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Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood


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I think I've finally found a game that I'm pretty good at online :D I've been coming first in most of my matches and getting some pretty snazzy kills. Still haven't got the achievement for an online kill from the haybales though... Just got the one for stealing the win in the last 10 secs :D

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Started 2 tonight enjoying it so far...its another game I've managed to stay spoiler free for completely....so yeah first impressions like that Ezio is actually a character and not just a cipher for Desmond like Altair was, gives him more purpose and motive within the world. Also very intrigued as to how much stuff will happen in the future and quite how far the bleeding will effect what Desmond can do....funny I'm so behind the curve lol...


I re-started AC-II earlier today in ready-ness for Brotherhood. Comparing the original Creed with AC-II, i have to admit that Ezio is a character who has more depth to him than Altair. And i felt more for Ezio and his story than i did for Altair.


Ubisoft had the right idea with Assassins Creed, but as many have said it felt like a tack-on for Desmond. I didn't like


when after each Assassination, you left the Animus and had to sleep in bed. And that each Assassination had the same basic set-up. Rob, Stalk/Spy and Deliver.


With AC-II, it had more depth, more mission variety and all that. And less out-of-animus time.



If there is an AC-III in the works, i wouldn't mind something based around the French Revolution like many of you. Or something based in Greece, London or Egypt. Just as long as they don't ruin it, i don't care.

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I think I'm almost done with the story. Won't bother with the platinum as I have so much more games to play...


For the next game I'd like the setting to be the Cold War. Or maybe even the Second World War...yes, there are enough games that revolve around WWII, but I think Ubisoft can turn it into something more creative than those FPS games.


Edit: Finished it...last 4 story related trophies were glitched but who cares. Looking forward to ACIII. Can't wait to see how the story will unfold.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My brother got this for Christmas, it's really fun. The multiplayer has opened up a lot now that I've started to get some decent abilities, I still only have one perk slot and 2 shit perks though. I haven't got far in single player due to multiplayer shenanigans but again the combat is fun. It's easy to do but you feel like a beast for taking down so many people so stylishly.

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I'll be picking this up (hopefully) on Wednesday, so i am up for multiplayer matches anytime after that really.


In similar news, i did crack Assassins Creed II on Christmas Day (after 2 1/2 weeks play, in readyness for Brotherhood (of which i didn't get)). Thats at 100% as well (everything collected, discovered etc)

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I think I've finally found a game that I'm pretty good at online :D I've been coming first in most of my matches and getting some pretty snazzy kills. Still haven't got the achievement for an online kill from the haybales though... Just got the one for stealing the win in the last 10 secs :D


Do you think it's the sort of multiplayer that has the longevity of a Halo, for example? I'm just asking because I really want to get it and dive into the multiplayer, because I know I'll get sucked in, since its very much just an AC version of The Ship (a Source Engine game that came out ages ago), but I don't really have the time right now because of uni. Really hope theres a good player base around summer, and that it hasn't dwindled to nothing by the time I get around to it.


Alternatively, the next Assassins Creed should have this too =).

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This is incredibly addictive and entertaining. Have been basically playing this non-stop whenever I'm at home. Played so much I even dream about it.


The multiplayer is also fantastic and I'm already level 43, nearly at max, 50. It takes a while to find other players sometimes, especially when late at night, past 2AM.

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Do you think it's the sort of multiplayer that has the longevity of a Halo, for example? I'm just asking because I really want to get it and dive into the multiplayer, because I know I'll get sucked in, since its very much just an AC version of The Ship (a Source Engine game that came out ages ago), but I don't really have the time right now because of uni. Really hope theres a good player base around summer, and that it hasn't dwindled to nothing by the time I get around to it.


Alternatively, the next Assassins Creed should have this too =).

Maybe not Halo... Halo has so much to do, so many modes, forge, videos, teams, clans etc.. Brotherhood on the other hand has just three main modes (with 'advanced' versions of each) but each are very solid and different to one another.


The thing I'm finding about this game's multiplayer is that it's refreshingly different, whilst still being very well made and totally grabbing your interest. The coolest thing about it is that you can smash through the crowd and jump straight on your target, or shoot them from a roof... but that won't get you many points. You can easily get the most kills but come last. It's subtlety, stalking, focusing and quick thinking that gets you points. For example a kill with the gun gets 1-150 points max and is a sure-kill if you hit. But the max possible score for a kill is, I believe, 2000 points.


One mode, Manhunt, has you taking it in turns accross two rounds, once as the hunted team and once as the hunting team. I absolutely love the mode where you're being hunted. Never has standing around pretending to be an NPC been so much fun.

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Just tried the multiplayer for the first time, I do like it but I think I was expecting something a bit harder where you had to really watch for your targets instead of just following an arrow.


I was expecting something more trickier as well, but it is a pretty decent multi-player mode. I was playing it on Wednesday, came 5th out of 12 peeps.

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Just tried the multiplayer for the first time, I do like it but I think I was expecting something a bit harder where you had to really watch for your targets instead of just following an arrow.


It gets more tricky when you level up and the people you are chasing are better at hiding. For example there is the blend perk which turns one of the people around you into your character, the morph ability which can change a whole group and the decoy ability which makes an NPC run away as if it was you. If you just guess which one is the player and get it wrong, they get bonus points for the lure and you lose your target.


Also there's Advanced Wanted where the compass is much more vague, and Manhunt where the opponent will be forced to hide much more effectively.

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I love when I time things just right in this game. For example there is someone sprinting across a rooftop and I am just out of his sight so I sprint myself, and as I turn a corner I start walking and he lands on the ground in front of me :D


The compass is necessary really, unless they had it that every character looked different but that would make it boring, and any disguising ebilities would make it near impossible.

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Being the hider in Manhunt is amazingly fun. The decoy ability is hilarious and everyone always falls for it. And since I finished the challenge, I have rapid reload decoy, meaning I can send one out every 25 seconds.


The only advanced mode I have is Wanted, how do you acquire the others?

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Advanced Alliance is free DLC.


I also find hiding in Manhunt a lot of fun :D I like to morph a group, then hide in haystacks next to them. Coupled with decoy.

That's exactly what I do too. Decoy is possibly the most fun ability to use. And they can't use templar vision on you if you are in the stack.


For hunting, I just love charge. See a group of morphed people, just charge in killing whoever you get to first. It's so fast they never have time to smoke bomb, and if they firecracker it makes no difference. Charge is always great when you are getting pursued because you can just run straight into them and that's 200 points for you.

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I morph the group and just wait in it, I don't have decoy yet :( I never hide in the stack, purely because if I see a stack near where I know a group is I always check the stack first. I assume everyone does it, it costs nothing. If templar vision is used and you aren't in the group you must be in the stack, at which point you are fucked. At least if you are in the group they might find it tricky to target you, or you can smoke bomb.

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If you're in a morphed group and someone goes for the stack you can stun them pretty easily, at the very least you identify them.


As much as I'm enjoying this game, I am getting fed up with the way some people play. It totally throws me off if people just run around on rooftops or use the hidden gun. I just played a game of manhunt where the targets didn't blend at all, they just ran around on rooftops... standing at the top of the church on that sandy quad level (I forget the names). And some of those people were level 40+! Needless to say we beat them by a few thousand points. And we were even the hunted first so they knew how best to hide...

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