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Kotick's wish: COD to be a subscription service tommorow


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WSJ: If you could snap your fingers, and instantly make one change in your company, what would it be, and why?


Mr. Kotick: I would have Call of Duty be an online subscription service tomorrow. When you think about what the audience's interests are and how you could really satisfy bigger audiences with more inspired, creative opportunities, I would love to see us have an online Call of Duty world. I think our players would just have so much of a more compelling experience.


WSJ: Is that coming?


Mr. Kotick: Hopefully.


WSJ: Are the customers ready for it?


Mr. Kotick: I think our audiences are clamoring for it. If you look at what they're playing on Xbox Live today, we've had 1.7 billion hours of multiplayer play on Live. I think we could do a lot more to really satisfy the interests of the customers. I think we could create so many things, and make the game even more fun to play. We haven't really had a chance to do that yet, so that would be my snap of the fingers.

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I'm surprised it's taken so long.


^ This. I'd have thought they'd have tried to implement it in MW2 so was surprised when they didn't given how many rumours were going about that it was going to be subscription based.


Personally, if it goes that way I'll be passing. For 360 users, you're already paying to play the game online and soon so will PS3 users (is Playstation Plus optional or what? I honestly haven't paid attention to it so some clarity would be nice :)). If it makes the game better, fine but I don't see why they'd make it fully subscription based. I'd hope they'd not be as money-grubbing as they're known to be and at least allow you to play without subscribing and making the subscription for those who want a little extra out of the game or for the 'l337' players. ::shrug:


Seriously hope Black Ops isn't hit with it as I'm actually interested to see how that one turns out.

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(is Playstation Plus optional or what? I honestly haven't paid attention to it so some clarity would be nice :)).


Plus is much more a subscription for content in kind of the same way as Spotify or Sky, except with games. Every month you subscribe you get the content for that month and as long as you are a Plus subscriber (it's cool if you let it lapse and then subscribe at a later date) you have access to the content from every month you've subscribed - so the longer you subscribe the more content you get, the better. Every month there is one free PSN game, and then 3 others out of the minis and PSOne Classics (So 48 games over the whole year).


You also get access to DLC and Full Game Trials (works like a free hour rental to test the game - you even unlock trophies and keep the save for when you unlock the full game). And there's some other stuff like background patching and stuff.


The free PSN will remain as it is.

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This would be charging just because they can. Whilst they've done that with the map packs, they should be worth a certain amount of money; this subscription thing is worse because I doubt they're going to offer a better service because of it.


I think PSN could still suffer from a Plus service though, through the fact that some demos and some content will be delayed so Plus users can have it early, when originally it would be available to everyone on normal PSN. It's a key issue for me.

Edited by dwarf
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I think back when they mentioned developing separate COD games at the same time, and also saying they wanted to follow in Blizzard's footsteps, they made it clear that this was teh direction they were going.


Definitely a cash-cow in the making. And it is a shame because MW2 is the game that got me into actually using my Live account. If I had to pay an extra subscription on top of the XBL there's no way I'd've played MW2.


Having said that, a new game focusing on delivering a (care) package worth paying for would surely be designed a weeee bit differently to MW2's online mode.


Damn you, commercialism!

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I hope thats sarcasm,Modern Warfare 2 is seriously broken, big time. They probably wouldn't even fix it if you were paying for a service.


This. They just dont give a damn. EA also have a new MOH. Anyone got into the beta? I preordered but no email yet.


Kotick literally sounds like Burns. Except he is a real human being.


I think PSN could still suffer from a Plus service though, through the fact that some demos and some content will be delayed so Plus users can have it early, when originally it would be available to everyone on normal PSN. It's a key issue for me.


PS Plus seems more like an IGN insider type of service. US owners get Qore with it. So it seems like betas etc. are a natural fit. Its seems like they stressed not using ther word: network.

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Personally, if it goes that way I'll be passing. For 360 users, you're already paying to play the game online


Previous games with their own subscription (FFXI and PSU) are playable online with only a silver Live account. I'm guessing this will be the case for this too.

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It'd be interesting if Microsoft would allow that for a title of this popularity though...


I also wonder how much hate for this is just because it's from an "evil" company.


If Respawn Entertainment announced they were doing a subscription based FPS I wonder if people would be all, "Oh yeah kick ass!"

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I wouldn't consider minor bugs making the game "broken".


Seriously... broken?


It's not a broken game.


I'm sure there are a couple of bugs every so often.


And I'm sure once you're hard-x-core-TO THE EXTREME you'll find slight balancing issues.


But Modern Warfare 2 is not broken.

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