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Foxes - Should They Stay Or Should They Go?


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I'm sure you've all seen the papers/news about the two kids who were allegedly attacked by a fox.


For now, let us just pretend that this is correct (ignoring the obvious fact that the behaviour of this fox is nothing like any known type of fox) and that the parents were sleeping while they left their door wide open, are they really a serious problem?


First, we have to look at why the foxes are in cities and towns. The simple answers are that we drove them out of their territory, and they we coaxed them into towns/cities and stopped feeding them when they became common, leaving them to scavenge in bins.


Foxes don't attack humans unless they think they have no other choice. It's much more likely for a wild dog/cat or a household pet to attack a kid.


It looks like papers are using this unconfirmed fox attack to spur a hatred towards foxes, possibly so that they can try to get fox hunting back so the higher ups can enjoy killing for fun.


I don't see anything wrong with foxes, what about you lot?

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I don't mind foxes as long as they don't start making noise at night. God their screams go right through you. They're fun to watch playing on the railway track behind my flat.


I'm pretty indifferent to be honest. They keep out of my way and I'll keep out of theirs. We can all go about our business. If one came in my house though, I'd fight it.

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They shouldn't "go" just because some idiot left a window open. That could just as easily been a cat, then would we turn on cats?


As an aside, I'm against fox hunting not because of the nature of the fox, but the nature of the hunt.


This is probably part of some toff conspiracy where they paid off some parents to let a fox attack their kids, or trained foxes to attack babies then let them loose on a neighbourhood on a hot day.*


*Probably not though

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When I saw this news I cringed as I knew it would be paraded out whenever the fox hunting vote comes back. As stated they left the door open in the middle of the night, in London! Have we learned nothing since Maddie (again lets believe the story told us for now)?


Pure conjecture but perhaps the fox had been attacked itself in some manner by humans. They aren't typically violent towards humans. But as I say, just a notion with no evidence.


I understand the desire to control them/their numbers but it should be done so 'humanely' (as they say), not through a blood sport like fox hunting.

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I just assumed the fox saw the babies as chickens or something and thought yum yum I'll ave me some of that. It was just a freak occurrence, foxes would never do something like that normally.


The media were obviously going to use anything containing a fox just to drag back the debate of fox hunting. You have to feel bad for the mother, its not like you should be incredibly cautious about leaving a window open all the time. Granted, I don't know the landscape of the building so that may have been a silly idea if it was say bottom floor front window, but just because a window is left open doesn't necessarily leave people at mortal peril.

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First we have 9/11 set up to start a war in the middle east for oil, now the Foxes shall be blamed for murdering the innocent so we can war with them for a new valuable resource: fun.



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And i thought this was about busciuts!!!.


If people want to be idiots and leave thier door open at night, then so be it. Things like this have the potential to happen if idiots are about, like the person who left the door open.


Such a dull question. Foxes should stay, idiots should be the ones who need to go.

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(I don't think Cube was seriously suggesting we banish all foxes to an island and never hear from them again (look at what happened last time we tried that, we got Australia) but rather wanted to discuss the fox debate and threw in a random pop culture reference)

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I hate shit things that shit people think.


I was saying to my mum, that I "kinda like it in the sense that we're reminded that these "lowly" animals are still beasts just like us". (By "like" I don't mean I enjoy babies being attacked. :/)

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It's always a treat when you see a fox in town. Usually they're half-way down the street crossing the road, turning to look at you like that wolf in Collateral.


One time I was walking towards my house in Brighton after a nightbus back from town. A short way ahead of me was a fox, who'd just run out from an alley. He didn't seem to spot me, instead just trotted the same way I was going in that casual-rushed way that foxes run - like someone who's running late but doesn't like actually running in front of people. Well anyway, we're approaching my house and I've gained on the fox -- and it stops and sees me, so I stop as well... then it turns into my garden path. I was barely seconds behind it but when I got to my garden I couldn't see it, and now whenever I walk home at night I always think some fox will be sitting there, waiting for me. Probably to eat me.


Wow, I made a meal of that 'story'.

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But yeah I dunno what you mean by "go".


Papers and stuff are suggesting that we try to remove all foxes from town/cities. Seems pointless as something else (or foxes from another area) will replace them.

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