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3DS Console Discussion


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David Yarnton (Yanton?) is there but I think all the 'big boys' got their requests in first :(


Will hopefully be developers around that may know stuff. I'll just keep pestering everyone and slipping them my sexy new business card designed by Eenuh.


Alright, hear me out Ash (we're buds, so I can call you that (Ah, remember our times in the chatroom) )

If, and I'll repeat that, IF Paper Mario is present, for Little King's Story's sake!!!! Try to deduce as much from the footage as possible AND tell me what you thought of the 3D:bowdown:


Have fun, you lucky dawg you!

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David Yarnton (Yanton?) is there but I think all the 'big boys' got their requests in first :(


Whoever of the Nintendo officials is there, if it turns out they haven't improved the friend code / online account system drastically, make sure you run up to them and kick them into the balls from me. ;)


Although I'm still hopeful Nintendo has already realized they're doing themselves no favor with the current system.

Edited by Burny
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I really hope somthing Pokemon is happening for the 3DS...personally think Snap should be remade cause it was so short and they could do so much more with it now....


Would be nice to have something different to the main game. They could REALLY cash in on the cards idea by combining it with an AR game. I'd love to see to scale versions of the pokemon in augmented reality with some nice animations.


But as always... 3d with god knows how many is practically a NO straight up.

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It's very very unlikely that a Pokémon game will be revealed. Pokémon games are never revealed outside of Japan


At the very most, you'll see Pokémon Black & White advertised as 3DS compatible and possibly you'll see Typing DS. I have a theory however, that in the past 3 months since it was revealed, Typing DS has been pushed to be a 3DS game.

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I think Pokemon should be like Invizamals on psp




Could totally work.


I dont think 'Hey You' will happen again.....


I know the typing game is for kids but if it comes out here (I pray it doesnt) I will have to buy it to keep up my collection >_<

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I'mma play this tomorrow.


Anything you want me to try and find out?


I'd like to know what restrictions there are for transferring DSiWare titles (if any). Also find out what other Japanese only games Nintendo are planning to release for the DS, unless they get mentioned tomorrow.

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I seriously urge everyone who will watch the livestream to also join the N-europe chatroom.


It'll be great pre-E3 fun :D


and we can freak out whilst watching...:yay:

(get your cum buckets out)

Yo! Can we get on half an hour earlier? So, 11:30pm for me (GMT+10) and 1:30pm (GMT) for you guys?


(I assume the event starts at 2pm (GMT), yis?)

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I dont know why everyones now calling sub £200 price....cause I dont see it being that 'cheap'. Around £220 surely?...


anyway I'm offta work, see you on the other side.

The 3DS has been given a Japanese price identical to the Wii's Japanese price. People are logically deducing that the price could equal that of the Wii's launch prices in other regions which equates to £180. Incidentally, a direct conversion has the 3DS' Japanese Pricepoint at £192 last I checked

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