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Does anyone else have a little bit of trouble in distinguishing which balloons you've already hit?


There are ones that are quite clearly blanked out a bit so that you know you don't need to burst that one but then I feel like there are others which look like you haven't touched them before when, in reality, you have ::shrug: Am I missing something..?


I actually had a wee go on the Island Flyover of Wii Sports Resort this evening and it actually felt pretty poor..

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I'm taking my time too and am pretty happy that this is my only 3DS game as it gives me the opportunity to get absolutely everything out of it :hehe:


I haven't even started the Gold missions yet, despite having it available to me for a couple of days, and there is just so much else to get on with! Novice and Silver difficulties have been perfected and I have flown through every Skill Ring in Free Flight with the plane but as for everything else, there are still things to take care of :grin:

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It's possibly point 75, that seems to be the one everyone misses. It's above a ship out at sea near the 3 rock formations at the north east of the map. If if fly north east from the hotel you should see the ship/boat i'm on about, its around there in mid air.


It was indeed that one :laughing:


Not surprised a lot of people missed it, it's in an odd position. Took me ages to find it even though I could see it on the map.


Got them all now :yay:



I have two gold rings on the glider free flight left. That's all. I've looked everywhere but it's bugging me, and there is no way to check what number or anything


I always expect to be sent to a special stage when I fly through a gold ring. :laughing:


Does anyone else have a little bit of trouble in distinguishing which balloons you've already hit?


There are ones that are quite clearly blanked out a bit so that you know you don't need to burst that one but then I feel like there are others which look like you haven't touched them before when, in reality, you have ::shrug: Am I missing something..?


I actually had a wee go on the Island Flyover of Wii Sports Resort this evening and it actually felt pretty poor..


White ones that are blanked out are ones you need to use a different vehicle to collect. Coloured balloons ones are the ones you have collected.

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Finally got all 75 Information points. Nice little surprise there.


I need 2 Mii Trophies and 5 Gold Rings. Have no idea where to go for the Mii trophies, Ring may do, need to explore a little more.


My Member card says that I have put in 7 minutes shy of 10 hours into this game. So much for it being short.

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Sunk a lot of time into this today and have to say it's superb. The addictive qualities of the previous editions remains intact and the returning vehicles handle far better than in previous outings.

Sure I would have liked more islands to explore but when such a solid game has been built around Wuhu I'm not too fussed. Wuhu is also great and makes a great Pilotwings setting.


So yeah, Loving it and enjoying it more than previous versions - added 3D makes a great difference too, glad I trusted a Nintendo classic all over again. Plus, Monster Games now have 3DS experience so I hope they have more output than on Wii. They are a cracking developer.



Also - although I miss the N64 characters, I saw someone online made Mii versions. Can't find the link now but hey, the option is there!

Edited by tapedeck
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I got this yesterday, and I've been surprised how much I'm putting into it. Yes, it could have delivered more content, but the draw of revisiting missions to improve my score is certainly giving it plenty of replay value. Also, unlike Nintendogs and SSFIV, this doesn't feel like something I've played before, as its my first Pilotwings game.

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I finally got three stars on all missions up to and including Platinum.


There were two that I spent ages just restarting cause I messed up stupidly, then when I did do them, I did them and was only a couple of points under a perfect score. I don't know whether to hate the game or love it, but then I play FreeFlight with the hang glider and just love the game.

Edited by BowserBasher
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Am I the only one who thinks the Platinum missions are easier than gold? Also I could have done with the latter levels being a bit longer to be honest. Not gotten 3 stars on all platinum yet though...


The 500 metre, 3 minute hang glider one nearly killed me getting a perfect score, that was the toughest course I reckon.


As for the free flight mode, I'm missing 1 mii statue and it's driving me crazy haha.


A small nitpick, but I wish there were more sunset/evening missions. Particularly later on.

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The 500 metre, 3 minute hang glider one nearly killed me getting a perfect score, that was the toughest course I reckon.

Particularly later on.


Just managed to get a perfect there, did it in 3'05. Cutting it very close. :heh:


Getting perfect landings for the pedal glider missions also looks to be tricky.

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Finally managed to get the last balloon that I was missing, so basically finished the whole game apart from getting all the perfects which for my sanity I'll probably skip! Anyone done that, is it worth it?


Also, was I the only one disappointed that:

You get a message about the mysterious zone and something to look out for around Wuhu Island... Ok so there's the 75th 'i' point there, and it talks about something huge and mysterious appearing here. Obviously they mean the flying saucer from an earlier level, but I dunno, I was just expecting something more than just an i-point and a cryptic pointless message.



Anyway, great game, lots to do and quite a challenge at some points

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Finally managed to get the last balloon that I was missing, so basically finished the whole game apart from getting all the perfects which for my sanity I'll probably skip!


My thoughts exactly. I've 3-starred (but not perfected) Silver and Gold and don't think I will either, as it's not worth the hassle and I'm not that good a gamer. I still love it, but preferred the simpler missions.


Need 2 more Mii trophies and 11 gold rings before I've collected everything. Can't find the last 2 trophies though :mad:.


Of course, it's unlikely mine will be the same as yours, but for some reason my final Mii trophy was on the beach. Not sure how I missed that one. Obviously you've got a lot of the ones hidden in the town, but some of those are unbelievably well-hidden, particularly one tucked in a sort of L-shape. Don't forget there are also buildings a little bit away from the town. Other than that, some of the ones hidden amongst trees are difficult.

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Okay. It's doing my head. I can't work that stupid pedalglider... What the eff do you do? The bit in particular is the tunnel, I can't get through it without landing, and can't then go through it and make it over the tip of the mountain just outside it!!


So close to 3 starring everything but can't do this stupid mission!

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I spent about 45 minutes trying to 3-star that pedalglider mission this evening , and eventually made it, with just the right number of points. It was the tunnel part and climbing the path afterwards that was my big problem, too - even if I did make it all the way up the path in one go, which I probably only did about four times, it was by luck. Also, I had to slow down to a snail's pace to get over the edge, so lost points with from my end of level score. Right, onto 3-starring the Platinum missions tomorrow!

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Just got the last two Mii trophies that I needed on free flight. One was so out in the open, I don't know how I missed it. It was on the beach just south of the main bridge. The other was a little hidden, up in some trees west of the castle. I now have 4 Gold rings for the hang glider. I still have 3 staring all mission to do too.


I think this maybe my most played 3DS game so far.

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Aah, just triple starred all missions Novice - Platinum. Some of those last ones, like popping the balloons pulled by the plane in front, and bursting the big balloons in the jet pack, really gave me grief! No way am I going to be attempting to get perfects on everything.

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Just got the last two Mii trophies that I needed on free flight. One was so out in the open, I don't know how I missed it. It was on the beach just south of the main bridge.


Sounds like the one I missed too.


Personally, I've 3-starred all the missions from Novice to Platinum, and seen the end credits. I've got 7 more stars on top of that, but am not going to try and get the last 2 yet, as it's too difficult to be enjoyable. Maybe I'll try when there are more FAQs to read.


For those who are having trouble with the pedal glider, just try to keep your speed up. Remember, you can either get to the top of the thermal and dive steeply, or keep your nose down as you go through the thermal.


Anyway, I loved this game - my first Pilotwings. It'll remain a special experience to me, as it introduced me to the stereoscopic 3D, which has its problems, but is quite an experience all the same.


I was most impressed with the graphical prowess on display. Draw-distance was superb and reminded me of when I first played Super Mario Sunshine. The island system didn't have any loading times whatsoever, and rather evoked the memory of Wind Waker. It was all just so nice and crisp, and bodes well for future releases.


Good article here: http://www.gamesradar.com/f/pilotwings-resort-isnt-2-3-hours-long-its-23-hours-long-stop-playing-it-wrong/a-20110407102836508006

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Just finished off getting perfects on every mission.

It unlocks the super craft in every mission.


The final rocket belt mission probably took the most attempts, I recorded the replay



Got about 7 hours racked up on mission mode, and I'm sure I'll add many more to that trying to improve my scores further. Then there's collecting all the hidden stuff in free flight, that'll take a while. This game has far exceeded my expectations on replay value after reading all of those early reviews. :smile:

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Finally collected the last 2 Mii trophies, one was hidden around the ruins and one was on the golf island that I somehow missed the first tiime round, and the last golden rings for free flight mode so it's off to complete mission mode now.

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I finished this yesterday, 3 stars on everything... Regular stars that is, not red ones. :laughing:


Was awesome to see...

...Meca Hawk make a return, really wasn't expecting that!


My playtime is just over 10 hours, I imagine I'd need to at least double that to get red stars on everything.

Definitely not done playing this anyway, will certainly be popping back to Wuhu Island every now and then to chill out. :hehe:

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I only have 1 gold ring to find in Free Flight mode but I just can't seem to track it down. I'm sure I'll find it eventually, though :heh:


I also have get 3 stars in the final 2 missions but I haven't attempted those again since I first tried them as I got distracted by the Free Flight! I may leave the perfecting of each mission for the future as a nice incentive to return to the game somewhere down the line :hehe:

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Just found everything in Free Flight mode, with 17 hours on the clock. :) Definitely not going for perfects in mission mode, though, so I guess that's me done with Pilotwings! Now back to my neglected Nintendogs...

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