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E3 wii speculation thread 2010 edition


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Uhm, .......are we still speculating?:laughing:


Here's a question for all you heavy argumentators out there:

Is it possible for NINTENDO to show off the 3DS to us, pc-bound, viewers?


I imagine they'll have some sort of video demonstration that illustrates how it works. It'd be very hard for them to sell it to us if they couldn't at least show us in a mass media kinda way.

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Here's a question for all you heavy argumentators out there:

Is it possible for NINTENDO to show off the 3DS to us, pc-bound, viewers?


This is actually a very interesting point. I imagine the 3DS will be showcased in some form. What will probably happen is - like TGS 05 - they'll have a trailer for the console showing off a representation of how the 3D will be, kind of like with adverts for 3D movies:



It's obviously not the same, but it's no more misleading than when publishers use CGi on their video game commercials.


I imagine they won't give the 3DS a comprehensive reveal to the press until there are playable software available so hands-on impressions can elaborate on how it actually works. That stage may not be E3. They may decide to hold a separate convention in the Autumn for that.

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A part of me would die if I lost all my downloaded games. Just so I know, what's the best way to avoid this from happening? That is, if there is any.

Part of me did die that day. I still mourn for it's loss...


What happened to your Wii?


The damn thing bricked when I got a system update for the Wii via The Conduit disc. Got it switched at a store for another one completely forgetting the issue wit the downloadable stuff.


I've not got MH Tri... I guess that means I'm a filthy casual! :woops:


Casual scrub! Why aren't you out getting this!?

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I think Nintendo will start off by saying how they've made less money than they'd hoped and their consoles are selling less...


And then they'll show a sad face on a big screen and say sorry by showing a revised Wii and new handheld.


Then next year they'll come back and laugh at you all for falling for their sympathy act and unveil their nuclear plans!

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I think Nintendo will start off by saying how they've made less money than they'd hoped and their consoles are selling less...


And then they'll show a sad face on a big screen and say sorry by showing a revised Wii and new handheld.


Then next year they'll come back and laugh at you all for falling for their sympathy act and unveil their nuclear plans!


Sweet, I'd love a new Wario game:D

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Then next year they'll come back and laugh at you all for falling for their sympathy act and unveil their nuclear plans!


Nintendo announce Nintendo Quest, Nintendo series mixed with Dragon Quest, the chances of any other series surviving in Japan to 0/10 chance.

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Zelda wii, 3ds and pokemon black and white will be the highlight for me. If the way they show off the 3ds and new zelda is anything like the 2004 show (where they first showed the ds and twilight princess) then were in for a treat.

Edited by ssj
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Zelda wii, 3ds and pokemon black and white will be the highlight for me. If the way they announce the 3ds and new zelda is anything like the 2004 show (where they first showed the ds and twilight princess) then were in for a treat.


"But before you leave..."

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"But before you leave..."


Unfortunately that Zelda announcement / trailer was so unexpected.

This year everyone knows a new Zelda Wii game will make some kind of appearance at E3.


Still gives me goosebumps when I watch it on youtube.



Oh my god indeed.

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If you remember Matt from IGN teased it with an acronym of REALISTIC ZELDA. No one believed it though and it was a shock.


I can remember i was making my first ever film and I had a production meeting afterward, i was late for it watching this and it was such a buzz. But i count talk about it like i wanted to as even more so then people just weren't into gaming!


I woud love another handheld and Zelda double bill. Zelda would have to be something radically different (or on the next console) to have e close to the impact of that!

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If you remember Matt from IGN teased it with an acronym of REALISTIC ZELDA. No one believed it though and it was a shock.



what it wasn't that hard to fathom though..


All that man did was guess. He was wrong plenty of times too.....still waiting for Kid Icarus matt!

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Nintendo announce Nintendo Quest, Nintendo series mixed with Dragon Quest, the chances of any other series surviving in Japan to 0/10 chance.


This doesn't actually sound like a bad idea when you consider just how well loved another mixed series, Kingdom Hearts, is, not least in Japan where it's massive. It'd certainly be an interesting move but if done right like the KH games, it'd bring in a hell of a lot of money.

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I imagine they won't give the 3DS a comprehensive reveal to the press until there are playable software available so hands-on impressions can elaborate on how it actually works. That stage may not be E3. They may decide to hold a separate convention in the Autumn for that.


You think so? After the premature announcement back in March and Iwata's refusal to say or do anything else until E3, and the persistent rumours and apparent confirmations that the 3DS will be out this year, fire and brimstone would spew from the demonic, all-seeing eyes of the internet if they didn't have anything playable.


Similarly, after the hype Reggie and the N-Team have been shoving behind Zelda Wii and its alleged push for a 2010 release, there would be blood if it wasn't shown.

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If I had to guess how the 3DS will show at E3, I'd say it'll be along the lines of the DS at E3 2004. They'll show the console and let press go hands on with it but essentially, most of what will be playable will be tech demos to show what the console is capable of, with a couple of those perhaps turning into proper fully fledged releases, such as the inevitable showing of a new Mario game and perhaps Mario Kart.


That's how I see it going anyway. Seems a reasonable way to do it although you'd hope they have some big software for the thing on the floor and slated for launch date just to really punch home the 'necessity' for getting the console when it launches this year in Japan. It'll perhaps get a release in the US this year as well but I'd doubt Europe will get the thing until next year.

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I'm inclined to agree with Ganepark. I think it will be shown off. I'd just be surprised if there was a tonne of software announcements with it a la Wii at E3 2006. E3 2004 and those now-mythical tech demos (lol Sonic Rub) is what comes to mind for the prospects of 3DS this year.

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Yet again, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. The reason more and more companies are offering DLC is because the actual out of the box games aren't making the profits they need to. It's for the same reason that companies like THQ, EA and Ubisoft are trying to reduce the size of the used games market by offering specific bonuses for people who buy their games new rather than second hand.


If you doubt this, all you have to do is listen to the many industry podcasts or read analysis that is available on a weekly basis. Try listening to Epic Battle Cry or Invisible Walls over on GT. I'm pretty sure you'll soon have your eyes opened.


Again, you demonstrate your lack of knowledge, SONY's gaming division and their loses have been widely reported all over the web. Those figures are taken from Gamespot, who I'm sure know more on the issue than you do. What's more, to suggest that things are rosy and nearly billion dollar loses that are occuring year on year can be 'deflected' really does show your naive view of the world. These loses have been reflected in SONY 'restructuring' as you say, in the real world this translates to job loses and closures of offices.


You say what does this all mean for the consumer, well it will mean three things - games will have to go up in price, more companies will have to start releasing and charging for DLC to make ends meet or companies will be closing - all of that affects the consumer.


What's more, SONY's gaming division and many big publishers are in dire straits at the moment, not in the rosy position you claim!


QUICK EDIT: EA made a loss in 2009 of OVER $1 billion!


Those job loses and closing of offices aren't as simple as you want it to be. It's indicative of the socio-economic shift the company is taking with regards to globalising the company instead of centring it within Japan.


Fundamentally the business model needs to change and you'd be stupid not to realise that and obviously you don't realise that. Why spend £30 on a DS game when an iPod game that's just as good, is 59p? Hell, Sonic is only like £3.50. We've seen this having to happen in other industries like the movie and music industry with varying degrees of success. Don't think gaming is any different and don't disillusion yourself with the notion that this generation's games are still as expensive as they are to make as they were 4/5 years ago.


So games will get more expensive? Well like I said, 5 years have passed and they haven't...so...what more is there to say? It hasn't happened. In fact they're cheaper than in the days of the N64 and alternate routes like PSN/XBLA and Stream means you're making a dumb generalisation. Shock horror.


Like I said before, the consumer is not suffering at all. In fact the number of excellent games in the past two years has been phenomenal and is usually followed by a comment of having a back log or a suffering wallet.


You've jabbered on about Sony's (Sorry, SONY's) game division losing money but ignored the fact that the PS3 is a vehicle to drive demand for their online store, blu-ray and 3D.


And that those losses can be deflected because if you look at Sony as a whole they actually made a profit.


Overall, Sony enjoyed an in-the-green income of £228.1m for the year. The company lost money in the previous year. Sales of LCD TVs were picked out as a high point.


In fact, you're the most utterly useless person to talk to because you ignore points, and argue against point that just weren't made. You can join Choze on my ignore list.


So, thanks for coming. Have a medal and No.

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Unfortunately that Zelda announcement / trailer was so unexpected.

This year everyone knows a new Zelda Wii game will make some kind of appearance at E3.


Still gives me goosebumps when I watch it on youtube.




Oh my god indeed.


Everyone was expecting a Zelda, but not in that term of caliber, everyone truly thought that the next Zelda game was going to be Wind Waker 2, it was even said by the creators, but they said it in a way that fooled a lot of us into thinking that.


Heck if I remember correctly, back when this site was cube-europe, it had an article right before E3 on 'What we want in Wind Waker 2' Or something like that.


So to see something like that...was yeah unexpected, who the hell knows what Zelda looks like now, we might still act like that just because it looks totally different and we are expecting a realistic Zelda.


An adult cel-chaded game perhaps in the fashion of Dragon Quest VIII? vast world, colorful? Who knows what we are going to get.

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Nintendo unleash the ultimate A-bomb: Nintendo have bought back Rare, for less than a tenth of what Microsoft payed for the company.

Perfect Dark and Banjo Threeie are due for release in 2011, while Blast Corps will be out for Wiiware later this year.

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So, thanks for coming. Have a medal and No.


Haven't you learnt yet man? Having serious conversations on here where we use logic and information to try and consort with the already convinced is a massive :zzz: and :mad:.


And by here I mean the internet.

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