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E3 wii speculation thread 2010 edition


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I'm guessing Sakurai's busy with Project Sora at the moment, but wouldn't it just be smashing if a new 3DS instalment in the Smash Bros. series was announced?


Smashing, absolutely!


What I'd like to see in a handheld Smash Bros. game though are great characters from HANDHELD franchises. The game could boast its own unique style with the likes of Layton-,Henry Hatsworth-, Mario&Luigi-, Castlevania-, Advance Wars- and Elite Beat Agents- characters. Not to mention some characters from distinctive JRPGs like The World Ends With You. Mixed with your usual Kirby-, Mario-, Pokémon-, The Legend of Zelda- and Donkey Kong- characters.

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I'm guessing Sakurai's busy with Project Sora at the moment, but wouldn't it just be smashing if a new 3DS instalment in the Smash Bros. series was announced?




but yeah, that would be one very strong launch title for the 3DS.

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I'm trying not to get hyped for Nintendo's showing at E3 as we all know deep down the first hour of Nintendo's conference this year will have us all nodding off (Cammie boring us all with Sales talk & charts, Wii Party & Wii Pulse stage demos).


However, hour two should deliver.. please god it has to.


3DS reveal with 10 Nintendo developed games shown in video form, this will take up at least half of the second hour.


Last half hour for the hardcore wii game announcements and demos, Metroid: Other M stage demo, Pikmin 3 stage demo (Miyamoto) and just as everyone is wondering where the hell is Zelda as Reggie is giving his closing speech.


Reggie: "But before you leave, I'd like you to step inside one more world for Nintendo Wii"


Enter Canand posting "ITS POKEMON GUYS!! POKEMON!!!!"

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I'm compiling a case study on the Wii for Media Studies at the moment, and I'm just looking over some Blue Ocean interviews with Iwata from 2007. It made me think: by this Christmas, Nintendo will be 'swimming' in a red ocean as soon as Natal and PlayStation Move land. Iwata is adamant on avoiding these metaphorical red oceans.



And I'll leave that right there.

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Art style for the new Zelda, any ideas? I actually think they'll go for a similar look to Twilight Princess, but maybe even a bit more realistic somewhat. There will be a large focus on casting magic as well, potions and rituals 'n all.


And kinky armour.

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Tellyn: (laughs)


Art style for the new Zelda, any ideas? I actually think they'll go for a similar look to Twilight Princess, but maybe even a bit more realistic somewhat. There will be a large focus on casting magic as well, potions and rituals 'n all.


And kinky armour.


I was wondering if the art style could actually be similar to Twilight Princess, but have a painted, almost watercolour effect like the original artwork Miyamoto showed off.

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Or don't be bitter to attract attention. The fact is, we know what it does, and it doesn't sound at all exciting. The Wii was a pleasant surprise when it was revealed, and even though it was unique, you could see it had potential. With this I'm convinced it'll be pretty useless and won't be used for conventional games, which is what I'm interested in.

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Art style for the new Zelda, any ideas? I actually think they'll go for a similar look to Twilight Princess, but maybe even a bit more realistic somewhat. There will be a large focus on casting magic as well, potions and rituals 'n all.


And kinky armour.


Think I mentioned a page or two back what I'd like the art style for the new Zelda to be. Tellyn's already mentioned it again but I'd definitely like to see a watercoloured Zelda; taking say the cel-shaded look of Borderlands (it is cel-shaded Gearbox no matter how you try to spin it) and using perhaps the colour palette of Okami although maybe lessen the boldness of the colours used in that instance. I think it would look really nice with softer colours and it would still allow for the same realistic/goofy styling for characters and locations.

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I can imagine the style sort of 'flickering' as you play it, like in a motion comic when actions are sort of blurred and there's white gaps. Hard to explain and think of an example. But I can just imagine that looking really cool in a videogame, seeing as you have control over it.

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Posting common sense on a forum is a quick way to being bitter and attracting attention. Fact.

But it wasn't common sense, and I provided an explanation. You've just phrased your posts provocatively for no reason.

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