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So, I found this issue to be setting up the plot for the future, therefore a little tedious. On the other hand, it plays like a reversal of the problems Rick's group has had with joining other groups, namely trust.


Some serious shit is going to go down when they find Negan.



On other news I just started reading Invincible, up to Issue 3 so far. So far so good, but taking my time between Game of Thrones sessions, up to Book 4 now.


Yes, they're obviously going to happen upon Negan's cell and he'll manipulate them into freeing him. Something must end up happening as it's all too peaceful at the moment.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Things are still plodding on nicely. But WTF, Rick going mental, my first thoughts were that he is becoming like despotic dictator, then the realisation of the effort it's taken to establish control over the hordes, and it is understandable. I bet he's known as a bit of a tyrant to the underlings though.

Massive horde on its way due to Ken and ??? being in trouble. Is this going to be on collision with Rick and Carl? or on collision with Alexandria while Magna stirs things up more by releasing Negan.

This troubles me, she's a smart girl, she's got eyes, she can see the 'progress' and trade that Rick's community has in place. A bunch of bastards wouldn't do this. But, yet she still doesn't trust anyone (don't blame her on the trust). She meets Negan, how in hell will she trust him. She has been warned that someone in the jail is a lifer and dangerous.

If she is the smart girl I think she is, there is no way she would release him, as there's no way she could trust him quickly. Or is Negan going to turn the leader charm on?? He got people to follow him before.


In summation, I can't see Magna releasing Negan yet. But I could see her releasing him under some humanitarian aid when a horde attacks. Shit's getting real.



Other news Finished Episode 8 on Invincible, Episode 7 was major WTFage. :shakehead

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Ok, but what could Negan do exactly, even if he was freed? Maybe if he escaped he could seek out more Saviors and eventually attack. But on his own or even with Magna's group he couldn't turn the community against Rick as they will have known what happened.

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Ok, but what could Negan do exactly, even if he was freed? Maybe if he escaped he could seek out more Saviors and eventually attack. But on his own or even with Magna's group he couldn't turn the community against Rick as they will have known what happened.


He could kill Carl, or even Rick, Kirkman has talked an ultimate end for The Walking Dead, it's there in his head. Hell, he could even recruit Carl as a Lieutenant, now that would be a shocking and nice addition to the plot.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I made a start on the 1st series last night, i think i'm going to like this. Unlike other series which seemingly have a slow and off-putting start, this has jumped into the deep end as it were. Just from the 1st episode, i want to watch more.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Whispering Zombies? Everyone thinks Ken and co. are crazy. Guess we'll have to wait a little longer to find out. Sophia can sure take care of herself, and looks to be giving herself over to Carl sometime soon. Hilltop has come along nicely, too. I was hoping for a cut away to Michonne when Rick mentioned her. I'm sure she'll be in the next few issues.



BTW, next month is a double issue month (2 issues in October) and Kirkman has promised something's going to happen that will justify making the release schedule tighter, bring it on.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's out and I was right somewhere in my guesses. Whispering zombies my arse, they were pulling the old Michonne trick, except in a far more gruesome way. Where do all these nasty gangs of psychotic delinquents come from? Oh well is only 2 weeks until the next issue is released, but I do feel it's another case of group on group warfare, and with Rick's condition (his leg, his beard getting in the way) this'll be a tricky one to get around.

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It's out and I was right somewhere in my guesses. Whispering zombies my arse, they were pulling the old Michonne trick, except in a far more gruesome way. Where do all these nasty gangs of psychotic delinquents come from? Oh well is only 2 weeks until the next issue is released, but I do feel it's another case of group on group warfare, and with Rick's condition (his leg, his beard getting in the way) this'll be a tricky one to get around.


Not too sure what to make of this. Unless they can come up with something special, it will just be the Governor/Negan redux.


I personally thought it would be more interesting going down the first path. The people and groups have remained the same, perhaps what this book needs is an evolution to the principal threat that changed their ways of life.

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Could Michonne be behind this new group? She was the one who used to use zombies as camouflage. A couple of issues ago, Rick mentioned something about even after everything that happened, he still misses her. Maybe something really bad went down in the two years since All Out War and she has a grudge against the group?

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Could Michonne be behind this new group? She was the one who used to use zombies as camouflage. A couple of issues ago, Rick mentioned something about even after everything that happened, he still misses her. Maybe something really bad went down in the two years since All Out War and she has a grudge against the group?


Nice idea.

but, could she really do something this bad to the Rickster and Carl? If true, some serious shit happened between them, maybe they had to kill off a power hungry Ezekiel 'King'???


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Ugh, the Governor.


Spent the whole time with him thinking "ooh he might have changed. Maybe we'll get an interesting story where he meets up with the guys in the prison and it's super tense as he tries to integrate to save his people. But nope. He's still a douche deep down. He's still the same character he was in season 3. Sigh.


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Ugh, the Governor.


Spent the whole time with him thinking "ooh he might have changed. Maybe we'll get an interesting story where he meets up with the guys in the prison and it's super tense as he tries to integrate to save his people. But nope. He's still a douche deep down. He's still the same character he was in season 3. Sigh.


I think that's the point - the world has gone to shit, he caused his own downfall, everyone he was close to has been killed due to his hubris... And he is STILL such an unforgivable cock. He lost it all because of his dickishness, and he had to go and shit on the people he was trying to kill.


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Okay, so now that I've fully watched The Walking Dead up until Season 5 episode 1...


Man, was this season a struggle for me. At one point I actually thought I'd just give up on The Walking Dead altogether.


So, to start with I was very impressed. I loved seeing the Govenor in a different light and as was said above I was kind of liking his new persona. It added a lot of depth to him and weirdly, depsite him being a mad, mass murderer-type person, I could almost see how he might actually end up being normal again. After all, it was the end of the world in a way, his daughter caught the deadly virus and he ended up being in control of everyone. That's surely set to mess with anyone's head.


There was one scene near the start of the series where the little girl asks him about his eye and he says he's a pirate. I melted a little then, almost like, oh man, is he actually a real non-insane person again? So yeah, I was disappointed he went back to his old ways but it makes sense in the grand scheme of things and dare I say, it was worth it for the mass fight they had at the end of the mid-season.


I was genuinely surprised that Hershall got killed, even when the sword was right above his head, I just expected one of those last minute miracles or for Daryl to have managed to get a shot of the govenor. Couldn't actually believe it happened.


It was after the mid-season finale that things just got so stale. For one, how do you continue a season after such a climax like that? What was worse is that they didn't even try, what followed were some of the most boring episodes I've ever seen, just with mindless walking.


It did pick up with some stellar episodes near the end though, the one with the two blonde girls possibly being one of the most moving episodes of the entire show. I also really liked the relationshop between Michonne and Carl, which has made me like both of them a lot more as characters actually.


Finally, I'm liking the new bad-ass Rick. I thought he was just gonna slowly deteriorate but his savage biting of the bikers neck was pretty kick ass.


There were a few times where I thoght the show was a bit too full on for me. I mean, I can handle most things, and it is a zombie apocalype after all but there was one scene earlier on in the woods where the blonde girl is making the baby quiet by covering her face and nearly suffocates her, which was a kind of heart stopping moment for me. Also that one biker who goes after Carl, what's implied there is pretty disturbing.



So last season was hit and miss for me, with some very good and very bad episodes, but this was a fantastic return to form. How everything unraveled was great, it felt like a full blown movie actually. They seem to have got a big budget again as well, as I swear that was slashed for most episodes last season. And I've never been as tense watching anything as when Daryl, Bob, Rick and Glenn were all tied up about to get their throats slit. When they went right up to Glenn, oh man, my poor baby!


Edited by Josh64
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