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lol a few of us had problems this eve trying to get itno games, I think we had party of 7 and people just kept getting dropped left right and centre. The lack of wager matches in private mode is abosolute tosh. I do believe they are patching the match making and making it better.


I am on the level with someone, i don't know the names. Erm the one where you abseil down the side of the place and you end up trapped in a room where the radio is jammed and it's rigged to blow, how do you get to the jump point, i tried jumping the crappy gate but it won't let me

:( any ideas?


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Wager matches in private couldn't happen. People would just abuse it to get loads of cash. Same reason you don't get XP/BP in most games in player matches.

Wager matches in private couldn't happen. People would just abuse it to get loads of cash. Same reason you don't get XP/BP in most games in player matches.


Not bothered about CodPoints, would just like to have wager matches that are easy to join with 6 people that you know, Private matches allows this. well would if the wager option was available private matches.


loving this game


the escaping prision mission on campaign on solo is awesome loved every second of it


on multiplayer really liking "nuketown" great fun on domination as the map is quite small. Also liking "launch"

havent played new vegas since this came out as the multiplayer is so addictive

Wager matches in private couldn't happen. People would just abuse it to get loads of cash. Same reason you don't get XP/BP in most games in player matches.


the points don't bother me but not being able to even play a game of gun game with buddies sucks.

It's odd, everyone seems to love Nuketown but I hate it immensely. Keep thinking there's something I just don't get about it.


Same Same, It get's voted again and again, it's fun once but shit if you have to keep playing it.

It's odd, everyone seems to love Nuketown but I hate it immensely. Keep thinking there's something I just don't get about it.


You're plrobably playing on the wrong playlist. It sucks on certain modes, and it rocks on others. Amazingly so.


I'm terrible at wager matches... Must've lost over 40.000 and won like 6.000. I just cannot win...

Gun Game, it's all good up to the snipers... I am unable to kill anyone with the first one. I always get stuck in that tier and pretty much just gave up that mode.


Sharpshooter has the same problem, there's always at least one sniper in it and I just fall way behind as soon as it comes up, and can never place first... I consistently place second on this one, but I can't get first.


One in the chamber. Now, this is my favourite... and I actually win this one sometimes... but everyone else has a natural advantage over me on this one, as I play with the tactical controller setup (Melee on B/Circle, the right stick is for crouchin) and I can almost never get the melee out faster, when it comes to a speed duel.


Sticks and Stones I have no handicap with, but I just can't seem to win any. In fact the only mode I've ever won was OITC. And I've spent like 10 hours or so playin wager matches...


It's like as soon as there's money on the table, my playing goes down the toilet or somethin'... It's fucking frustrating, it is! :(




Sticks and Stones is just stupid. Other day, i got 6 kills more than anyone else, and a better KD ratio. Yet, because of the idiotic Tomahawk rule, i didn't even come in the top 3. Bullshit.


I'm pretty good at the wager matches, I can win in most of them but being bankrupted when you are winning in sticks and stones just feels unfair, since everyone will be lashing tomahawks at the leader and he's bound to get hit by one eventually.

Well i'm shite at online... it's official.


I'm only rank 4, my K/D ration is royally fucked already.


No worries dude, you'll get better, I mean I hardly ever break even because most of the time I have more deaths. Plus as you get better weapons things get easier.


One in the chamber. Now, this is my favourite... and I actually win this one sometimes... but everyone else has a natural advantage over me on this one, as I play with the tactical controller setup (Melee on B/Circle, the right stick is for crouchin) and I can almost never get the melee out faster, when it comes to a speed duel.


Well there's an easy enough cure for that....



Sticks and Stones is just stupid. Other day, i got 6 kills more than anyone else, and a better KD ratio. Yet, because of the idiotic Tomahawk rule, i didn't even come in the top 3. Bullshit.


I enjoy the odd game of sticks and stones as it can be absolutely hilarious. I only ever play it in the lowest buy-in, I just play because its funny. Half the time you have no idea who's at the top either because you don't have time to check someone's name before going into battle.

Well there's an easy enough cure for that....


Nah, in standard playing I rarely ever use melee and I do more than alright by

prone diving around corners, most of the time. ^^


Plus, I never said I don't have fun playin them wager matches... I just don't win them, is all. :p

Posted (edited)

Invite me to theatre mode if you see me online.


game has been patched.


Improved matchmaking to find matches significantly faster

· Improved matchmaking to ensure that players are more effectively matched to games with the best networking conditions

· Improved host selection to ensure that the best host is always selected in the pre-game lobby

· Improved party system to ensure that parties don’t get broken apart

· Disable ability to join Private Match, Combat Training and Theater lobbies when searching for Player Match games

· Server-side and game-side changes to decrease the amount of failed Film uploads

· Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)

· Prevention of Combat Training stats getting crossed with Player Match stats under rare conditions

· Prevention of temporary loss of functionality when a button was being held down at the point of a disconnect

· Additional fine-tuning of audio levels and ranges for footsteps and gunfire

· Additional fine-tuning of audio levels for bomb plants/defuses

· Additional online security enhancements


Oh and here is a video of me gettin merked. I has a WTF moment and he killed me.


Edited by James

Well I fixed my PC Black Ops problem with some scissors and a bit of sellotape. Turns out, it was a combination of processor being underclocked, and then a cable getting stuck in the cpu fan, causing it to not spin, and thus my cpu would overheat and run at an even slower Hz giving me very poor performance. Now I have overclocked my cpu and sellotaped the offending cable in such a way it should not impede the fan (for awhile at least). MUCH MUCH better now.


Has anyone else noticed that the auto-aim in this is extremely high? I'm noticing people with my auto-aim very regularly when they are hiding behind things and I shouldn't be able to see them.


Overall i would say it is a good game (although in more of the same kind of way). Campaign gets better as you go, multiplayer seems more of the same and zombie mode is hard but cool.


However, i much prefered MW2 and i think that is the better game, MW2 (and MW for that matter) the online to me just feels better, better maps etc and campaign was better (imo).


There was some cool parts in BO campaign though.


I could still change my mind but i dout it.


Each to their own I guess. I thought MW2's multiplayer was awful. Really badly balanced, over-powered killstreak rewards and some really crappy maps mixed in with a few really good ones. Admittedly there's no real stand-out maps in BlOps but there's no really crappy ones either and the game is balanced much better. It feels more like an FPS to me than MW2 ever did.

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