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Scott Pilgrim


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Just saw this film again..think I've only ever done that once before, for Avatar, as I was dragged along, and the film dragged a bit. This time, not so. I enjoyed the film from start to finish as I did the first time I saw it and had a huge grin on my face the whole time. I think my favourite scene has to be when the Vegan Police high-five. I was unable to stop myself from laughing for a good few minutes after seeing it this time, it's just goddamn brilliant.


Unfortunately I've come to realise that having seen the film twice, having bought the soundtrack (and listened to it religiously), setting my avatar + signature and desktop wallpaper to Scott Pilgrim related bits, buying all 6 books and completing the demo (and eventually the full game when I can afford some MSP).. I'm somewhat obsessed with the whole thing now and need to try and wean myself off of the Pilgrimmy goodness.


I need a new obsession. Maybe I'll take up crack cocaine or something.

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I think I've become partially obsessed with it as well. It's one of those films that really needs to be seen on a massive screen with an awesome sound system, which is why I want to watch it at the cinema as many times as I can before it's gone. Might even go to the cinema on my own to watch it again, which is something I've never done.

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Dyson's Finest Hour


The fact she is wearing clothes means it is not yet his finest hour. ;)





Just saw the film, it was awesome, laughed at so many things that many didn't. All of my lot came out loving it as well. Would like to give the comics/books whatever to see what they are like.

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The fact she is wearing clothes means it is not yet his finest hour. ;)



It wasn't far off :heh:




Just saw the film, it was awesome, laughed at so many things that many didn't. All of my lot came out loving it as well. Would like to give the comics/books whatever to see what they are like.


Good man! The audience at both screenings I've been to has been quite mute, though tonight's was a little more lively thanks to Orange Wednesday. They've laughed at the obvious bits but there are so many little bits that really get me when everyone else seems oblivious to it. It's a shame as I've held back quite a bit as a result of it.


Still laughing to myself at the Vegan Police high five. Just brilliant.

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Did you notice the two smashing pumpkins t-shirts he wore? :p I got the first one, but the one that actually said SP I missed. Mate told me afterwards.


I thought the gay guy reminded me of an older looking Harry Potter..anyone? Just me? :(


I didn't the girl that hot surprisingly.



And the greatest thing was that ninja dance mat game, I NEED to play it:bouncy:

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I saw the second one that said SP but didn't get that it was Smashing Pumpkins. My first (and obvious) thought was Scott Pilgrim but then I immediately wndered why he'd wear a shirt with his own initials on and disregarded that theory :heh:


My favourite t-shirt was either hisBass logo from Rock Band. Nobody else I've seen it with has noticed it until I've pointed it out and they've gone "Oh yeah!" which is neat :D....or Gideon's upside-down Triforce made out of G's. I want one.


As for Ramona, I paid close attention to her rear during the brief few seconds it's on screen and... damn. I didn't see Ramona as a smoking hot babe or anything, which I liked. She wasn't out of his league but she was still up there..if that makes sense :heh: She was a realistic target! That's what I was looking for.


That Ninja dance thing does look amazing. Does it actually exist? I assume so. It also lead to one of the best moments of the film with Nega Scott :D


I think Wallace may well have been the best character in the film, to be honest. His humour and character were really well done on the big screen. Oh, and Knives Chau's ": O" emoticon face will stay with me for some time - the first time I saw that it took me by such surprise but once again, couldn't stop laughing.

Edited by Dyson
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I saw the second one that said SP but didn't get that it was Smashing Pumpkins. My first (and obvious) thought was Scott Pilgrim but then I immediately wndered why he'd wear a shirt with his own initials on and disregarded that theory :heh:


My favourite t-shirt was either hisBass logo from Rock Band. Nobody else I've seen it with has noticed it until I've pointed it out and they've gone "Oh yeah!" which is neat :D....or Gideon's upside-down Triforce made out of G's. I want one.


As for Ramona, I paid close attention to her rear during the brief few seconds it's on screen and... damn. I didn't see Ramona as a smoking hot babe or anything, which I liked. She wasn't out of his league but she was still up there..if that makes sense :heh: She was a realistic target! That's what I was looking for.


That Ninja dance thing does look amazing. Does it actually exist? I assume so. It also lead to one of the best moments of the film with :D


Oh, and Knives Chau's ": O" emoticon face was great.


Yes both bits my group talked about after as being great!


She is kind of hot but I just expected her to be stunning. Simply because its a film, usually a hot girl to drool over. The Zero t-shirt is also SP.


Edited out your white bit to stop any spoilers you may have blocked it out for.

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It's not really a spoiler as such, as it's a minor part, but I thought I'd do it out of consideration :heh:


I really want a full version of Black Sheep as performed by Brie Larson (Envy Adams) - the Metric version is fantastic but not quite the same as the one used in the film

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It's not really a spoiler as such, as it's a minor part, but I thought I'd do it out of consideration :heh:


I really want a full version of Black Sheep as performed by Brie Larson (Envy Adams) - the Metric version is fantastic but not quite the same as the one used in the film


I think I posted it a few pages back.


Here it is again anyway:


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So regarding Mary Elizabeth Winstead, relative hotness aside (she ranks as quite for me I think), what did you think of her acting? She's been criticised a lot for playing Ramona as too morose and lacking in emotion, and there does seem to be a bit of a difference between her character and the character in the novels, based on the first two volumes. I need to rewatch the film to be sure though.

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Yeah for sure, she seemed a lot less open in the film but I don't think it was down to fault of Winstead - there wasn't much character development with her in the film full stop, one of my few criticisms. Though she did play her a little impervious, I can't help but think a few more minutes screen time of Ramona character development would have helped.

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I'm glad people are going and reading the books after seeing the movie. They really do deserve to be read. The movie probably works better if you haven't read the books first, actually. More surprises and less expectation?


I didn't really like Ramona in the movie at all, but I guess I could understand why Scott liked her. I guess that's enough to make it all work. I was personally rooting for a Knives/Scott ending, but I'll need to see that ending to fully back it. Is was the original ending for the movie, but they changed it after Comic Con feedback.

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So regarding Mary Elizabeth Winstead, relative hotness aside (she ranks as quite for me I think), what did you think of her acting? She's been criticised a lot for playing Ramona as too morose and lacking in emotion, and there does seem to be a bit of a difference between her character and the character in the novels, based on the first two volumes. I need to rewatch the film to be sure though.
There is a lot of difference in her character, but that's because she's not really given enough time in the film. You can't really see what she's got going for her (other than the hotness thing - which I think is all Ramona and none of Mary Elizabeth Winstead, if that makes any sense), certainly not enough to make Scott fall for her.


The film needed some more Ramona moments to establish the character a little, I think it definitely needed the Ramona vs Envy fight.

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Yeah, I'd agree about the character development, and it also may be that some of Winstead's moroseness is a result of O'Malley telling her that

Ramona was partly as she was because her younger brother died a while ago.


The brother lost to one of the 7 evil exes. Incest? :p



And yes Shorty, I was always expecting a big fight between them but it just didn't happen :(

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