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Sonic Colours

mcj metroid

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well that settles it then, just waiting for the gametrailers review, but its now known that this game is NOT going to suck.


I like watching the GT reviews but I don't put too much stock in them as I don't think they always cover all the aspects of a game in the review and they often seem a little lenient in their comments/scoring.


I still put most of my faith in Edge and Digister. And I know people slag off IGN and all, but I must say that my opinions on games never seem to be too far away from theirs on the whole.

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Eurogamer for me. Whenever I see a game that might interest me, off to Eurogamer I go. They tend to be accurate with their reviews, and very rarely do I see bias.


Oh yeah - them guys too. Can't believe I forgot about them. I'll read any of their reviews just as something to read, whether I have a particular interest in the game or not.

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There are far to many awesome games out at the end of this year! Goldeneye, COD, DKCR, Epic Mickey, Sonic Colours... I'll be buying and playing them well into next!! And I haven't even got round to buying Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M yet!!


this is gonna be an expensive christmas for you man:santa:

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A no where near as enthused... GT Review - 6.4





I didn't watch the review, only listened to it, so as not to spoil the gameplay.


They do point out more issues with the gameplay than the IGN video review, though I'm willing to overlook the music etc... because personally I've always liked the music in 3D Sonics!


I'm still willing to give this a go. Though hopefully I may be able to get it at a slightly reduced price in a few months, seeing as I have so many other games to get first!

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Sounds like the kind of review i'd listen to. I'm not the biggest fan of 3d sonic games as you may as well know. Seem to keep adding things to a flawed game design instead of refining it in every outing.


I accept no excuses for this at this point. They've been getting the same things wrong for 10 years now.


I am kinda disappointed in this. It held a slight bit of promise being essentually unleashed with no werewolf stages.

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I've just read this over on GoNintendo.


We've been seeing some pretty stellar scores for Sonic Colors thus far, and I was expecting the same from GameTrailers. To my surprise, they've come in quite a bit lower than everyone else. If you've already watched the review, you know what I'm talking about. While I moved on after seeing the review, some others looked into the footage and believe that there might be an issue that needs to be addressed.


Apparently, an earlier build of Sonic Colors didn't have the fine-tuned controls that the final build has. Quite a few sources have emailed me stating that they believe the review build used for the GameTrailers review was not the one with the tweaked controls. Obviously that sense of control could add a good amount of change to the overall review score from GameTrailers, which leaves me wondering what is really going on.


We're going to try and figure out if there's any accidental foul play going on here. The GT crew is really well respected for their work, and I'm sure that if there was any issue with the version of the game they reviewed, it was a simple oversight/mistake.




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I've just read this over on GoNintendo.






Its weird that most sites and magazines gave it an 8 or higher and gametrailers allot lower, leeds me to beleve that the gonintendo article is true.


I really hope that if gametrailers is wrong, they pull the video review from the site and review the game.


The game doesnt deserve a 6.4, i know it, i played it(got my copy today). And the 5 hour argument is not true, evryone says about 10 hours if you arent collecting evryting unless they rushed tru the game.

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Everyone was so excited for this and one website gives it bad reviews and sega has failed again.

I'm not going to buy it because I have no time however...

Don't know if that's true. I'm still willing to give it a go, and I usually listen to Gametrailers above all others. It's just there are so many other games for me to get first.
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Don't know if that's true. I'm still willing to give it a go, and I usually listen to Gametrailers above all others. It's just there are so many other games for me to get first.


The thing that bugs my about the gametrailers review:


1. They compare it to 2d sonic games, that not a way to review a game. Thats like compare mario bros 1,2 and 3 to super mario 64 and galaxy.


2. They complain about the kiddy storyline:sad: a. Sonic is a 3 to 7+ game, get over it GT its not going to get a gun storyline like shadow the hedgehog (yea they gave THAT peace of garbage an 8.3.


3. Complain about motion controls, really GT? the only motion controlls that are used is to activate the wisps. You may not like motion controlls but they are far from atricious.


4. Complaining about the voice acting, uhm GT if you dont like them you can switch to Japanese in the options menu. They didnt even mention that in the review. Also not mentioning the multiplayer(i know it its crap, but they could mention it)


5. Maybe the most important thing in the game are the controlls, GT says they where lose. I seriously cant complain about them, They are way more tight than the daytime stages in unleashed(they praised the daytime stages in unleashed).


And finish the game in 5 hours cant be right, im almost sure that they rished true the game. Like they needed to be on time to get on a plain.

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^ well there is that rumour they got given a dodgy review copy!?


1. Yeah that's fare enough, but I think they are just saying the gameplay is not there like it was in the 2D games.

2. Yeah a Sonic story is what it is, like Mario.

3. I can't comment on this yet until I've played the game.

4. I think they did mention multiplayer didn't they? or was thatthe IGN video review? One of them mentioned it and said it was quite difficult to have two sonics on the screen at once, in the levels it gives you. or something along those lines?

5. Hopefully this can be explained by a fault with their review copy.


I think they said 5 hours for the quest, but then they did say you could go back after this and use all your later wisps in earlier levels to complete the game 100%. I don't know if that 5hrs for the main quest is right or not though.

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It is difficult to deny that something sounds off with the GT review.


That said, length is always very on the dependant on the individual playing though for one to suggest it's half the length the others say seems a bit out of line.


Well my copy is in the post so I should have it tomorrow all being well and then I'll find out for myself.

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4. Complaining about the voice acting, uhm GT if you dont like them you can switch to Japanese in the options menu. They didnt even mention that in the review. Also not mentioning the multiplayer(i know it its crap, but they could mention it)


From what I've heard, the new voice actors are pretty good. A lot better than the 4kids ones.

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^ The Gametrailers review points out just how annoying the gap in the screen can be in the DS version. When I played the demo I really didn't like it as I would kinda loose Sonic for a bit.


However, the fact they ended up scoring (what on first impressions I personally thought to be a pretty rubbish game) it considerably higher than the Wii version... surely their Wii review copy had to be faulty?... surely?!

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And as for the voices... I can't say I'm overly thrilled with the new Sonic voice. I know there is always that resistance when there is a change from what you are used to - I'm sure we'd all be up in arms if someone other than Charles Martinet was drafted in to do the voice of Mario - but at least when the actors changed before, they sound a little similar to each other.


This new guy doesn't much like the rest and so it makes it harder to imagine it as being Sonic's voice - I'm a RD man myself and always will be :)


I don't have a problem with Tails though.

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