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Resident Evil Revelations 3DS


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anyway did you guy's no that you can power up your melee attack by holding down the button for longer? I didn't know until I saw a random performing it. it's nice!


I only figured this out too, think I was on Ep 8 at the time. Checked teh "Missions" and saw the one for it and it was a pure *facepalm* moment :heh:


The game mixes both styles of Resi, Horror and Action, so it's not like going back to the old skool style completely. :blank:


Personally I'd prefer if it had less action and more horror but I can deal. I guess the way they have to progress the story with what they've done it'll be hard to go back to an "isolated location" with less bang-bang-bang again :(



And if the CPP isn't comfortable, stop using it. And throw it in the bin. :heh:




I've completed all Raid Mode stages on the initial difficulty setting now, and my character is currently at Lv. 25.

Had a go on the first stage, on the next difficulty setting to see what it was like. It totally messes with you as there are enemies in different places (more of 'em too and tougher obviously) including spots that were nice and safe before, :laughing: there's also much less ammo scattered around.


Looks like there's a further difficulty setting to unlock afterwards as well!

I imagine that one is going to have zero ammo to pick up and rock hard monsters. Can't wait! :hehe:


You know what? I'd seriously have bought Revelations just for Raid Mode! It's that good.


Damn Red slow down, haha.... it's like our roles have reversed from Monster Hunter, haha... I am now your squire good Sir Red of Shellington


I have ditched the CPP and went with the normal controls, which despite being a little fiddly feel alot better on my hands. I'm now starting to enjoy the game alot more because of this. Hooray! :bouncy:


Hahaha that is awesome HoT, I hope to kick some mutant ass with you on RAID soon :D

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BTW ...Anyone else think Jessica's outfit when she gets to is highly impractical for a serect agent or whatever they are :heh:


Though damn is it ever so nice to stare at.... yeah I said stare not look...stare :D


I'm hoping to one day soon see pics of good looking girls cosplaying as her :D

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her wet suit is missing a whole leg! Bit useless don't you think :p


I thought there were only 10 episodes but there are actually




Once I've done that then I'll unlock all the stages in Raid mode and finish off the easy Chasm difficulty.


EDIT: I can't see my own spoiler tag... Oh well lol :D


Add me if you want to play Raid mode, send me a PM to let me know so I can add you too.

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BTW ...Anyone else think Jessica's outfit when she gets to is highly impractical for a serect agent or whatever they are :heh:


Though damn is it ever so nice to stare at.... yeah I said stare not look...stare :D

She's my favourite character in Raid Mode so far, really want to unlock that outfit. Although it might not be a good idea if it distracts my team mate. :laughing:


I'm hoping to one day soon see pics of good looking girls cosplaying as her :D
Word. ;)
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She's my favourite character in Raid Mode so far, really want to unlock that outfit. Although it might not be a good idea if it distracts my team mate. :laughing:


Word. ;)


I will be your team mate for life if you always play as her in that outfit :D


Anyway I just finished episode 10.... must vent something



OK so how in the blue frakking Baltar hell on New Caprica did Parker get from the Bridge to where Jill found him?


Seriously WTF? There is no elevator that goes from the Bridge to that area.... he would have had to walk on a bum leg likely fighting off gods knows what on the way when when we left him at the bridge he looked like he was pretty much resigned to give up there and then.


And even if he did make the journey there's no bloody way he would have made it to where he was in time :heh:


Though I guess there's also things like how did Raymond get into a locked room earlier in the game and how did Jessica get to the Bridge before Parker but those you can kind of let slide as part of the narrative but this was bloody WTF IS GOING ON HERE.


And yes when I spotted it was Parker the first thing I actually did was check the map wondering how in the frak did he get there :heh:


*takes deep breath*


Ok I guess they wanted to give him some kind of good death scene but there would have been nothing wrong with him dying on the Bridge as the ship goes down...maybe while doing something that would allow Jill and Chris to escape.... that actually would have been much better.


Also damn it they killed him off I was starting to like the guy :cry:



Anyway moving away from that, I forgot to mention this earlier and I forget which episode it was now. But I loved the "their on the wrong ship" thing they pulled when Chris and Jessica first found "the ship" looking for Jill and Parker. I was rushing through the ship going "come on come on gotta save Jill from drowning" then open the door... hey where's all the water? Haha



Anyway onwards to ep 11... @RedShell send me a PM when you go back to RAID, I'll have my email open so I should get one when you send the PM, I'll check around 10pm anyway

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I'm loving this game! And the cpp with it! Wish the cpp worked all the time though as I find it more comfortable to use, at least just the moved R button

Anyway revelation! God the atmosphere is great with headphones on really jumpy at times



I can't find my headphones :cry:


But there's one point (well a few) in particular can't remember the episode but I would love to hear it with headphones at max in a dark room.... really upset I couldn't find mine, that one part for the first time without headphones freaked me out would have been ten times better with headphones, haha




WOOT and that is the story (normal difficulty of course) CLEARED for me :D




I do have a few issues... though I think those issues thinking on them feel more like stuff I'm thinking of as I'm comparing it in my head to console games. Things like it didn't feel like it had enough in it (though at 9 hours 25 mins on my first play I think that is a decent time). But for a handheld game it was actually perfect. It was nicely paced and evenly divided. You could play it in quick short bursts if you wanted and you wouldn't have to worry much about finding the next save point or anything like that.


Anyway spoiler time....


OK firstly, god damn how in the hell did Parker survive, haha.


From is magical warping from the Bridge to where ever it was Jill found him, to him surviving a who know how many feet fall which certianly looked high enough to at least break both legs if not kill... but he landed in a ball of frakking fire too.... AND SURVIVES.... gods damn he is one tough son of a bitch.


Was hoping for a small in between level section playing as Raymond carrying Parker to safety. :heh:


Anyway the ending was good. Loved the Parasite Infected Mutated Whale Boss, that thing was frakking epic.


Then the final level swimming in the Queen Dido, never thought I'd see swimming in an RE game but I thought it worked well. Atmosphere was great and I actually went slowly through the ship and every loud noise or when the lights went out I stopped still, held my breath and turned around to see if anything was about to attack form behind.


Final boss was good too, like a Super Tyrant, loved it. Died once too :cry:, first time I kept missing the dodges.


Though few questions.... what was with the quick flash of Jill and Chris rushing towards a mansion? Was that just a nod towards RE1? Or something to do with a "future" game... did RE5 have a mansion (I know this takes place before 5 but I never played 5 so I don't know what exactly it features)... or maybe RE6?


Or maybe a port or the gamecube REmake to the 3DS (yes please :D)


And also did the after credits bit have any hints towards being connected to RE5?

Or was it (for now) a standalone thing?


Also damnit, when I saw the reflection and it looked like Wesker I thought "WOOHOOOO"... even a small glimpse of Wesker in an after credits is better than nothing... but alas it was frakking Raymond :heh: (Or did that/does he have some relation to Wesker/RE5?... BTW despite not playing RE5 I do know what happens to Wesker at the end so don't worry about causing spoilers on me.... chances are I won't be getting a PS3 or 360 so will likely only ever play RE5 if it gets a WiiU port :heh:)








Oh also I just realised this.... hhhmmm... might be considered a spoiler so I'll hide it


I only just remembered that the very first trailer for this game had a totally different scenario


Wonder why they changed it? I want to know what Chris and Jill were fighting over


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If your talking about that woman in Episode 1 I don't think it's possible.... if your talking about further in the game then I'm not there yet :D




Also I didn't get the CCP and am having no issues with playing it :D


Yeah the one on Episode 1

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@Mokong X\-C

the end shot of Chris and Jill is the very beginning of RE5... Well when you actually play that game it's Chris and Sheva in Africa but as you progress through the story you see a flashback that shows what happens to Chris and Jill. There's also a DLC called Lost in Nightmares that lets you play through the scenario



I just finished the game, surprised at how many people survived but I'm glad they did. Onto Raid mode!


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I'm thinking of getting this, but i'm not sure. I've always been terrible at Resi games, well, i've only ever played the remake on the GameCube, and i never finished it. I have played the demo for revelations - took me three tries to complete it! I am just crap at Resi, so i need to know, is it really hard? Are there plenty of herbs and ammo around on normal difficulty? Or is there an easy option?

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I'm thinking of getting this, but i'm not sure. I've always been terrible at Resi games, well, i've only ever played the remake on the GameCube, and i never finished it. I have played the demo for revelations - took me three tries to complete it! I am just crap at Resi, so i need to know, is it really hard? Are there plenty of herbs and ammo around on normal difficulty? Or is there an easy option?


I have started on the easiest option and have died once so far and am quite a way into it.


There is ammo a-plenty!! So I say go for it!


I started on the easiest as I want to play this over and over lol, so gonna go through each difficulty! :D

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I never expereince any slow down before or during a Boss Battle?


Though yes I hate it when transitioning between areas. I think the game loads up the whole area in one go instead of a room or few rooms at a time.


Though a question I keep forgetting to ask is.... why is there a load time on a cartridge game? Is there a mini CD inside of teh game card?

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Wowza! :o that's the worst that i've heard, how many boss battles has this happened in? It only occurs during lifts and going through those 'Golden Wheel Doors' on either side of the Hall for me.


The first major boss.


The communications room officer. Think it was Chapter 3.



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Though a question I keep forgetting to ask is.... why is there a load time on a cartridge game? Is there a mini CD inside of teh game card?


Heavy compression rates to squeeze more data into the 4GB cartridge + the 3DS using most of its processing power to generate the beautiful graphics means it has to load things slowly.


The only slowdown I've had was in Raid mode fighting a horde of Hunters but that wasn't too bad, certainly not like the slowdown in the loading rooms.

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I cannot for the life of me beat the first boss (the one Ike mentioned in his last post).


I'm assuming there's not some QTE 'trick' required to kill it, and I'm assuming it's not the case that I have to escape it rather than beat it. Can someone just confirm for me that my problem is simply that I'm not filling its ugly-ass face with enough hot lead?

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