't talk about an active game outside the game thread.


Well, I guess it could be interesting, but that's where I just can't follow anymore: If you disallow someone from using it as an explanation, what the heck do they do if it is the actual, true explanation? Do they lie because they're not allowed to tell the truth? It makes no sense to me.


The argument was that someone shouldn't be made to feel bad for pushing suspicion on someone who is claiming to be inactive due to busy/personal life. I think.


Definitely. Nobody should be made to feel bad for pushing any sort of suspicion - it's part of the game. However, that's entirely different from disallowing something as an explanation.

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By disallowing as an explanation do you mean by the GM or something?


As for how would it work, well, I was thinking of it in a way of as if someone posted a legitimate inactivity. I doubt many GMs would want to do it cos it might quickly end their game, but you could generally put it as a rule that if you're posting to state inactivity due to real life, it can be taken as real inactivity and replacements looked for/you removed from game. It'd discourage it as a usable tactic.

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I think basically me or Dannyboy (or both of us, on separate occasions) used inactivity as a defence. Tales came into THIS thread and said people who did that should be punished, and that it should be allowed in games. The discussion was then whether or not this should be the case.


The result was ultimately that


a) It is allowed, BUT

b) You may not become pissed if people question it



Still, I don't agree with the second part totally - I think ACTING pissed is all part of the tactic in some cases. I used it as a defence when I was mafia in the last game and pretended to be annoyed when people continued to vote, because if I hadn't I would have been lynched. As far as I'm concerned it's a valid tactic in the game, it doesn't break any rules and it's all part of it. I wouldn't mind if someone else used that excuse, personally, so I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to, y'know?

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By disallowing as an explanation do you mean by the GM or something?


As for how would it work, well, I was thinking of it in a way of as if someone posted a legitimate inactivity. I doubt many GMs would want to do it cos it might quickly end their game, but you could generally put it as a rule that if you're posting to state inactivity due to real life, it can be taken as real inactivity and replacements looked for/you removed from game. It'd discourage it as a usable tactic.


Yeah, I assumed that's what you meant.


That's definitely an idea, though I think it'd be difficult to specify a fair set of rules; where does the line go? If you're busy or away for a day or two, missed some activity because of that and explained as much, would you be considered for replacement?


Also, I'd argue that silent non-participants constitute a bigger inactivity problem in our mafia games than people who claim to be busy. Those people are actually aware of their inactivity and, one must assume, trying to remedy it.


Still, in my mind it still feels like it goes against the spirit of the game to restrict what people can say in the game thread. It's the same reason I don't really like PM-quoting restrictions.


Still, I don't agree with the second part totally - I think ACTING pissed is all part of the tactic in some cases. I used it as a defence when I was mafia in the last game and pretended to be annoyed when people continued to vote, because if I hadn't I would have been lynched. As far as I'm concerned it's a valid tactic in the game, it doesn't break any rules and it's all part of it. I wouldn't mind if someone else used that excuse, personally, so I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to, y'know?


You make a good point there I hadn't considered. You're right, it's all part of the game. I recall the original rule post that used to be copied into every mafia game stated that people will get paranoid and that tensions will rise, but people are advised to not let their emotions get the best of them and to remember it's all just a game. It's not illegal to get pissed, but it's also not recommended since it's just a game, after all, and paranoia is a fundamental part of it. It's pretty much the same thing here: You shouldn't get pissed that people disbelieve you, but sometimes you do, especially when you're actually telling the truth, since it's then much more frustrating to be called a liar; it's actually part of the metagame.

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