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Call of Duty: Black Ops

Zechs Merquise

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My review of the game is up at Bits 'n' Bytes and my view of it doesn't seem too dissimilar from lostmario!


Check it out peeps, leave feedback, hunt me down etc. if you disagree.




That's a pretty appalling review to be honest - pretty much inline with the kind of tripe I'd expect from Gameinformer.


The fact you skirted over the games biggest achievements and choose to focus on the fact there a couple of missing kill streaks is a pretty poor showing.


I suppose the real downer with the multiplayer aspect isn’t really anything to do with the game itself, and rather it’s more the fact that the Xbox 360/PS3 versions have more players playing, clearer graphics (all too important when playing competitively) and a friendlier online user interface, as friend codes are non-existent on the other systems.


Did you even play the game? There are no Friend Codes in the game, you can add anyone you want from previous matches you've played, you can chat anyone via the headset, you can send text messages - Treyarch have created a system comparable to XBOX Live on the Wii, yet you're talking about Friend Codes in the game?


When you write stuff like that, I wonder if you played the game properly?

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Did you even play the game? There are no Friend Codes in the game, you can add anyone you want from previous matches you've played, you can chat anyone via the headset, you can send text messages - Treyarch have created a system comparable to XBOX Live on the Wii, yet you're talking about Friend Codes in the game?


When you write stuff like that, I wonder if you played the game properly?


Well to be fair Zechs the "Ally Code" is essentailly a "Friend Code", but I've only ever had to use that once to Add Kav, and added everyone else after I played with them online. But that's really only if you want to find a specific person that you hadn't played with yet I suppose, which is what I did.

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Well to be fair Zechs the "Ally Code" is essentailly a "Friend Code", but I've only ever had to use that once to Add Kav, and added everyone else after I played with them online. But that's really only if you want to find a specific person that you hadn't played with yet I suppose, which is what I did.


Not really, with a Friend Code, you had to add your friend's code, then he or she had to add yours. On this you add an Ally Code and it comes up as a request to be accepted or denied, the same as adding someone on XBOX Live.


The reason a code exists rather than just searching for a friend's name is because the code is the unique part as you can alter your name any time you want to add clan tags!


Also, the main criticsm of Friend Codes is that you can't add people from recent games or chat or communicate in any way with other players not on your list. In Black Ops you can add anyone you want that you've come across and chat to anyone you play with!


What's more, he slates Black Ops and gives it a poor score, one of his main complaints being bugs, yet gives Fallout New Vegas a great score and that is possibly a contender for the most buggy game ever released - including game ending and save destroying bug which saw many players having to start a fresh game!

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I'm gonna have to agree with Zechs on this one. So more people play the HD versions, that's nothing to do with the game itself, you don't need 1 million people online, you're not going to play with all of them are you?! 6k online is fine, you don't need more than that, heck, you don't even actually need that many online, you'll not play them all in one night!


Zechs is right about the Ally codes too, you don't need them too add people, they're there to use to search a player out, just like if you were searching a gamertag on xbox live, you can always send requests without using the Ally code.


I read the review and it seems like he's not really played the game, just gave it a quick go and made a snap decision. Sure the game had bugs, but if you look at the other forum thread or speak to those that have played the HD versions (or have played them yourself, as I have) you'd know that the HD versions have suffered from the same bugs!


It's a terrible review of a game, no matter how you look at it!

Edited by Kav
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So because the HD versions have bugs aswell as the wii version, that means he's not allowed to mention them in a Wii review? That's the impression i'm getting.


And just to let you know, i've got Blops for the PS3, and i hate it, i'm trading it in next week.


@Zechs. So you rate a game on how many bugs it has? When looking around the bugs, he obviously found F:NW to be a better game than Blops.

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So because the HD versions have bugs aswell as the wii version, that means he's not allowed to mention them in a Wii review? That's the impression i'm getting.


And just to let you know, i've got Blops for the PS3, and i hate it, i'm trading it in next week.


@Zechs. So you rate a game on how many bugs it has? When looking around the bugs, he obviously found F:NW to be a better game than Blops.


What I'm saying is the following


- The review was inaccurate and basically glossed over the online system, which is hands-down the best on the system. However the review criticised it for the Friend Codes which is not what the game uses.

- The review criticses the game for bugs and appears to mark it down heavily for them, stating the 360/PS3 versions are superior, infact the bugs are present in those versions too.

- The review nit picks over the missing killcams and a couple of killstreak awards - I would be mad if a game lacked maps, modes or as in some cases the whole online portion of the game, but when a developer does such a great job of cramming literally everything they can into the Wii version nit picking is silly. Many developers leave huge things out of Wii versions, Treyarch give us 99% of what is in the other versions yet still there are complaints?

- The review marks the game down for having less players online, that isn't the fault of the game! We all knew the online community on Wii would be smaller - but the fact is there's always a good number on and there are plenty of games going.

- Fails to mention headset support - it's the first Wii game to include this and thusly deserves a mention at least.

- Fails to mention the zombie coop, another first for an online Wii shooter.


Finally, I don't see how you can mark this down for the relatively minor bugs it has in the single player, but then give Fallout New Vegas a 9/10 when it is riddled with literally game ending and save destorying bugs.


I felt overall the review was inaccurate, missed out hugely important parts of the game and its online system and penalised it for for poor reasons - some of which are out of the developers control.


For years people have whinned about developers not putting effort into bringing third party games to the Wii that have the same modes, online support and community interactivity as games on other systems. So Treyarch come along and produce a game like Black Ops, which has all the maps, modes, guns etc and has the only online system on Wii where you can chat to anyone in your party and people are bashing it?

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To be fair, you do have to buy a fairly expensive headset.


Yes, but if you buy a PS3 and want to chat to people you also have to buy a headset! The only console that ships with a headset is the 360.


The fact is, Wii owners have wanted voice chat in online games since the Wii was released, now someone provides an option for that and people either pretend it doesn't exist or moan?

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Wow, what a disgrace! Just read this over on GoNintendo.


The guys at GamesRadar found out something really interesting while playing Call of Duty: Black Ops on Wii. Actually, it's a bit more surprising and upsetting than it is interesting.


After a quick look around the interwebs, we found many people who are having the same problem. Connecting over the network in Zombies mode works just fine and lag free. But try to connect to the competitive modes and you'll find yourself staring at the same screen waiting for a connection indefinitely. Activision is supposedly slowly ramping up the amount of people who are allowed to connect to the competitive multiplayer servers due to high demand, but there's no excuse for refusing service to your customers who paid $50 for this game. As of right now, people who buy Black Ops on the Wii can't be sure that they'll be able to play it online until Activision deems it time. You'll want to make sure this problem has been rectified before you lay down any of your hard earned dollars for this product.


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Wow, what a disgrace! Just read this over on GoNintendo.


Yeah it had those problems a lot at the beginning, they've generally been ironed out but there are still a few connection issues when trying to get into games.

Activision need to sort it out quickly!

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Wait, I thought the wii version didn't have zombies mode...


It does :)


You can play it solo or online with up to 4 people. It's awesome.


It does however only have the one level where on the PS3 and 360 a 2nd level gets unlocked after completing the story mode. The one level is enough for me so far anyway... most rounds I've survived is 9 and that was with 3 other N-E'ers, with randoms best I got was 5... last I looked the record was 25... Clan N-E need to get to number 1 :heh:

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Ok, got this yesterday already...did some multiplayer, though with not very impressive results yet :D


Any tips for the control scheme? I already maxed out the sensitivity...


You need to just fiddle around yourself and get used to it! It took me a while to get my best set up, but I did that ages ago on previous COD games and just copied the results into this one!


Post your Ally Code into the meet up thread and join us for a few games!


Posted today by Josh Olin from Treyarch:


Wii Community,


Thank you for helping us to identify the various connectivity issues you have been experiencing. We have fixed many of the problems you have reported and are currently testing those fixes in anticipation of releasing an update.


Stay tuned for the delivery of this update within the next week or so.


Thank you for your support!



Fix coming soon for the issues!

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Wow, what a disgrace! Just read this over on GoNintendo.


That story is completely false and was made up by a site called 'Gamesradar'.


Josh Olin from Treyarch has been posting on the Wii forums and said:


No, that story is NOT true. The Wii team is working feverishly on solving the problem some of you are experiencing. It is not all, trust me.





Gamesradar is NOT a reputable site and is NOT included as a site on Gamerankings.com. They have made this garbage up completely, for what reason I don't know.


Whilst the game has had several issues with online matchmaking and with those using LAN Adaptors, things have a got a lot better over the past week.

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Gamesradar is NOT a reputable site and is NOT included as a site on Gamerankings.com. They have made this garbage up completely, for what reason I don't know.


Utter nonsense. Gamesradar is a credible site and generally, their content is very well done and written, including features and reviews. Just because it's not included in the meta-scores on gamerankings.com doesn't mean it isn't credible. People need to pull their heads out of the a-holes that are gamerankings and Metacritic and stop taking them as scripture. Yes, it's good to have all the reviews in one place but it doesn't give any account of a site's credibility as you're trying to state.

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Utter nonsense. Gamesradar is a credible site and generally, their content is very well done and written, including features and reviews. Just because it's not included in the meta-scores on gamerankings.com doesn't mean it isn't credible. People need to pull their heads out of the a-holes that are gamerankings and Metacritic and stop taking them as scripture. Yes, it's good to have all the reviews in one place but it doesn't give any account of a site's credibility as you're trying to state.


Maybe not, but with Gamerankings you have to be a reliable site in the first place. What's more, for them to make up nonsense like this about a game and print it in a review as gospel is awful. If sites write reviews or do news articles on games they should ensure that those articles are factual at the very least!


I'm well aware that initially there were real issues online and with matchmaking but those have nearly all cleared up now. We were all online last night and didn't have any problems. We played Zombies, TDM and Domination and had a great time.

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Coming from the Call of Duty forums...


We are listening to you and continue to work on updates to the game based on your feedback. Our first update is now complete and will be available within the next 24 hours!


You must have a Wii Shop Channel account in order to download the update. Visithttp://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/wii/en_na/channelsShop.jsp#accessfor information on the Wii Shop Channel.


The game will prompt you to download the update when you start Multiplayer once it is available. If you are already running the game at this time, switch to Single Player and restart Multiplayer to get it. The update cannot be downloaded from Zombies, and you will be prompted to switch over to Multiplayer in order to access it.





* o Unable to connect to multiplayer without switching profiles

* o Freezes during matchmaking when using the LAN adapter

* o Players were sometimes kicked out af a game right before it started

* o Changes to custom controls and options were not saving correctly ("Unbound glitch")

* o Wager match specific bug in Radiation that caused dead players to teleport

* o Fixed "care package glitch" where player could get infinite number of 'Sam Turret', 'Care Package', and 'Sentry Gun' killstreaks


Hope goldeneye wii is also patchable, since the freezing problems with the lan adapter is also in goldeneye wii, and its annoying to power of my wii multiple times. And yes im using the official lan adapter, maybe someone could ask activision.

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