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Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance


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Also, wouldn't it have been better to print the images the other way up?


Why? For the benefit of people watching you play?


It's the right way round, as that's they way you're likely to look at it, when you see it as the system's owner. ;)

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Well yeah. It doesn't really matter which way you look at it when it's closed, as it's just a block sitting there.


Numerous special editions with all kinds of printings on it suggest otherwise. And I'd like to see the person, who turns their 3DS by 180° when they close it and put it down on a surface in front of them.



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Square Enix has just announced the release dates for two upcoming 3DS titles: Kingdom Hearts 3D and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.


The latest entry in the Kingdom Hearts series hits North American store shelves on July 31. Theatrhythm Final Fantasy arrives a bit earlier – it’s slated for July 3.


Those are two games well worth adding to your software library, and they’re launching in the same month!


Hopefully we will get the games around the same time as the Yanks.

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After all these years...!


Playing CoM I managed to bumble my way through without getting to grips with the card system in the slightest. That became frustrating for me by the time I got to the last third of the game as boss battles required more tactical nous than those that went before. The dragon Maleficent caused me major problems and subsequent boss battles took an age to get through - like the guy I fought at that gate. (Entrance to Traverse Town was it...?)


Well, the years passed. I fancied a handheld Super Punch-Out!! which somehow resulted in me picking CoM back up. I figured it was at last time to work out those boss battles. I thought sleights would be the way to go but aside from stacking three cure cards and three Clouds for Omnislash, sleights didn't seem helpful to my style. After heaps of experimentation I ended up with a deck set up with attack cards lined up as zero, high number, high number, zero, high, high, etc. I waited with the zero to break a boss sleight then straight onto the high numbered attack cards, followed by all my Cloud cards so I could Omnislash a bit. Maybe not the best way but it worked for me. ::shrug:


After I eventually took down Riku, the following fights were a complete cake walk - I only died once to any of the subsequent bosses. They have silly names that I can't remember... Axel, Marluxia... you get the idea.


The more I immersed myself in the card system the more I enjoyed the game. (Learning that you have to press select in battle to pick and use any enemy cards you have was a life saver too!) I originally thought the card system was a rubbish way to play the game but its actually not. :)


Anyway... I don't expect anyone to remember anything about CoM but I just wanted to get that off my chest. :heh:

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I still think the card system was a rubbish way to play the game. :p


Well, to be fair, the whole game was rubbish.


I want to be excited about Dream Drop Distance, but I need to buy and play Re:coded first. That's really killing my excitement. :cry:

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I still think the card system was a rubbish way to play the game. :p


Well, to be fair, the whole game was rubbish.


I want to be excited about Dream Drop Distance, but I need to buy and play Re:coded first. That's really killing my excitement. :cry:


Why buy it if you don't want to play it? Far better to just watch the game on youtube. You could even just wait for DDD as any cutscene that has a something to do with a past game will have an option appear to see a summary.


After sitting on my shelf for well over a year I finally started Birth By Sleep on the PSP.


I watched the trailer for DDD I posted over on the previous page and was loving it when the Japanese got all excited as Axel, Roxas and Xion sat and ate ice cream. The next time they got all hyped up was when Terra, Ven and Aqua appeared. Not having played BBS I couldn't join in with their celebrations.


I started BBS on Friday and last night finished Terra's story. I loved how it showed his decent into darkness, even though he was tricked a little. It kinda reminded me of Star Wars Episode III.


It was pretty cool seeing how Riku received his keyblade and seeing a young Braig kicking about the place. The way the game ended for Terra made me jump straight into Ven's side of the story, so I can see how things will play out for him.


You may not like the wacky story, chracters or the belts and zippers, but there is no denying the production values of the KH games. The PSP game looks and sounds amazing, as did the DS games. DDD looks set to continue this trend.

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I'm not sure why anyone was excited about seeing Roxas, Axel and Xion eating ice cream. I still wake up in a cold sweat sometimes after a nightmare about 358/2 Days and its 358 scenes of the main characters eating ice cream. [/slight exaggeration]


Why buy it if you don't want to play it? Far better to just watch the game on youtube. You could even just wait for DDD as any cutscene that has a something to do with a past game will have an option appear to see a summary.

I don't skip games. It doesn't seem fair to speak about the series as a whole if you're going to skip all of the bad games. :p

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I'm not sure why anyone was excited about seeing Roxas, Axel and Xion eating ice cream. I still wake up in a cold sweat sometimes after a nightmare about 358/2 Days and its 358 scenes of the main characters eating ice cream. [/slight exaggeration]


I don't skip games. It doesn't seem fair to speak about the series as a whole if you're going to skip all of the bad games. :p


Fair point. :D


I loved 358/2 Days, especially the ending. The series as a whole made more sense to me after playing through that. I have yet to play ReCoded though, I may play through it after BBS.

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I finished Ven's story today. It was shorter than Terra's but just as good. The story is really starting to knit together now and I can't wait to play the final part as Aqua. Oh, and seeing Lea/Axel as a young whipper snapper was awesome. :D

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I loved 358/2 Days, especially the ending. The series as a whole made more sense to me after playing through that.


Think of how much sense the series makes to me as I've only played CoM! Perhaps the time has come to unseal 358/2 Days then if its gonna be an eye opener. :wink:

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Think of how much sense the series makes to me as I've only played CoM! Perhaps the time has come to unseal 358/2 Days then if its gonna be an eye opener. :wink:


You really need to play the first 2, Stevo. You have a PS2, make use of it. :D


358/2 made sense to me because I had played the second game. You can see how things fit in if the games are played in the order they were released in.


Saying that you could just do what I suggested earlier, wait for DDD and watch the flashback cutscenes that appear. :)

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You really need to play the first 2, Stevo. You have a PS2, make use of it. :D


358/2 made sense to me because I had played the second game. You can see how things fit in if the games are played in the order they were released in.


Saying that you could just do what I suggested earlier, wait for DDD and watch the flashback cutscenes that appear. :)


I know, I know. My PS2 hasn't seen much action at all. I thought it would provide a goldmine of RPGs but I've just stuck with the DS! With CoM I tried to fill in any blanks myself, knowing that it picked up after the events of KH1. Hmm, I wonder if it would be worth my while finding a plot/ cutscene rundown on Youtube before I play 358/2 Days and 3D then. Seems pretty cheap... :heh: A 3D port of BBS would be nice too.

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I finished BBS last night and absolutely loved it. It's nice to finally found out why Ven looks like Roxas, it's been bugging me for ages. :D


Nice one. They should really do a 3D compilation of KH games on the 3DS.


The way it ended, i'm wondering if we may see Aqua, Terra and Ven pop up in DDD?


Seeing as its out over here on July 20th you won't have too long to wait to find out. :santa:

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