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Top ten necessary sequels

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Where to start....


Diddy Kong Racing 2 would be excellent. Timber! Grrr.


Donkey Kong Country 4 - obviously.


I'd like International Superstar Soccer to return - I enjoyed the arcade thrills of football in the ISS series.


Sim City - it could be extremely detailed if done on the right system.


Cool Spot - Pwned Fido Dido and I loved the idea of being a small character and thus everyday items took on a new meaning.


Old Disney games. Re-mastered in HD/3D. I'm talking Aladdin, The Lion King, Jungle Book etc...


Body Harvest - Was always immense but with added horsepower, it could be HUGE.


A true Mario64 sequel as already stated.


Conker's Bad Fur Day was a good shout.


Turok. Done right...

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I thought Streets 3 was ok. It added a lot of good ideas to the gameplay like the weapon specific special moves and the addition of the special move bar, but it had a lot wrong with it as well. The soundtrack was really bad and grating, the graphics were very grainy for some reason, and even on normal, it's way too hard. I'd like to see someone finish it without using the lives or the controller swap cheat.


And the last boss is ridiculous - especially seeing as you have to beat it in three minutes.

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As that video said, I will die a happy, happy man if we ever get a worthy sequel to Eternal Darkness. It's one of my top all time games. Just excellent in almost every way for me.


Mcj: I loved RE:0. I know it's got a lot of hate, but I really, really liked it. With the item dropping and the ability to switch between characters, I thought it was quite awesome. Clearly a lot of thought went into it. It probably didn't have the best story, but it had this charm which I was drawn to.


The other game I want a sequel for is Killer 7. Now that's definitely up there as one of my favourite gaming experiences. Better still, give it to us with Wiimote controls, more chapters and more awesomeness.


I really fear for Starfox. I don't know why Nintendo hasn't given us a true sequel to Lylat Wars. I haven't played Assault, and maybe I will enjoy it when I get around to it. But, stop pissing about Nintendo. Does anybody actually want these on-foot missions? Starfox on the SNES and 64 was purely about the flying. You know those dogfights in space from the first three StarWars films? THAT is what we want from Starfox. I played Command on the DS and it turned out to be a huge disappointment for me. The strategy element killed the game for me - I just wanted to get "into" the game, the actual space dogfighting part of the came, without all of this "foreplay" ahead of it. Put me right off.

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I thought Streets 3 was ok. It added a lot of good ideas to the gameplay like the weapon specific special moves and the addition of the special move bar, but it had a lot wrong with it as well. The soundtrack was really bad and grating, the graphics were very grainy for some reason, and even on normal, it's way too hard. I'd like to see someone finish it without using the lives or the controller swap cheat.


And the last boss is ridiculous - especially seeing as you have to beat it in three minutes.


This is exactly what I loved about it, seeing as it was looking to be the send off for the Mega Drive series, they were probably looking at wrapping the original story so they could make a new one for the next piece of hardware. So they definitely made the story a bit dark.


And how to compliment the darker story? Why not with music composed with the growing industrial dance music scene growing at Japan at the time? (Which, to be fair, I absolutely love that kind of music).


And as for the difficulty, that was my initial problem with the game. But once you got used to it, it made it such a satisfying end to the series. It definitely felt unique compared to the standard of sequels to video games, they didn't get harder, they just added more content. This one just felt like a brilliant idea, you're supposed to be a hardened cop right now.


Admittedly, I've only completed it once, and barely at that, but I still love the series to pieces.

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Whooo to all the Timber love. Timber was the best character in Diddy Kong Racing. He should've gotten his own game too, not just Banjo and Conker. =P


As for sequels, I'm too tired to think of any at the moment, but I think a third Shenmue would go down well with the fans. I never got to play the second one as I never owned a Dreamcast though. =(

But man the first game was pretty awesome. Plus the theme song is one of the best game songs ever!


Broadcast Yourself


And on top of that the game had a character called Ine. I've never before seen my name mentioned in a game, so that just immediately makes it awesome to me. =P

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Mcj: I loved RE:0. I know it's got a lot of hate, but I really, really liked it. With the item dropping and the ability to switch between characters, I thought it was quite awesome. Clearly a lot of thought went into it. It probably didn't have the best story, but it had this charm which I was drawn to.


I have to say though as great as everything in the game was. The item dropping was a fatal error. I'm normally one who can look past petty flaws in games unless they are game ruining, I might point them out, For example controls don't bother me in the old resident evil games

and I wouln't let it get to me, but this was too much I felt.


I only got about halfway through the game. Nah remake was a whole lot better in fairness but the graphics were still gorgeous.

Edited by mcj metroid
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Mcj: I loved RE:0. I know it's got a lot of hate, but I really, really liked it. With the item dropping and the ability to switch between characters, I thought it was quite awesome. Clearly a lot of thought went into it. It probably didn't have the best story, but it had this charm which I was drawn to.


Yes. Have a handful of points, young sir.


I really love Zero, and I still think it's the most 'playable' out of the old-style games. I agree that it does have this charm to it, though I would disagree and say that I actually really liked the story. Art style was great, also, and introduced many ideas that I suspect Resident Evil 4 took influence from.


If we're talking about the future of the series, though, I think they should continue with the template that 4 provided, but make it good in a Resident Evil way (that I feel 4 hit on mostly, if not fully), rather than like 5 and make it shit in a Gears of War way.

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I have to say though as great as everything in the game was. The item dropping was a fatal error. I'm normally one who can look past petty flaws in games unless they are game ruining, I might point them out, For example controls don't bother me in the old resident evil games

and I wouln't let it get to me, but this was too much I felt.


I only got about halfway through the game. Nah remake was a whole lot better in fairness but the graphics were still gorgeous.


What didn't you like about item dropping? I thought it gave the game an extra "edge." Let's be honest, it's ridiculous that characters can carry a big arsenal including a rocket launcher, shotgun, a handgun, magnum, three or so different types of herbs, first aid spray, etc. Not to mention ammunition. The item dropping was a great idea and I thought it worked really well. If you were on that train or in that mansion for real, you would drop certain items and pick them back up later on your travels. It added an extra dimension to the game.


Remake was a great game, and I thought this was a very worthy prequel to it. Both are very enjoyable. If I'm honest, I prefer Re:0 to 4 as a Resident Evil game, as 4 is a bit too action orientated for my liking.


Yes. Have a handful of points, young sir.


I really love Zero, and I still think it's the most 'playable' out of the old-style games. I agree that it does have this charm to it, though I would disagree and say that I actually really liked the story. Art style was great, also, and introduced many ideas that I suspect Resident Evil 4 took influence from.


If we're talking about the future of the series, though, I think they should continue with the template that 4 provided, but make it good in a Resident Evil way (that I feel 4 hit on mostly, if not fully), rather than like 5 and make it shit in a Gears of War way.


Basically, take the viewpoint and graphical prowess of 4, add in the survival horror elements from the first few games, keep in the item dropping, bring back the crimson heads, limit the action and bring back the tension. You'd have the best Resi title right there.


Oh, and regenerators, tyrants, lickers...we need all of these. As well as the classic zombies.

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Basically, take the viewpoint and graphical prowess of 4, add in the survival horror elements from the first few games, keep in the item dropping, bring back the crimson heads, limit the action and bring back the tension. You'd have the best Resi title right there.


It's odd how everyone but Capcom has worked this out already.

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It's odd how everyone but Capcom has worked this out already.


I can't see them treading old ground and creating a Resident Evil title of old. Given that the new Call of Duty generation love ACKSHUN...


Edit: Actually, you know what? Give us a sequel to Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Seriously. I will buy that, day 1. Take the best things from the previous game, improve it where it can be improved and just...make it awesome.

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What didn't you like about item dropping? I thought it gave the game an extra "edge." Let's be honest, it's ridiculous that characters can carry a big arsenal including a rocket launcher, shotgun, a handgun, magnum, three or so different types of herbs, first aid spray, etc. Not to mention ammunition. The item dropping was a great idea and I thought it worked really well. If you were on that train or in that mansion for real, you would drop certain items and pick them back up later on your travels. It added an extra dimension to the game.


Remake was a great game, and I thought this was a very worthy prequel to it. Both are very enjoyable. If I'm honest, I prefer Re:0 to 4 as a Resident Evil game, as 4 is a bit too action orientated for my liking.

you had to remember where you left shit.In saying that I read in some reviews that people thought it was a step up.. Beyond the item thing It didn't bother me that much. the loading times were excellent for one. You'd think it would take far longer to load with one character halfwar across the map from the other but it doesn't.


I highly disagree about the item dropping adding to it though. The item boxes worked far better in my opinion.

Good game a nice 7/10 :D

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you had to remember where you left shit.


I am 99% sure that if you look on the map, it tells where items have been dropped.


In saying that I read in some reviews that people thought it was a step up.. Beyond the item thing It didn't bother me that much. the loading times were excellent for one. You'd think it would take far longer to load with one character halfwar across the map from the other but it doesn't.


I highly disagree about the item dropping adding to it though. The item boxes worked far better in my opinion.

Good game a nice 7/10 :D


The item boxes were a bit...they were ok, but I was more of a fan of dropping the items. They were good in that they were all connected, but it just seemed to ruin the illusion that the game tried to create. You become "aware" that this is a game as soon as you look at the item box in one area to find that it contains all of the items from previous areas. Re:0 created a good illusion in that respect.


I agree, the loading times were excellent. I thought the game also featured some excellent moments, and that "train escape" in the first few hours was excellent. Really bluddy tense.

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Landstalker - I know about Dark Savior and Alundra, but there was something cool about Nigel from Landstalker. He travelled to an exotic island with a fairy, Friday, in his backpack. She helped out and provided a narrative - and this was years before Navi in Ocarina of Time. How I'd love to see Nigel updated into 3D (and HD), with the same visual style, musical style and general tone of the Megadrive game. It's the one thing that could give Zelda a run for its money.


Wonder Boy - There's nothing nowadays quite like Wonder Boy III: the Dragon's Trap or its Megadrive sequel Wonder Boy in Monster World. In terms of structure, they were like Zelda II, except more seamless, and also like Metroid, with the addition of towns and shops. This hypothetical modern sequel should most definitely be side-scrolling.

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SimCity 4 - I draw emphasis to the 4 because there have been sequels in the SimCity series since most notable SimCity Societies, which was just damn awful. What I would like is a true mayoral simulator not some "social engineering simulator", A true city builder. I still play SimCity 4 today, it's such a wonderful game. The detail is astounding and the splash of humour is brilliant. The graphics still look fantastic today and once you start to explore the huge fan-made custom content the possibilities becomes almost endless. SimCity 4 was the last true SimCity game, building the metropolis was fun but what I most enjoyed was once you had that you could then expand. Build commuter towns around the outskirts, expand you suburbs and then watch as your people go on the train lines you built across the entire city to work. Watch the traffic jams build near rush hour and watch police patrol rough neighbourhoods at night, It was a game built for gorwn-ups. Unfortunately Maxis has been disbanded so it would seem there will never be a SimCity 5. SimCity 4 + Custom Content and mods is SimCity 5, SimCity 4 was the pinnacle of the series, it is being kept alive by the wonderful fan-made communities.


PlanetSide - Ah, Planetside. My love. For 3 years I played what was called the world's first massively-multiplayer online first-person-shooter, It wasn't, Neocron was. Alas, Planetside was outstanding when it was new. 3 factions thousands of players, soldiers, medics, engineers, pilots, drivers, commanders the roles were extensive and the degree of interdependency within the roles was what made it special. Assaulting a base from a nearby outpost while waiting for the commanders to organise a successful attack on the bases power supply. Under fire from enemy snipers while watching the air support above battle it out with the opposition factions air force. At times you wonder if Sony bit off more than they could chew. The game suffered from lack luster development, a publisher rushing to push it out and severe performance issues but when it was good, it was really good. Sony are working on a sequel, Planetside Next. One hopes they keep the same factions from the original (After a while you really felt an affiliation with your chosen alliance, you began to despise the others) and just work on a solid game play base before trying anything fancy. The potential is outstanding. A persistent battlefield, advanced character development, 1000's of online players, this was the FPS which evolved. For land, for power, forever.

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This exists!


As does this:


Star Wars Rouge Squadron 3 - :)


There were Rogue Leader, which was Rogue Squadron 2. Then, you had Rebel Strike.


Although, I wasn't a fan of it. You had the whole of Rogue Leader to play on Co-op, but the main game itself was a bit...poorly executed. The flying bits were ok. It looked great. But, the rest of it (on-foot sections) were poor. :(


Rogue Leader was excellent. Less. IS MORE.

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Can anyone remember the star wars game on the N64? I don't know the title but I know it had a flying level where you had to tie a tow rope round the big four legged machine things.


Not sure if you're being sarcastic or something, but I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Rogue Squadron there. :heh:

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