Retro_Link Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 You bump into her a third time when you're playing as Parker and you're on your way to the bridge (whilst Jessica goes her own way there), or at least I did. I think I possibly could have just gone to the elevator and bridge via the 'Shopping Mall', but I decided to use it as a chance to re-explore the 'hotel rooms' area (which was too late in the game to have now been any real use)... and as soon as you go through the first door that leads off of the smoke-filled dining hall... she's there with you in what is a pretty small hallway area. Thankfully the normal enemy that was also in the room didn't turn around, but Parker summed up my feelings when he said "I'm really sick of seeing your face!" :p
Mokong Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 Oh yeah I remember that now. Yeah again that was just a poor use of her again, was kinda like part of RAID mode bleeding into the solo game. The one thing I disliked about the game is how underused Rachel was, as I said before she could have been made more important to the overall story and been the next Lisa, X or Nemisis especially after you first meet her it felt like it was setting things up for more (story related or important) set pieces. instead she was just....there
Retro_Link Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 Agreed! I stayed relatively spoiler free in the run up to this game, however I had seen screen shots of her... and had thought we were going to get a playable flashback chapter of her arrival on the ship, so I was a bit dissapointed to find that wasn't the caes. I thought it would be like Dead Space Extraction where you play from all characters perspectives. However, I just googled for her character to see what those screens were from, and I found this which due to avoiding spoilers I wasn't previously aware of!
Mokong Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 That was cool, I had seen some Screens of her (my god who came up with the hair covering her eyes idea) but not seen this vid. See this would have been cool to have as an unlockable extra in the game or something. Also I remembered the very first trailer was very different from how the game ended up. Wonder is there a "Revelations 0.5" version hidden in Capcoms basement with "RE1.5" and "RE3.5" (I may have posted this a few pages back but meh)
S.C.G Posted August 29, 2012 Posted August 29, 2012 Mokong X-C said: I think it's a good thing that they changed the plot significantly since that initial video because looking back if it had turned out that way, it would have been pretty bad tbh whereas as it stands the plot is actually fairly reasonable for a Resi game.
Retro_Link Posted August 29, 2012 Posted August 29, 2012 I dunno, I think the version in that trailer actually looks like it might have been the better game. Certainly in terms of the actual gameplay, I like the look of Chris and Jill exploring the ship together, and the Zombies over what we actually got. I presume that isn't HUNK, and is instead Veltro... but if it was HUNK then that could have been cool. I'm glad the 'Mansion' got swapped out for the Grand Staircase area we did get though... that place looked great. That trailer's wierd in that at the beginning it definately looks like Chris in the chair, but by the end it looks less so... plus a more Australian accent? And what happened to that tenticle boss? Also, was anyones else a bit confused that the scene on the games boxart, 3DS menu, main menu etc... didn't actually appear in the game!... I thought the eye against the porthole would have been in a cutscene at some point... I don't even really know what that monster was meant to be? It was too big to have been the final 'whale' boss... but was it maybe intended to be the smaller [whale?] monster who bangs up against the glass in the lab?... which then goes on to be the whale boss?
-Dem0- Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 £14.99 Smyths at the moment. However, it's available as an IN STORE purchase.
Eightbit Posted January 15, 2013 Posted January 15, 2013 How much better is this with the circle pad pro? Just started playing this and feel like I'm wrestling with it, do I order the attachment now before I go any further so I enjoy the game more?
Retro_Link Posted January 15, 2013 Posted January 15, 2013 Played it with the CPP from the start and it was great, but others will tell you they had no trouble with the standard controls. I think as one of the better 3DS games you really want to get a good experience from it and enjoy it, so if you feel you're struggling a bit maybe go with the CPP.
Agent Gibbs Posted January 15, 2013 Posted January 15, 2013 Eightbit said: How much better is this with the circle pad pro? Just started playing this and feel like I'm wrestling with it, do I order the attachment now before I go any further so I enjoy the game more? Without it reminds me of how Resident Evil 1-3 played/were controlled, with it felt like resident evil 4/5 (and i assume 6)
Eightbit Posted January 15, 2013 Posted January 15, 2013 Agent Gibbs said: Without it reminds me of how Resident Evil 1-3 played/were controlled, with it felt like resident evil 4/5 (and i assume 6) Made my decision for me right there. Resident evil four urinates on the others
Agent Gibbs Posted January 16, 2013 Posted January 16, 2013 Eightbit said: Made my decision for me right there. Resident evil four urinates on the others Glad i could help, if you don't like 4 using the CPP will be like that
Eightbit Posted January 29, 2013 Posted January 29, 2013 Just thought I would throw in my two cents for this game. Completed it tonight on normal, died around five times on the final boss which was more than I had died in the whole game leading up to that point. Graphics were gorgeous, game was really atmospheric on the boat, I had to strafe round every corner to avoid soilling myself (played this in the dark you see) The lack of the second analogue was no problem once I got to grips with the controls. I think capcom did really well with the limits of the hardware. It's actually the first resident evil game I have owned and played until the end, so I will certainly be keeping an interest in this series in the future. Unless tey make some changes, this game is going to drown on a home console, i can't put my finger on why, the areas are small and confined, there are not many enemy variations and the length of the missions are just right for a hand held. Hope I'm proved wrong though and lots of copies sell for te wii u. Haven't dipped into raid mode yet, is it any good/ would anybody care to team up with me for a few missions?
f00had Posted February 4, 2013 Posted February 4, 2013 I know they're adding Hunk as a playable character for Raid mode and a brand new enemy in campaign mode for the console versions. I think it'll do fine I mean older Resident Evil titles were even more constricted. Raid mode is really fun, basically you go through the ship/previous chapters with MANY more enemies to deal with although you can pick different characters who specialise with different weapons and there are loads of different weapons to get and customise. You can find weapons or buy them from the shop and they have random stats kinda like an RPG or something, it's definitely worth playing. It might just be me but I don't really like the co-op, unlike Resident Evil 5 and 6 it doesn't feel like you're helping each other out and more like you're just playing together since there aren't any player interactions.
flameboy Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 Picked this up yday. I have no intention of picking up the circle pad just for this. From what I've read circle pad makes it feel like 4/5 where as without it there is a slower feel to the controls and that appeals to me third person dual stick games are dime a dozen on other consoles don't need another.
Dcubed Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 Just started a new game on Hell mode this time (haven't played it since not long after it came out) and I'm really enjoying it once again Funny really. I recently replayed Bioshock again and it's nowhere near as good as I remembered it, but Revelations holds up really nicely. It's just plain fun to play, even if it's not quite as close to the feel of the pre-RE4 titles as I had hoped. It's also a game that truly feels taylor made to the 3DS. It just feels right playing this in bed with the lights off and headphones on! Can't imagine myself enjoying it as much on a console, even the Wii U one. The episodic format and the reletively short "stages" fit the handheld experience (and my work commute) like a glove!
Eightbit Posted February 7, 2013 Posted February 7, 2013 flameboy said: Picked this up yday. I have no intention of picking up the circle pad just for this. From what I've read circle pad makes it feel like 4/5 where as without it there is a slower feel to the controls and that appeals to me third person dual stick games are dime a dozen on other consoles don't need another. If you fancy dipping into Raid mode, i'm also at Square one, so ill happily team up with you. Just going through Hell Mode at the moment myself.
Debug Mode Posted February 10, 2013 Posted February 10, 2013 -Dem0- said: £14.99 Smyths at the moment.However, it's available as an IN STORE purchase. It's worth mentioning that it's now £4.99. If any one has a store nearby that has stock and hasn't played it yet, that's a fucking steal.
flameboy Posted February 11, 2013 Posted February 11, 2013 Eightbit said: If you fancy dipping into Raid mode, i'm also at Square one, so ill happily team up with you. Just going through Hell Mode at the moment myself. Sure...I've only just started the single player myself but I'm up for it. Really loving the game so far. Playing without the circle pad pro and the controls are so cumbersome and awesome! It definitely slows down the pace and makes combat against even one enemy so tense. Looks gorgeous too. Having up to this point having played primarily Nintendo games it's refreshing to see how good "realistic" games can look on the 3DS.
Ike Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 Well, started my Hell mode play through last night. Made it to the end of chapter 2 with only 1 death, I'm sure I did worse on my normal mode run so I was pretty pleased with that. Only died because I seem to have lost the timing for dodging, should have used the B.O.W Decoy instead. Dreading some later chapters/bosses. Started the game with a Machine Gun, Rifle and an empty Magnum. Rifles are still so good, can still kill in 1 - 2 hits even on Hell mode. Swapped out the Magnum for a handgun once I was able to and upgraded it to shoot 5 bullets with 1 button press which helps a bit. Also found a handprint I missed the first time. 6 left to find!
Ike Posted March 11, 2013 Posted March 11, 2013 Hell mode run through complete. Certainly lived up to it's name. Going to do a casual/no herb run, will using the infinite rocket launcher stop me unlocking the medals?
Mokong Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 Ike said: Hell mode run through complete. Certainly lived up to it's name. Well done Quote Going to do a casual/no herb run, will using the infinite rocket launcher stop me unlocking the medals? Yeah if you want the achievment you must do it without the infinate rocket launcher. Doing it on casual is of course a good idea (what I did), but be warned just cause it on casual won't make it easy if doing a no herb run :wink:
Ike Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 Mokong X-C said: Well done Yeah if you want the achievment you must do it without the infinate rocket launcher. Doing it on casual is of course a good idea (what I did), but be warned just cause it on casual won't make it easy if doing a no herb run :wink: Aww that's no fun then. :P Haha, no kidding "Oh, the first enemy should go down 1 - 2 shots". Nope! !t got me! Died against the chapter 3 boss rather embarrassingly. 27/30 handprints, have a feeling I missed one during Chris' chapter.
Mokong Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 Ike said: Aww that's no fun then. :P Haha, no kidding "Oh, the first enemy should go down 1 - 2 shots". Nope! !t got me! Died against the chapter 3 boss rather embarrassingly. 27/30 handprints, have a feeling I missed one during Chris' chapter. When I was looking for my final handprints they ended up being in some rooms/hallways of the start of the game from before you get the scanner. Took me 4 plays to realise I never back tracked to them. Think there was at least 2 there.
Ike Posted March 14, 2013 Posted March 14, 2013 Yeah, I got those ones in my Hell mode run. Found one in the big Opera hall thing and I forgot you do actually go back to Chris's area later on so I was able to find the one I missed. There's another one in that area but you don't go that far the second time. Think I vaguely remember getting it. 1 more to go!
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