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I'm still waiting on my copy.


Same here...Amazon dispatched it two days before the release, still hasn't arrived. :mad:


Loved the first game and really looking forward to playing the second, but "Deutsche Post" is fucking horrible these days.

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I like how there's no explanation for the Tesla missles. You just do it and love it because you dont have to go underground to restore power.


Im doing my first playthrough as Good Cole, can't wait to play the bad guy next time.

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This felt like more of the same to me. The missions and enemies were a bit more varied and some of the new powers were fun, but I had a distinct feeling of 'been there, done that' throughout the game.


Not that it wasn't fun, but I was secretly hoping for as big a step up in quality as between the first and second Sly games.

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I'll spoiler-mark this post, but I don't think it really spoils anything surprising/important.


Can you actually turn evil at the end (as Daft said he did)? I assumed you could, but then I read on the GameFAQs boards that which choice you're allowed to make depends on your karma. In that case, he didn't so much 'suddenly turn evil' so much as stay evil.



I wish they'd done more with Nix and Kuo. Once you got to the second island, they pretty much just popped up occasionally to give you arbitrary moral choices (Kuo was in a couple of optional missions, but those have no bearing on the main story, so meh). I just felt like there really wasn't all that much story in the game. Not that the story in the first game was that great, but I felt that there was more potential to flesh out all of the characters this time.


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I'll spoiler-mark this post, but I don't think it really spoils anything surprising/important.


Can you actually turn evil at the end (as Daft said he did)? I assumed you could, but then I read on the GameFAQs boards that which choice you're allowed to make depends on your karma. In that case, he didn't so much 'suddenly turn evil' so much as stay evil.



I wish they'd done more with Nix and Kuo. Once you got to the second island, they pretty much just popped up occasionally to give you arbitrary moral choices (Kuo was in a couple of optional missions, but those have no bearing on the main story, so meh). I just felt like there really wasn't all that much story in the game. Not that the story in the first game was that great, but I felt that there was more potential to flesh out all of the characters this time.


When you are given the choice, it says you have to manually go back and earn the opposite karma, which sounded like it would take forever ::shrug:



Nix and Kuo seemed half-baked. I miss the psychotic ex-girlfriend from the first game (whose name escapes me at the moment)

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When you are given the choice, it says you have to manually go back and earn the opposite karma, which sounded like it would take forever

Yeah, this was what I read on the GameFAQs boards (obviously I wasn't paying enough attention when I played it myself).


They should just have done away with the choice entirely. I think it would have felt like it meant more if it was solely based on karma. Which, I mean, apparently it already is, but meh. Just let the game choose based on how I've played the game and I think it would have had a bigger impact.


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I just tried the demo, immediately after completing the first game, so the differences were quite clear. Why did they change voice actor? I mean the first Cole was a bit Christian-Bale's-Batman, a bit gruff, but he was OK, I got used to him. It's not that the new guy's bad, it just takes you out of it a little. I keep thinking about the guy behind the mic instead of the character.


Also it's kind of strange that they mapped the L3 function to happen on L2 as well, basically wasting a button. The levitation and vortex powers were awesome though.


Just didn't seem like enough of a leap forward from its predecessor to me. Controlled identically and just felt like more of the same. Not completely a bad thing, but I was hoping for improvements in a few more areas.


One thing I'm fed up of: why do my evil characters always have to be completely pastey? The main reason I don't typically lean towards the bad side in these kind of games is because of the way they make the character look. Just because I'm a bad person doesn't mean my eyes have to glow red, my skin looks like it died five years ago and evil veins throb on my forehead. Can't I be evil without wearing a sign saying "LOOK, BAD GUY COMING THROUGH". When KotOR and the first Fable came along it seemed like a really cool idea, but now it's just gone too far, and with more realistic looking characters, exaggerated reflective features are looking really ridiculous.

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I have a feeling I should just play the second game instead of playing the first one. Seems like it will make the second game feel bland and uninspired, as well as repetitive.


Maybe Infamous 2 is what Infamous 1 should have been, but now that it's a sequel, it loses some of the appeal.

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Also it's kind of strange that they mapped the L3 function to happen on L2 as well, basically wasting a button.

There's not much else the L3 button could have been used for, though, and it makes sense for L2 to show energy sources when you're frantically running around trying to refill your energy while trying to avoid being killed. It's more like they kept the L3 functionality because it was in the first game and the button would have been wasted anyway.


I was a bit disappointed that you couldn't use another R2 powers at the same time as the power that required L1+R2, but I guess that would have messed up their precious quick-select. :sad:

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I have a feeling I should just play the second game instead of playing the first one. Seems like it will make the second game feel bland and uninspired, as well as repetitive.


Maybe Infamous 2 is what Infamous 1 should have been, but now that it's a sequel, it loses some of the appeal.


I think you should just play 2, you won't want to play 2 similar sandbox's back to back, especially when Infamous' worlds aren't all too interactive and are honestly a bit drab. The sequel from my experience and from reviews would agree.


@Shorty - the whole visual asset in regards to evil characters is simply to make it crystal clear - like melodramatic comic-book villains. I wouldn't criticize a superhero game for following that traditional stereotyping, but if LA Noire did... That would be a different story.

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Bought this on Saturday, finished it yesterday. It's a fantastic game and gameplay wise its so much more refined and fluid that the first game. I did prefer the story to the first one though, especially for the twist at the end.


Here's a couple of standout things from the game.


Firstly are the little refrences to other games. I had a laughing fit while reading the HUSH cinema titles.




I never seen the next one around until I did a mission and it was in the cutscene.




Secondly is the Easy Going mission.



I absolutely loved this scene. It's not just for laughs but for how it shows how two best friends have been through hell, yet they still have the time for each other. Fantastic scene.


I've started my 2nd playthrough today. Time to be Evil Cole.

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I finished the game again yesterday, this time I went the evil route. I also did this route on the hard difficulty and TBH there wasn't that much different from normal.


I hated how I had to kill Zeke, it was so sad. I had grown to enjoy his character in this game, ( he was a bit of a douche in the last one ) so when he pulled a gun on me I didn't want to shoot him.


I did enjoy the last cutscene where Cole was "recruting" new conduits and practically taking on the whole world. It was great to see him become The Beast but at the same time it was pretty random how John was blowing stuff up and just had a sudden change of heart. :wtf:



Fantastic game and even though I enjoy the Sly games I wish Sucker Punch were making another Infamous before Sly 4 arrives.

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