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Wireless router you'll need. Or if they're still available, a Nintendo USB adapter that you stick in PC or Laptop to get online.




You'll do yourself more of a favor with a wireless router, if you haven't got one already.

Nintendo's USB dongle is (was) overpriced, can be a pain in the a** to set up if it doesn't work straight away and was more or less a necessary evil, as all but some DSi-enhanced DS games don't support WPA(2) encoding, which should be used with any modern wireless router.


In the UK Nintendo is partnering with BT Fon for WiFi access, it may be possible to piggyback off one of your neighbours Fon access points. Usually, you'd have to sign up for to the Fon scheme to share your broadband, but I guess the partnership with Nintendo would not require you have a Fon access point yourself.


It may be the agreement is only for download services and not online play - I don't think thats been announced.


There was a surprise at the Pokemon event in Liverpool today..


The staff were allowing people to play with the camera game on the 3DS. The face shooting game thing what ever it's called.


Absolutely amazing. Although the price is steep and I told myself not to, I'm pre-ordering this on Friday when I get some cash.


Shitty cam photo after being granted 'managers permission'




It feels lighter than expected, for some reason I have yet to look at the weight of the device. The Wii-like menu is fast, using either analog stick or d-pad.


Not too sure what to think of the analog stick, I didn't seem to control things properly with it. It's very similar to the PSP one, but the face of the stick is inwards rather than outwards. It's in a much more comfortable position than the PSP so that's a major plus for me, but hopefully when I play the games in Williamson Square on the 2nd of March, I'l get a much better grip of it.


Not sure if any ones said any thing about units, but I've been told only 100,000 are allocated to the UK, Game (not sure whether this includes Gamestation considering they own them) have been allocated 27,000 of these apparently.

........I dont remember using the analog stick when I played it lol, I might have used D pad on most things


Yeah it wasn't required but when navigating the menu's I noticed I should really give it a try, not sure if I like it yet!

Posted (edited)

Seems like a store manager let someone have an extended go at the 3DS and the build in games. See here, here and here.


Power Modes:

  • Power off - Turns the 3DS completely off.
  • Sleep - Don't know 100% but I believe it keeps StreetPass and SpotPass communications active.
  • Suspend - Activated when Home button is pressed or the system is closed.


Street Pass Quest:

It begins with your Mii having a "dream" of sorts, where upon you wake up in a cage, trapped in a tower. The way out? Use Miis you have collected via StreetPass, battling in a turn-based system against increasingly powerful enemies. If you haven't collected any Miis, for 2 Game Coins, you're able to buy a cat in armour to represent you. Rich used the cat, whose attack options were Sword and Magic.


There are approximately 16-32 stages/levels/battles (Rich didn't have a chance to count them all), and he guessed that it would take two or three battles with each enemy to match their power, and that up to 3 Miis would be able to fight at once. In the first two levels Rich managed to play, he fought against ghosts.


Each attempt to rescue your captured Mii from the tower is concluded with a re-cap of the enemies you have defeated, as well as the remaining health of the foes you have begun to battle, but not yet beaten.

Cats in armor that fight ghosts. That's what Nintendogs + Cats really needs!


Street Pass Puzzle:

What he could say (from reading the intro text) is that Street Pass Puzzle seems to be a game where players collect pieces of a 3D puzzle (from interacting with other 3DS owners who have their Street Pass functionality switched on). The more players you interact with, the more pieces you gain, which you can then use to slowly build and complete your 3D puzzle.
Edited by Burny

I got to play it today at HMV when I preordered it (they just asked "You wouldn't like to have a go would you?") They also had people playing them in Game.


It was really, really cool and I'm glad I've preordered it (HMV seem to be doing by far the best high street deals on trading in old DSs) I just now gotta earn the money before 25th March :P


I was in GAME yesterday trading in Super Mario 64 DS for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (I much prefer the N64 version of Mario's classic so I don't feel at all bad for getting £15 store credit for the DS game :heh:) but anyway.. I was talking to the guy behind the counter about the 3DS and he said they'd be getting their 3DS in next week for people to have a look at and that I should get my preorder in..


I'm not planning on getting it straight away due to the price but I fear that I'll crack when I go up the town to see it at some point through the week :shakehead


Had a go with one of these in my local Gamestation yesterday. I think that the 3D looks pretty good and I think the most telling thing was that there is nothing wrong or uncomfortable about the system at all. I didn't have any of the "problems" that people have talked about with the 3D as I found it very easy to snap into.


On the other hand, I thought about the fact that I'm still having lots of fun with my DS and I don't really have £200 lying around for a system that doesn't have the games yet that take advantage of the investment of that money. I'm going to need some games to wow me first.

It's funny. The console i'm most looking forward to so far, and not a single game to share the hype with.


Feels weird.


I know. I can't wait to use the AR cards, take 3D photos and just make a Mii.


Despite what I've said, this is highly likely to be the best handheld ever released. I'm not very keen on nostalgia goggles - whilst I know I loved Link's Awakening on the Game Boy, I know I enjoyed Metroid on the GBA even more, and Zelda and Dragon Quest on the DS even more than that.


The 3DS has better graphics, resolution and optional 3D. It takes the best aspects of the DS - particularly the touchscreen, but the extra screen has also been extremely useful for maps and tactics in RPGs etc - and keeps them. On top of that, it should have even better controls, keeping all the buttons, but adding a slide pad. Bring it on!


I went to the Celebi Pokemon event at the weekend and my mate (mike1988uk) had a go of the 3ds whilst i was playing on a sample of black and white.

This GAME store had a blue console which i thought looked crap in photos, but in real life it is stunning.

Really nice blue. Kinda worried i pre-ordered a black console now :wtf:


But yeah the reactions from everyone having a go of it was great, all seemed really positive. I didnt get to have a go but in a way i didnt want to. That way when launch day comes i can enjoy it all to myself without having everyones paw prints over it and have to give it back after 5 mins! :bouncy:

I went to the Celebi Pokemon event at the weekend and my mate (mike1988uk) had a go of the 3ds whilst i was playing on a sample of black and white.

This GAME store had a blue console which i thought looked crap in photos, but in real life it is stunning.

Really nice blue. Kinda worried i pre-ordered a black console now :wtf:


But yeah the reactions from everyone having a go of it was great, all seemed really positive. I didnt get to have a go but in a way i didnt want to. That way when launch day comes i can enjoy it all to myself without having everyones paw prints over it and have to give it back after 5 mins! :bouncy:


You missed out on shooting random people in the face though! lol


I 2 thought the blue looked better than what the photos have shown, although still not convinced on the 2 colour theme it has.


I noticed above some ppl not sure on the 'joystick', i liked it, although didn't have a game to play it with. Not sure if i was just excited that the DS is finally getting one!


I seem to recall that every game I played at the London event I used the thumb pad and it just seemed so natural - totally incomparable to the rubbish Sony put on the PSP.


I also thought the blue looked a lot better 'in the flesh' than in photos, but I really don't like the grey thumb pad. It looks good on the black console, but I would have thought they could have had a different colour on the blue console.

I seem to recall that every game I played at the London event I used the thumb pad and it just seemed so natural - totally incomparable to the rubbish Sony put on the PSP.


I also thought the blue looked a lot better 'in the flesh' than in photos, but I really don't like the grey thumb pad. It looks good on the black console, but I would have thought they could have had a different colour on the blue console.


Yeah agree with all of this.

The blue does look great - circle track pad thingy not so in the grey as you say.

Will be really nice to finally get it and see it properly!


When the console first went up for preorder i didnt even think about colour choices - it was black all the way. Hated the blue. Then saw a couple of pics of it in blue and very slightly warmed to it - then seen it in the flesh :yay:


Was beautiful.


I still don't know what colour I want. I thought i'd know once I got hands on since I thought the blue was actually nice. But nope :heh:


Also, in a twist of awesome news, GAME now have the 3DS for pre-order at £196.99!

I still don't know what colour I want. I thought i'd know once I got hands on since I thought the blue was actually nice. But nope :heh:


Also, in a twist of awesome news, GAME now have the 3DS for pre-order at £196.99!


I just got a text there from darksnowman informing me of the GAME price.. and I've caved :hmm:


My bank account has been destroyed in recent weeks.. but you only live once, right..? :heh: I ordered the Cosmic Black as I feel it'll be the safer option as the Aqua Blue may not appeal. I wish I could see both of them right in front of me now, though..


I'm just hoping that Gamestation will follow suit with the price reduction. I'll be pretty peeved if I end up paying £229 when everywhere else is sub £200.


Am I not right in thinking that Game and Gamestation are owned by the same company? That being the case I see no reason why they shouldn't reduce their price.


Also, is that price for Game online only or in store as well?

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