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Your Sayings!


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Guest Captain Falcon

I tend to be more known amongst my friends for not saying anything at all even when you would think the situation would demand a response.

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I say "Pray tell." and "Errr...Have a joke." (as in "Shut the fuck up.") quite a lot irl but they're not my sayings, per se. As in I didn't make them up. The newer addition is "Get the fuck out of my show!" whilst pointing at the door. I'm working it in slowly more and more.

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Guest Captain Falcon


Oh...is that so?


In a lot of situations, one glance is all it takes to convey whatever message I want to get across.

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I tend to say "leave it out" when I can't believe something has just happened or someones done something I don't agree with. "that'll do" when receiving something I've asked for or after someones answered my question and I also say "No problems" a lot when I've answered someones question or done something for them.


I also say "mate" a lot. A little because I'm from SE London I guess but more due to the fact I'm rubbish at remembering peoples names so it's just easier to refer to them as mate. Hello mate, alright mate, see ya mate etc.

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Ones from past and present off the top of my head:




"You think I'm an ignorant savage, don't you?"


"Of course."

"I'm going to be sick" (When something good happens)

"I wish I was dead"

Various phrases made up on the spot about "trannies". Like "All trannies go to heaven". And things like that.

etc etc


Either made up or appropriated from friends. Chair and I generally share the same ones. Though I was in awe of his most recent creation; "R. L. Stun".

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Ones from past and present off the top of my head:




"You think I'm an ignorant savage, don't you?"


"Of course."

"I'm going to be sick" (When something good happens)

"I wish I was dead"

Various phrases made up on the spot about "trannies". Like "All trannies go to heaven". And things like that.

etc etc


Either made up or appropriated from friends. Chair and I generally share the same ones. Though I was in awe of his most recent creation; "R. L. Stun".


I used to call my dog "tart". Always fun to shout "oi tart" when taking her out for a walk.


I tend to say "fair enough" when I can't think what to say/don't care about what they're saying but feel the need to say something.


I keep saying "jagweed" lately but that's due to 30 Rock.


Random references...either pop cultural or between friends. Like when I ring Jodie one of us tends to answer with "moshi moshi!"


I don't know, I don't really speak to people lately. Other than customers or colleagues and in both cases its a fake version of me. I'll keep an ear out and report back!

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Depends really. Many of you know that i say "To Be Fair" when i am online, mostly at the end of posts.


I also seem to quote a few Red Dwarf as well, mostly "Smeg" if i get something wrong and don't wish to swear.


Other things i say include



Owned (mostly when i win at something)




There are others, but they only slip out occasionally and i can't usually remember them after a night out.

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I use "fair enough" pretty often to express acceptance of something and "for crying out loud" to express frustration.


I've also developed a habit of using "fecking" and "frigging" in place of "fucking" - but also in the other forms as well: "feck", "feck it", "for frig's sake" etc. The latter is funny because there is a Norse goddess called Frigg. I also use "crud" a lot. In general I think I swear a bit too much.

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I use "fair enough" pretty often to express acceptance of something and "for crying out loud" to express frustration.


I've also developed a habit of using "fecking" and "frigging" in place of "fucking" - but also in the other forms as well: "feck", "feck it", "for frig's sake" etc. The latter is funny because there is a Norse goddess called Frigg. I also use "crud" a lot. In general I think I swear a bit too much.


Ah "feck", that is an Irish word right there. Don't you be stealing it.

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Do you have any sayings? THat you are known for,.


My vocabulary varies. A lot.



Such is the nature of the beast




(Laughing at the beginning) Whhaaahaat the fuck?!


Online Gaming;










OMG Lolwin! You're such a Prosilol! Kemp! You forgot these....


I have a lot myself, everyone does, I just never take the time to write them down. I find online phrases are engraining into my daily speech more and more though, to a perilous level.


'Fail' irl does not wash with me, it's despicable. Adding prefixes/suffixes does indeed dampen the lose. 'Lose' is a much better word, it's taking off with me. For me, 'losetube' is making the rounds and is satisfying a gulf in my vocab somewhere.

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