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So, it started. I re-watched the back 8 of Season 4 to get prepped.


Liked Episode 9 and its similarity to the comics.

Found her dream sequence a bit misplaced, but she made up for it by downing a fair few walkers this episode. Nice to see her re-united with Rick and Carl. And, liked Carl's realisation that he isn't as bad ass as he thinks he is, one up for the Dad's out there!


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I felt absolutely no tension (and there were plenty interspersed within the episode) because the entire series has so far has given me nothing to like about Carl. He has no significant or relatable arc, on-screen personality, or anything particularly redeeming as a character that makes me like him. All he does is bitch and whine.

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A good start to the second half of season 4. It was a tad on the slow side, but still enjoyable. Carl was pretty annoying though, I don't see why he was being such a douche to Rick. There was clearly no other option he could have taken. Still, wouldn't want him to die, as he's somewhat more likeable now, and it'd completely destroy Rick if he were to be killed. Although it could make for an interesting twist. Still, it'd be too soon for that to happen.



I felt absolutely no tension (and there were plenty interspersed within the episode) because the entire series has so far has given me nothing to like about Carl. He has no significant or relatable arc, on-screen personality, or anything particularly redeeming as a character that makes me like him. All he does is bitch and whine.


I agree, for the most part. Admittedly, for some reason, I actually genuinely thought that Rick was going to get killed off, especially when he woke up. So I felt some tension there, but I guess I should have known better. As I said, it feels too soon to kill anyone off yet...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Episode 10 just plodded along. I just suppose there are too many survivors and it all feels a little disjointed. Trying to keep in touch with them all drags you away from the tension. Liked Daryl's part, and Glenn's, but the only thing going for Tyrese's part was showing that the elder child is turning into a right Carol (hahaha!). Speaking of Carol, where the hell did she appear from? The introduction of Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene, was a little too comic book like for me. Their mannerisms, especially Eugene, seemed over the top to show how much they bear resemblance to their comic book alter ego's. All in all, it should start getting a little bit better in the next episode as they try to all get back together, hopefully.

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I for one am loving these slow, character building episodes. Amazing stuff, imo. The type of episode that makes a continued following of this show feel justified... let's be honest, it's a good show, but probably the worst good show ever, lol. Still, at moments like these, I lose all my regrets. Loving the directors' work over these past 2 episodes.

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Yeah, don't get me wrong. This is the best thing on TV for me ATM (and has been for a long while). When there's a slow episode I love the tension and story building (people criticised Season 2 for it's plodding episodes, but I loved the dialogue, etc.), so can't wait for the remainder of the show. A not so good episode of The Walking Dead is far better than anything else I've watched in long time.

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Now, that was a really good episode. The new characters are coming into their own, and after not liking Eugene's short portrayal in ep.10, I now like his slightly autistic arrogant air. Abraham Ford is also played very well. The continuing story of Rick and co. was excellent. Extremely tense with a weakened Rick fighting for his life to get out of the house.

Does anyone think that that house scene was used as a replacement for the now infamous Carl Rape scene in the comics?


Going back to ep.10, what do you think of Judith still being alive? I'm quite surprised to be honest and don't know if it was the right call, time shall see.


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It is feeling a bit slow and disjointed at the moment, but I find the character development fantastic. The scene where Rick was fleeing from the house was extremely tense. Although I wonder when everyone is going to meet. Rick, Carl and Michonne are now heading in the same direction as Tyreese, Carol and the kids, so they're bound to meet at some point. Although where does that leave the other survivors? I'm intrigued to see how it all plays out. I'm starting to like the new characters too.



Does anyone think that that house scene was used as a replacement for the now infamous Carl Rape scene in the comics?



Wait, what?! :eek: I've never read the comics, but wtf...? O.o

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It is feeling a bit slow and disjointed at the moment, but I find the character development fantastic. The scene where Rick was fleeing from the house was extremely tense. Although I wonder when everyone is going to meet. Rick, Carl and Michonne are now heading in the same direction as Tyreese, Carol and the kids, so they're bound to meet at some point. Although where does that leave the other survivors? I'm intrigued to see how it all plays out. I'm starting to like the new characters too.



Does anyone think that that house scene was used as a replacement for the now infamous Carl Rape scene in the comics?



Wait, what?! :eek: I've never read the comics, but wtf...? O.o


The Carl Rape scene. It happens on the road after the prison falls. Tyrese, Rick and Carl are alone and come across 3 rough men who hold Tyrese and Rick at knife point whilst the 3rd man drops Carls trousers, and makes some threatening vocalisations. Rick goes mental, headbutting his guard to death, and just in time stops Carl having it, and then proceeds to do nasty things to Carl's assailant with the others' knife. So, not rape, but attempted. Bloody nail biting episode that.


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The Carl Rape scene. It happens on the road after the prison falls. Tyrese, Rick and Carl are alone and come across 3 rough men who hold Tyrese and Rick at knife point whilst the 3rd man drops Carls trousers, and makes some threatening vocalisations. Rick goes mental, headbutting his guard to death, and just in time stops Carl having it, and then proceeds to do nasty things to Carl's assailant with the others' knife. So, not rape, but attempted. Bloody nail biting episode that.


It could still make it into an episode, possibly later on, but fuck, that sounds brutal... O.o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Episode 14.

That was brutal. Brutal. But I kept saying to myself every time Lizzie came out with more of that crazy shit "She's got to die..." And she did. I'm glad that the writers didn't cop out and try to rehabilitate her. Still, it was harrowing and even after the credits rolled, I can feel that same chill. Brutal.

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I echo what Iun said...BRUTAL....just my feels they cry :cry:


I knew that Lizzie was not gonna make it but her sister..... her poor sister....for fraks sake, maybe if it was death by walker fine could handle that but killed by her crazy ass sister..... :cry:



Were those characters based on character from the comics? While their story arc over this season was interesting and the tragic ending will haunt me for awhile, I do kinda wonder was there any major point to them in the overall scheme? Had Mika survived it would have been better, I was liking her character development in this ep, was like an opposite version of Carl and not just in gender :heh: But how she was adapting to the world, she was learning how to handle herself against walkers but didn't want to leave go of her innocence when it came to potentially killing living people. Where as with Carl it was all..."i'm a boy I'm gonna be a badass and shoot shit up".





Only 2 eps left this season now (wish we could get an epic double ep finale), the 2nd half of this season has been a bit weird the way everyone has been split up. I assume this Terminus place is something taken from the comics? I'm hoping next week we see at least some reunification of some groups and hopefully the last ep will be epic as hell.


Hope we find out what happened to Beth, who kidnapped her? And what is Daryl gonna do with his new "group"?


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Were those characters based on character from the comics?




Yup. They *were* based pretty loosely on the twin boys that are with the original group from the beginning. the boys lose their mother to walkers, their dad goes pretty bonkers then also dies... i forget how...i think in the initial prison fall-out, and the older of the two ends up doing EXACTLY what lizzie did in this episode - right down to "It's OK - (S)he'll come back, i didn't hurt his(her) brain"



while i knew it was coming, i thought it was EXCELLENTLY done.

Firstly, you know - you just KNOW - that when a character feels at-ease enough to tell a joke - something's about to go horribly wrong. Don't tell jokes, people.


The "hostage situation" created by baby Judith being at the scene was made all the more tense by the fact that we didn't know how long ago Lizzie killed Mika... she could turn any second. Also having Lizzie casually mention that "Judith can change too, [she] was just about to..." was, in some ways, even more horrifying than the fact that she greeted them with a smile while standing covered in her sisters blood.

ALSO! Can we just talk about the looks exchanged between Tyreese and Carol when she's trying to get Lizzie to go inside the house with Tyreese and the baby? Tryeese looks almost scared - he doesn't trust this little girl not to try and turn HIM, and he obviously doesn't want her anywhere near the baby - brilliant little non-verbal exchange there...

The conversation following all this between carol and Tyreese was really well scripted. First of all, Carol's dismissal of the idea that Lizzie might have killed Karen and David back at the prison - that would've been an easy ticket out of the situation for Carol, but she didn't take it. The conversation regarding what to do about lizzie now started with "She can't be around other people", they thought about ways they could split up and have one of them with Lizzie, the other taking Judith, came to the conclusion that no combination of options would work and ENDED with the phrase "She can't be around other people"... this time having a completely different meaning.

The "look at the flowers" scene was.... distressing. I think i would've felt better about the decision (from carol's point of view) if Lizzie had been more... crazy. instead Lizzie was upset and apologising for pointing her gun at carol and making her mad - not for, oh i don't know, murdering her sister.


The next scene was unexpected.

Carol pushes the gun over to tyreese and tells him (what i can now only assume is) the truth about Karen and David*

Carol gave him the gun and told him to do what he had to do - she was basically giving up and attempting suicide by murder. Predictably (well, not so much if you're basing your presumptions on Tyreese in the comic books, but predictably for AMC-show-Tyreese) he doesn't take the bait and forgives her. D'aww.


So the moral of this episode was: don't fucking tell jokes in the zambie 'pocalypse. bad stuff happens after people tell a joke.



*i had many theories, one being that lizzie did it and carol discovered them, put them down properly and burned the bodies and had been lying to protect lizzie - which would've almost made this episode MORE upsetting because carol HAD seen that lizzie was capable of killing the living in her delusion about walkers... making mika's death preventable.



Oh, also:

The opening sequence where the camera slowly pans across a working gas stove, plentiful food and the picturesque sound of a child's laughter could have been made SO. MUCH. BETTER if they didn't make it so obvious that the second person "playing" outside was a walker. If, in that opening sequence, they had omitted the "grr"s and "argh"s of the walker and kept the movement JUST a little more human-like, i really think it would've made more of an impact later on. Because there's working gas and so much food, i assumed it was a flashback scene, possibly of lizzie and Mika growing up. It would've made it more shocking when it was later reproduced with carol saving lizzie from the walker she was playing catch with... though i don't think they could've made lizzie's uncontrollable screaming fit that followed any more distressing... that was the moment i knew she (or mika) probably wouldn't survive past the end of the episode.



tl;dr: that was good. :cry:

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Just finished watching episodes 12-14 back to back. Episodes 12 and 13 plodded along, giving Daryl a bit more back story

Absolutely gutted about Beth as she started to grow on me over the last 4 episodes. She'll be raped, etc.or if it's like the comics

"The Hunters" Now that would be awesome Terminus is THE END




Episode 14 was the best in a long while,

Nice relation to the comics with the pyschopathic twin/sister. The thing is Lizzie didn't think there was anything wrong with killing somebody because they do come back, and in her fucked up mind dead or alive, same thing. In the comic it's Carl who puts the Psycho twin out of his misery by shooting him in the back of a truck, whilst everybody is deliberating what to do.



Can't wait to see if Terminus turns out as I think it will

I just hope it's not the Hilltop story just yet.


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Speaking of the comic...


They can't be killing Rick off, can they?? My theory is the "dirty" bolt that hit him won't have a lethal effect as it'll have been exposed to the air and won't be the same as a zombie bite. Rick will get sick for a while, but then develop some kind of immunity to the infection, which will lead to a hunt for the cure and scientists who can make it happen. Either that, or the bolt he used was never infected in the first place.


Either way, Dwight is a cowardly piece of shit, he could have easily killed Negan while no-one was looking but clearly he is waiting to pick the winning side.


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Speaking of the comic...


They can't be killing Rick off, can they?? My theory is the "dirty" bolt that hit him won't have a lethal effect as it'll have been exposed to the air and won't be the same as a zombie bite. Rick will get sick for a while, but then develop some kind of immunity to the infection, which will lead to a hunt for the cure and scientists who can make it happen. Either that, or the bolt he used was never infected in the first place.


Either way, Dwight is a cowardly piece of shit, he could have easily killed Negan while no-one was looking but clearly he is waiting to pick the winning side.


Wow, for once I saw something coming before it happened;


Dwight didn't dirty up the arrow. Shot Rick in a non-lethal place.




Of course, that is speculation but its...like....gotta be the case


No other reason to not showing him dirtying up the arrow. But yeah, defo Dwight is a good guy and that arrow ain't dirty. I guarantee it.



Interested to see the ending of this story though.


It's been pretty cool. Not mind blowing though. If you want mind-blowing, read Invincible.

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Speaking of the comic...


They can't be killing Rick off, can they?? My theory is the "dirty" bolt that hit him won't have a lethal effect as it'll have been exposed to the air and won't be the same as a zombie bite. Rick will get sick for a while, but then develop some kind of immunity to the infection, which will lead to a hunt for the cure and scientists who can make it happen. Either that, or the bolt he used was never infected in the first place.


Either way, Dwight is a cowardly piece of shit, he could have easily killed Negan while no-one was looking but clearly he is waiting to pick the winning side.


He's had all the time in the world to shoot Negan in the back of the head, guess he's just shit scared of him and his loyal followers. Got to make it look Rick's team did it, just in case Negan's guys do win. That bolt isn't infected. Rick will get an infection (medical), no antibiotics and people will think he's infected (zombified), but really it's just a normal everyday infection. A nice avenue to explore as Rick gets thrown out of the community/locked up as a potential zombified threat.


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Pray tell... Haven't gotten that far yet (and i loves me some spoilers)

I really do.


Right here we go, my memory is a little hazy as to the exact details, but the gist of the story that I want to see in the TV show, which appears at the same time line in the comics, i.e. now, is


Please only open the next spoiler if you don't mind spoiling an amazing plotpoint, in my opinion anyway

After the fall of the prison and the inevitable wanderings of groups, most get back together whilst still on the road. They reach a town/outskirts where Rick's group comes under fire and certain survivors are picked off one by one (they disappear, and are abducted by this as of yet unknown force). In the mean time Dale (yes, he still alive in the comics and having a fling with Andrea) gets zombie bit, but he hides this fact very well. To save the group from his eventual turn and not to horrify Andrea he makes haste to leave the group only to be abducted by 'the Hunters'. When he awakes he is shocked to find out he is still alive, but even more shocked to find out that one of his legs is missing, and that his assailants are resorting to cannibalism to survive. Due to the lack of power and refrigeration they keep their victims alive for as long as they can by removing non-essential body parts first. Then, comes the rub Dale bursts out laughing showing them his wound and stating that he is in fact tainted meat. Won't spoil the rest of the comic storyline because that's only the beginning. But, I would love this cannibal group to be present on the TV show, suckering in unwitting survivors by posting their 'All who arrive are saved', but the name Terminus does suggest it's the last stop, the end of the line, etc.



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all o' that




a similar warning to londragon's: do not open - mega spoilers inside...

pretty much akin to the dairy farm chapter of season one of the telltale games then...





excellent, excelleeeennntttt........


I also REALLY wish they'd kept him in, but i know his untimely (and stoopad!) demise in the show was due to unrest and politics surrounding the show's director-swap around the start of s.2 :sad:



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Season 4 Episode 15

So, a lot going on. I finally worked out Bob (Dary'ls new gang leader) is tracking Rick, et.al. and that situation is likely to get messy, just as Daryl is starting to trust this new group he's going to be put in a situation where he has to assess his better survival chances. Could this be Daryl's demise? An initial wrong choice to side with Bob, and then to rectify that mistake, save Rick, but get hit in the crossfire. What about Beth? Don't fancy her chances, did she get taken to the Terminus'?

What with the majority of the survivor's arriving in what seemed like a too good to be true Terminus, something has to be going on there that is not up to it's outside appearance, there seems a lot to resolve in their tale also. Unless it is a nice place to be. If it is a nice place, then the TV show has forgone the darkness of the comic book

between the fall of the Prison and the Negan issue. It seems to have moved in the Hilltop v Negan's Saviors war. I hope not yet, it's too soon after the Governor. And, what the hell kind of meat was that smiling 'Helen ?' cooking? Edit:Checked it her name is Mary.


Then there's Carol and Tyrese to sort out as well.

Once again there seems too much to resolve in one episode. Is it too much to ask that the last episode will be a double length feature (I know that's not going to happen, but I'm wishing). There's going to be more than one cliffhanger on this.

Is it just me or does Terminus


Look like Negan's Base,


I got a very similar vibe when watching the TV show.



Anyway, the Terminus people are way too relaxed. They've been signposting their location, yet post no snipers/lookouts, who the hell knows who could turn up. The Governor, if he was still alive, would storm you like the psychopath he is/was. Maybe their living in a state of denial/ignorance or something is up that we'll briefly get a glimpse of before ...


The Walking Dead returns this Fall happens.

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I've purposely not read any of this thread because I've just got onto Season 2 (on ep 3 now) after starting a few weeks ago and maaaan... just like Breaking Bad, I can't believe I waited this long!


But it's good in a way, I'm always desparate to watch the next episode and now I can :p The intro to Series 2 episode 2 (possibly 3 I can't remember) has to be one of the most powerful scenes I've seen in a tv show! It's not often I get chills down my spine but man, this really got me:


The flash back where they're all stuck in traffic on the high way then the helicopters fly over and they suddenly hear loud bangs. They go through the trees a bit and see the whole city being bombed



And oh man, Glenn is just so amazing :love: If there's a zombie outbreak, I want him to be by my side throughout it!

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Whoever called the Carl rape scene was right on the nose. Horrifying. The only thing that got to me this season is that both Rick and Daryl have been shown noticeably physically weaker than their adversaries... maybe its a lack of willpower - Rick should have destroyed the Governor in his hand to hand scrap. But because he had gone all hippy, maybe it took the fight out of him. This was a great episode for me, just not long enough and it's now a six-month wait until October. It doesn't seem fair.

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