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E3 Speculation Thread


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The "Other Consoles" thread for speculation on E3 2010. Now that we're getting closer to the most important week of the year for gamers, some of us must have some ideas or speculation about what we might see. So discuss 'em!


Microsoft will obviously be focusing heavily of Natal this year, with Sony's Move being their highlight. Possibly also a new PSP? Wouldn't surprise me. What about your thoughts?

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I'm looking for InFamous 2. As many flaws as the first game had, and as amazingly slow as it took to get going, by the end of it I was loving it and I really think they could build on it. (Much better characters and story, please!)


A PSP2 would be good, too. Providing they do it right.


Also, Ape Escape for the Move and a whole list of games that will support both Move and the DS3.

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A few of what would have been predictions a week ago — Killzone 3, inFamous 2, premium PSN showcase — are pretty much confirmed at this point. I'm still very interested in seeing them, of course. I think an announcement of Resistance 3 is highly likely, although I've lost some confidence in my earlier thinking of a November 2010 release.


I'm not sure what to expect from Microsoft. Obviously Natal/Wave is going to play a big part, but as that's getting its own presentation there must be other things to show as well. At a guess I'd say they'll unveil the next evolution of Xbox Live now that they're free from the lineage of supporting the original Xbox, but as far as games go... I've an inkling we might see a proper sequel to Perfect Dark, but that's about it.


It might be a bit early, but I suspect a multi-platform multiplayer title set in the Mass Effect universe will be announced for a 2011 release. Not a 'true' MMO, but something a bit PSO/Monster Hunter-esque; that's supposition on my part, before you get too excited. Nothing else is really springing to mind as far as multi-platform titles go, bar some exclusivities coming to an end; Splinter Cell and Versus XIII would make likely candidates.

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Well its been out as long as the Xbox was before that got updated. Although I don't see them updating it until late (ie holiday season) next year at the earliest.


I expect disappointment and fangasms. E3 is really about the overhyped fans.

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Completely different circumstances. It would be absurd to think the leading console would jump the gun when it's sold about 60 million compared to the Playstation 2's 150 million units sold. A price drop would be the natural, and best, thing to do.


Not to mention, if Nintendo did release a new console it probably would only just technically match up to the 360/PS3 (Even then probably not since I doubt a Wii successor would support 3D or have an as competent online infrastructure) and when they finally got around to launching their next consoles (The 360 the more likely candidate) they'd be much more prepared for any dramatic shifts in the market to avoid what happened with the Wii.


I don't think any of the big three are that close to releasing their next machine.

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Completely different circumstances. It would be absurd to think the leading console would jump the gun when it's sold about 60 million compared to the Playstation 2's 150 million units sold. A price drop would be the natural, and best, thing to do.


Not to mention, if Nintendo did release a new console it probably would only just technically match up to the 360/PS3 (Even then probably not since I doubt a Wii successor would support 3D or have an as competent online infrastructure) and when they finally got around to launching their next consoles (The 360 the more likely candidate) they'd be much more prepared for any dramatic shifts in the market to avoid what happened with the Wii.


I don't think any of the big three are that close to releasing their next machine.


Yeah but you didn't say that, you said "in close proximity" :p But I agree. Even though the 'hardcore' (urgh) are calling out for it the public are still eating up the Wii at an alarming rate.

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I would be surprised if Nintendo launched two consoles in such close proximity. I think it'd be an incredibly stupid move too.


And also with the current economic factors no one will be releasing a console anytime soon as there's really no need and people won't want to be spending another £300.

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I actually don't really have any true game desires this year. Maybe a Resistance 3 gameplay trailer would excite me a bit, but I'd like to be shown something cool or unexpected.


Or as I've said before, a platformer. Currently I really don't care for 3D, Premium services, or PSN games. The Last Guardian is almost a certain appearance and I've never played a Team Ico game, so my intrigue is there. As for Infamous 2 - it depends if they make the Sandbox world interesting, mix up enemy variety with proper bosses and make your powers a bit better for moving quickly and allowing destruction on a bigger scale, it has a chance to be worthy. I have a feeling they'll put multiplayer in it though, and it'll have a mid 2011 release.


Above all else I predict Choze will cum in his pants. Also, Canand will ask his Mum to pre-order whatever new console is revealed, if any.

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The Wii is the only Nintendo console that has been severely underpowered, compared to its competitors. So why all of a sudden, does that equal all future console releases being technologically weak?


Because it's logical. The Wii is the first console to blow its competitors out of the water since the SNES(?). It's obvious the mass market don't care for expensive cutting edge hardware and that also means a lower price point for both Nintendo and the consumer.


It's not a sudden a change, either. The DS is technologically weak too compared to the PSP. Nintendo is very much about the implementation (which is amusing considering the atrocious online infrastructure).

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