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Film Club 03.08 - The Fountain


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I'd put a description but it's probably a film which is best watched without one.


Can we get a thread title change, please!


Remember, everyone try next week's film 'Cronos'.




Dare Edit: feel free to continue discussing last week's film, Primer, here

Edited by Dan_Dare
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Not sure what the point would be. It probaby wouldn't be a good idea; if we had seperate threads then people might fall behind on the current film and the old thread would keep going if that film was much more popular (Like if we had another Primer). The point is to keep it all together and expand the type of films we watch.


I don't see it being a problem as long as it's managed well.

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The Fountain


I've seen two of Darren Aronofsky's other films, Requiem For A Dream and The Wrestler, both brilliant.


I found this film to be less impressive as a whole, but it was up my alley in terms of theme and topics dealt with. It reminded me of (I know this has a risk of becoming the new Tori Amos for me, but...) something Grant Morrison would write. Life, death, multiple levels of conciousness/existence, rich symbolism and generally letting you unravel what's going on (to a point). As well as weaving real historical events into knew stories of the author's own creation.


Anyway. I enjoyed it. I wasn't blown away. While in concept, I liked the different "dimensions" (as I'll call them for the sake of ease) telling a variation on the same story/metaphor, they did stylistically jarr a lot with the main "present" storyline.


However, I know that a director does everything for a reason, and this film certainly is ambitious, and I appreciated it all. In tone and content it's right up my alley.


Both leads gave good perfomances, Jackman probably the more impressive, just cause I've never seen him in anything other than the X-Men films I think!


Not as stunning as Requiem For A Dream, but worth a watch, for me.


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I just finished watching The Fountain. I thought it was great! :grin: I went in with no idea what it was going to be about.



The more I think about it the more I like it.


It has had that effect on me where I cannot stop thinking about the ideas, themes etc. At its core it is "simple" but nicely layered. The 3 separate stories were interwoven beautifully leading up to a satisfying end for all 3 "characters."


This is definitely my kind of film, didn't realise he made Requiem For A Dream too which is one of my favourite films, probably not as good as that but close! for me anyway.


SYMBOLISM, i love it when it is used well.


Hugh Jackman was excellent in his roles. :D


Wow, very suprised by how much I enjoyed the film



Cool can't wait to watch Cronos next week, I've only ever seen The Devils Back Bone by him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just watched The Fountain last night. I was pretty drunk, so I kept thinking wow, that guy looks loads like Jackman... and was shocked when the credits rolled.


I loved this film. I loved how each of Arnofsky's movies I've seen are so wildly different from each other and are so celebratory individually. I want to post what I think happened but each time I put it into words I change my mind...


So what do you think was real?

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Just watched The Fountain last night. I was pretty drunk, so I kept thinking wow, that guy looks loads like Jackman... and was shocked when the credits rolled.


I loved this film. I loved how each of Arnofsky's movies I've seen are so wildly different from each other and are so celebratory individually. I want to post what I think happened but each time I put it into words I change my mind...


So what do you think was real?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Everything was real.


Three different persons (the description on the back of the bluray case says that it's just one man, but I can't make myself believe it is), three "different" stories, three different times.


I have to say, this movie is one of the most impressive movies I have ever seen. A visual and artistic masterpiece.


So, Daft. Will there be more?


I'd love to see The Primer, but it's so difficult to get here in Germany and when I find an offer it's way too expensive.


Edit: I forgot...Death is the Road to Awe


Broadcast Yourself
Edited by drahkon
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I'd love to see The Primer, but it's so difficult to get here in Germany and when I find an offer it's way too expensive.


so wait I watch the fountain and then we discuss it ok...now to track down a copy...


If only there was some sort of internet based harbour for sailors who steal and plunder.

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Okay, hear goes. This is The Fountain time. Next film is Chronos. The Game is added to the list.


I failed to keep this going the first time but I'll keep it a little more casual this time instead of every week BOOM!!


Kind of strange timing since Dan told me about his lack of feelings for this film.


Everything was real.


Three different persons (the description on the back of the bluray case says that it's just one man, but I can't make myself believe it is), three "different" stories, three different times.


I have to say, this movie is one of the most impressive movies I have ever seen. A visual and artistic masterpiece.


So, Daft. Will there be more?


I'd love to see The Primer, but it's so difficult to get here in Germany and when I find an offer it's way too expensive.


Edit: I forgot...Death is the Road to Awe


Broadcast Yourself


What made you think all three were real? When I first saw it I always felt that the past was just her book but I wasn't sure about the future. I guess I'm still not certain, and actually either take I'm happy with, but I felt the future was Tommy finishing the book.


Insteresting fact about the special effects, "Instead of using CGI, Aronofsky chose to do the special effects for the film by using micro-photography of chemical reactions on tiny petri dishes. He has said that CGI would take away from the timelessness of the film and that he wants the film to stand the test of time."


Also, I think the soundtrack is stunning. Clint Mansell is such a breath of fresh air after Hans "LOUDER LOUDER" Zimmer's blast-a-thon.

Edited by Daft
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It's not necessarily - I was attempting it during a binge session of movie-watching and, in my drunken ADHD stupor, it was quite slow to start. I'm pretty sure I stopped watching it just as it got good - there's just the preambling 'setting teh scene' as opposed to the strikingly novel concepts immediately presented with other films we've done in this thread.


This Chronos is probably a lot less user-friendly, though wildly shorter and a fascinating thing to watch (though not a patch on its 'sequel', Baraka, or its spiritual predecessor Koyaanisqatsi). Oddly enough, I went to a pub the other day which was playing it!



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===== QUOTE dr4hkon ====


I'd love to see The Primer, but it's so difficult to get here in Germany and when I find an offer it's way too expensive.



===== /QUOTE ====




===== QUOTE flameboy ====


so wait I watch the fountain and then we discuss it ok...now to track down a copy...


===== /QUOTE ====




If only there was some sort of internet based harbour for sailors who steal and plunder.


Hmmm...never used such things wudnt know where to begin!


Posted from my BlackBerry using BerryBlab

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  • 3 years later...

I love this film but love the soundtrack even more. I actually had the soundtrack on my mp3 player years before I watched the film.


The "future" story is just visually jaw dropping. And I love the subtext, symbolism and general feel of the movie. I'm not normally a massive Hugh Jackman fan but he acted really well in this film as did Rachel Weisz.

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