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I really like the multiplayer, much better than MW2, imo. Feels fairer and more balanced, and the maps are better. On the singleplayer campaign, i have to admit, after the first 5 missions, it's quite boring...it's a case of been there done that. Shoot loads of never ending spawning enemies/shoot with mounted machine gun. In MW2, i actually enjoyed the singleplayer. The story was so over the top, and kinda crap, but it was enjoyable.


IMO, regarding singleplayer: MW2 >> Blops

multiplayer: Blops >> MW2

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online I struggle to even out on my K/D spread, so I decided I'd aim for that rather then score as high as possible.

Until I hit 50, all I care about is scoring high. When I hit 50, I concentrate on playing good. Meaning that my K/D ratio is now sitting at 0.6 or sumthin. Ah!


Aesthetically it's worse than MW2. There are some nice tweaks, but also some unbalanced weapons (flamethrower? wtf.) and the spawning is fucking terrible. Also the maps aren't very interesting and all seem to have the same "dark grey" base palette.


After playing CoD:BO, I feel like putting MW2 back in to remind myself how much more polished the series can be.


I know what you mean with asthetically, it does that lack that "something" that IW can give it's games... As for unbalanced weapons, I don't really think that's true... and if there are one or two, well then, it's better than 18 overpowered weapons like in MW2. I don't see how the spawning is any different from any other COD game... plus, if you're that unhappy about it, there's always the tactical insertion (which no longer means you'll be without grenades, mind).


The maps are twice as good as MW2, don't give me that bullshit (and the "dark grey" and brown palette is pretty much a standard for all COD games, you biased gentleman, you).




But it does "feel" weird.


I'm honestly thinking of rebuying MW2 and World at War after quickly selling Black Ops. I'm not really feeling it, I've had more fun on the past two..

I don't see how the spawning is any different from any other COD game... plus, if you're that unhappy about it, there's always the tactical insertion (which no longer means you'll be without grenades, mind).


The maps are twice as good as MW2, don't give me that bullshit (and the "dark grey" and brown palette is pretty much a standard for all COD games, you biased gentleman, you).




But it does "feel" weird.


Absolute stroke of genius! Will have to remember to set this up on one of my setups.

You need to play to unlock Veteran.


Not true. My mate played through it on Veteran first time through.


What's the difficulty like then on veteran?


MW2 Veteran was significantly easier then MW and W@W Veteran so just wondering where this stands.


I just finished on Veteran today and I would say it lands in the middle on MW2 and WaW in terms of difficulty level. The first few levels are a little tough due to the return of respawning enemies but as the game progress there are less of these and you will start to breeze through it. The 2nd half is much easier than the 1st.

Posted (edited)

Loving it online,think it's better than MW2 and maybe on a par with COD4, the kill streaks don't seem way over powered and a genuinely fun. The RC Car isn't as much of an ass a people made out, just shoot it. eh.


The wager matches are a right treat, Sticks and Stone's is so much fun just going round with ballistic knives and crossbow, so gutting when someone hit's you with a tomahawk and you go back to 0 :( It ensures someone is always changing at the top of the leaderboard.


As for the guns it's good to see sway has returned to them making sure you control your guns better and the decoy grenade that makes gun noise his hilarious, I get caught out by them all the time and go look at the map for the orange dot then get shot in the back :(




Oh what happened the the care package bug, not seen anyone use it yet.....

Edited by James
Loving it online,think it's better than MW2 and maybe on a par with COD4, the kill streaks don't seem way over powered and a genuinely fun. The RC Car isn't as much of an ass a people made out, just shoot it. eh.


The wager matches are a right treat, Sticks and Stone's is so much fun just going round with ballistic knives and crossbow, so gutting when someone hit's you with a tomahawk and you go back to 0 :( It ensures someone is always changing at the top of the leaderboard.


As for the guns it's good to see sway has returned to them making sure you control your guns better and the decoy grenade that makes gun noise his hilarious, I get caught out by them all the time and go look at the map for the orange dot then get shot in the back :(




Oh what happened the the care package bug, not seen anyone use it yet.....


I had great fun on Sticks and Stone's earlier. Was in a great game with a couple of English lads and we were having a good laugh about it. Lots of swear words being thrown about which makes it even more enjoyable. Gotta love it when someone gets humiliated in the dying seconds of a game!

Posted (edited)

Respawning enemies are a pain in the ass, nearly threw my pad in frustration, escaping through the tunnels after blowing up the shuttle, I get trapped in one of the corridors and kept dying because I'd get the last guy and a few more would show up almost right away. I'm only on hardened, though I am a COD noob.

Edited by Emerald Emblem

I finally got round to giving this a spin last night.


Overall I had a lot of fun with it!


I only played the single player and the only problem I had with it (apart from not really liking the whole memories thing - which is more a personal thing), was that every so often there'd be a... I don't really know what to call it, not a bug or a glitch, just a... thing.


A "thing" that'd take me out of the mood and pacing.


Examples that spring to mind:


When my character jumped off a car onto a train and grabbed onto the ladder: he was about have the width of the ladder "off" - so his hands and animation didn't line up at all with the actual ladder model.


I was following a guy up a ladder, and as he reached the top and started to stand up my character's collision area with him seemed to increase, causing my character to be propelled sideways 2 metres and then obviously falling to the floor.


When in some crazy room that was then set to blow there was a semi-transparent screen with target location on it - and basically the alpha ordering with that and the windows of the room were wrong, so the windows would overlay over the semi-transparent "thing".


There's lots of other things such as this.


But any sane person would read that and think, "So? Minor stuff!".


So the fact that I'm picking out these quite minor things really shows how solid the single player experience has been for me.


But yeah, just annoying that certain things distract you from the game.


Had a blast at multiplayer tonight. Loved it! So much better than MW2! My only big gripe with it is sound. Hazards need to be louder (RC cars, dogs, people walking), getting killed comes as a complete surprise all too often.



When my character jumped off a car onto a train and grabbed onto the ladder: he was about have the width of the ladder "off" - so his hands and animation didn't line up at all with the actual ladder model.


I had a problem with this but more to the point the guy was about 10 meters away and managed to reach it, I just thought bull shit.


So I finished this last night and wasn't all that impressed with it.


I don't think I'll be giving the multiplayer a go so might just sell it today.

Posted (edited)

The one thing that annoys me in multiplayer is that no matter how new to the Multiplayer you are, you have to play against players far greater in skill and better equipped than you.


But as you get better equipped you feel as though things can only get better. SMG's are bullshit powerful in this game, the first time I used an SMG I was 19/9, my best KDR so far by a long way.

Edited by Emerald Emblem
lol they are insane, ak47u is a beast.


Wesley give the wager matches a try they are very good fun.

I just unlocked the AK47u an hour ago and equipped it to my SMG class, looking forward to seeing how good it actually is.

OK so basically the situation is is that I really want to play this now. I can trade in my absolutely shit phone for 35 quid, which basically covers the cost for this.


Is it 40 quid in GAME?


I may just hold out though tbh.

OK so basically the situation is is that I really want to play this now. I can trade in my absolutely shit phone for 35 quid, which basically covers the cost for this.


Is it 40 quid in GAME?


I may just hold out though tbh.


It's £44.99 in GAME. That's what it was when I bought it on Tuesday. I know GAME have a habit of marking prices up on certain big games slightly after release (at least on the 360/PS3 as they did it with ModNation Racers after it was released) so I don't know if it's still at that price but I'd suspect it is.


It's not that SMGs are bullshit, you just unlock the really great SMGs before the really great ARs and people tend to avoid LMGs. Fuck sniper rifles, never liked them. I think it's very balanced. You have at least 3 great SMGs, 6 great ARs, all 4 LMGs are pretty great and 1 great shotgun (the Stakeout, the other 3 are crap, pretty much, so they kind of dropped the ball on that one), but none of them makes you "invulnerable", like many guns did on MW2...


How 'bout a get together tomorrow night?

I'm probably going to go buy this today. Is there anything I should know about it beforehand that may not have been mentioned in reviews, etc?


Yeah. It's more of a personal niggle but the overuse of fucking strobe effects before and after each mission AND, every time you go back to the main menu it has to go through a short, strobe-educed and loud cutscene. (I'd assume it's to mask the loading as the menu is its own sort of level)

So I finished this last night and wasn't all that impressed with it.


I don't think I'll be giving the multiplayer a go so might just sell it today.



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