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Mario Kart 7


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famitsu gave it 37/40 (10,9,9,9)


heres what they said:


"The game's made so you're always able to stage a comeback, making it approachable and enjoyable for anyone. Competing for time is also exciting, and there's more than enough room for hardcore play here. The Community feature makes netplay a lot more accessible than before, and finding opponents via Street Pass is also impressive. It's really exciting to think how the community's going to unfold. There are a lot of changes here, but play it and it's definitely still Mario Kart. That goes to show how complete a game it's become. It's accessible enough that even new players can enjoy it, and when you get into it, you really get into it."

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Eurogamers review is up. 8/10

Not bad. Basically they say that the additions that have been made are slight but generally improve the game (with the exception of the slow underwater sections - no surprise really). One good thing is that they say courses are narrower and a bit tighter, which is always good.

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I just took a quick gander at the character list and there's no Birdo OR Diddy Kong who were my main characters on Mario Kart Wii.


And there's no way I'm being that bee. It still makes me sick that out of the huge Mario universe, that random Bee from Galaxy gets in.

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I just took a quick gander at the character list and there's no Birdo OR Diddy Kong who were my main characters on Mario Kart Wii.


And there's no way I'm being that bee. It still makes me sick that out of the huge Mario universe, that random Bee from Galaxy gets in.


Is the full list up yet?


No Diddy Kong, Birdo OR Waluigi seems seems outdated and reactionary.

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I just took a quick gander at the character list and there's no Birdo OR Diddy Kong who were my main characters on Mario Kart Wii.


And there's no way I'm being that bee. It still makes me sick that out of the huge Mario universe, that random Bee from Galaxy gets in.


If Mario Kart 7 doesn't get DLC next year, I'll eat my hat. Its a no brainer. Despite what Reggie says, Nintendo must surely realise that DLC in Mario Kart would sell like crazy.


For the record, I don't have a hat.


Guardian reviews today


You fail to mention that The Guardian state rubber banding AI is gone. Best Mario Kart ever.

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what's rubber banding AI? does this mean it's nothing at all like MKWii?


please tell me it's nothing at all like MKWii


It's nothing at all like MKWii :D


@Fused King - I just assumed it was the full list, now you mention it, I really hope it isn't. All of the new characters just seem so weird/obscure. Metal Mario, the bee and Wiggler?! What were they thinking.


Other than that minor set back though, I really can't wait. Reviews seem incredibly positive so far and I get paid this Friday so I'll be waiting at the nearest available shop.

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i preordered this over a month ago, even though i didnt like MKWii, i still had a blast but this sounds like the best multiplayer game till the next smash/kart IMO. ive been trying to get as much of my courseworks done so that i can at least have a week of uniterrupted gameplay.


ive been so hyped for this, i mean SO HYPED!


Wednesday can't come soon enough.......i mean friday :hehe:

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Hey guys, I (and I imagine many people) won't be getting this game until Chirstmas, but as we don't know how many people fit in a community, I'm worried that'll mean the late comings are kicked out of any N-Europe community. It'll probably be 12, or whatever the maximum number of racers is.


I just wanna make sure we all have people to play with. I don't want communities to become really exclusive.

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I just wanna make sure we all have people to play with. I don't want communities to become really exclusive.


If we have loads of people we can always split up into two groups of 7 or something and switch over if people want to mix? I'm sure something will get worked out if we have more players than spaces :p


I'd imagine the community will have a maximum limit of 100 players but don't forget the N-E MK League will start in the new year and that will be open to everybody.

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