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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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And to keep the festive mood rolling along nicely...





I'm currently wrapping presents to this music.. :)


Oh my LORD! Totally forgot about this song - Amazing!


Did you ever hear the orchestrated version? It was THE reason to own Nuts & Bolts!



Wait until 1.03 ;D

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Oh my LORD! Totally forgot about this song - Amazing!


Did you ever hear the orchestrated version? It was THE reason to own Nuts & Bolts!



Wait until 1.03 ;D


Ahhh... Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, such a tragically misunderstood yet brilliant game. :)


It may not have been 'Banjo-Threeie' but the music was indeed sooo good.



Let's keep those Christmas bells ringing now!




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druunk to christmas fay so fuck you gfutys wana fight avobout it od all in the fadve awwww yeah in the faced to wthe whndown to the wall till the wsweat derips from my balls awww teayeah!!!! wanna fibght avbout it aeweeewwww yeah!!!!!


If anyone has a better expression of Christmas spirits within their heart, I've yet to meet them.

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I am somewhat drunik (ignore that 'i' -: I shall play by the rules and not use the delete key or backspace), though I was far more wasted earlier tonight. Right now I'm trying to ride out the drunkenness si as to hopefully anvoid the worst parts of the hangover tomorrow. I havent been as drunk as i have tonight for a very, very long time. I dread the morning - especially becuase I have an assignment to dio thart needs to be handed in by Sunday noon. :heh:

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vent been as drunk as i have tonight for a very, very long time. I


I know that feeliung. Been a good night. Bowling with my best mate, his girlfriend, his brother and his brotherÄs girlrfriend. And after that drinking and eating at a batr.


Took my mind off the fact that I migfht be sacked in the next week...not knowig what I'Äm going to do after that. :(


Well, for now I enjoy being drunk, just adrrived at home, probably play metal gear risng now.

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You guys seem to go home alot sooner than us down here... I rarely see a post made after 3 AM in here, which is especially weird (for me, obviously) considering you're supposed to be drunk. :P


Yeah, I know it's pretty early, but I like being able to take the bus home, and the last of those is at midnight. We also start in the middle of the afternoon, though, so it evens out, and it also makes it easier to recover for the next day. :heh:


And on that note: Hangover successfully averted! :D

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You guys seem to go home alot sooner than us down here... I rarely see a post made after 3 AM in here, which is especially weird (for me, obviously) considering you're supposed to be drunk. :P


We're not that drunk when when we come here. On the nights when we've been out 'til 4-5am, we're far too tired/drunk to come post on here.

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You guys seem to go home alot sooner than us down here... I rarely see a post made after 3 AM in here, which is especially weird (for me, obviously) considering you're supposed to be drunk. :P


Clubs shut at either 2 or 3am over here. Home then bed straight away for me!

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