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3DS Console Discussion


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Feels good being able to localisation beg for 3DS games too now :D


Overall, I'm pretty happy with it. It's a bit slow, but it does the job. I'm just disappointed that there are so few communities right now - just a paltry 23!? Not even any VC game communities!?


The hidden real megaton is the removal of the 3DS system transfer limit. I can now swap my games around across my devices however the hell I want! :D(and also pick up digital games on the cheap via ebay/system transfers ;) )

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Not sure if this has been posted. Here's hoping!


Hopefully as I am ready to give Nintendo all my money for snes games on the 3DS.


I was really hoping we could add friends on the 3DS via the NNID but it seems not and we still have the friend codes. Thats BS!!!

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Hopefully as I am ready to give Nintendo all my money for snes games on the 3DS.


I was really hoping we could add friends on the 3DS via the NNID but it seems not and we still have the friend codes. Thats BS!!!

Switching from Friend Codes to NNID would actually cause some issues with the way all the online games are coded. Every game would have to be patched.

We have to pull through with Friend Codes for the rest of the system's life. It is foolish to think that they would have switched it

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Switching from Friend Codes to NNID would actually cause some issues with the way all the online games are coded. Every game would have to be patched.

We have to pull through with Friend Codes for the rest of the system's life. It is foolish to think that they would have switched it


So all we can do is follow and then not post friend codes via miiverse so becoming friends with people is still as hard as ever.

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So all we can do is follow and then not post friend codes via miiverse so becoming friends with people is still as hard as ever.

After the Swapnote incident, they're being cautious. They treat friend codes as personal information and don't like them being spread so much.

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Can't see to get on the eShop on either the 3DS or Wii U though...anyone else?


No one can get on, the eShops are still down. :( Can't update Streetpass Plaza either.


Miiverse is surprisingly fast (well after the initial load) was worried the 3DS wouldn't be able to cope for some reason.

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Just got in on my standard 3DS XL, checked and my Wii U activity is listed on my 3DS, but all 3DS activity is not listed under "Account Activity". Despite this, all 3DS titles downloaded & purchased are listed under all the titles.


I now assume they'll all be listed under Account Activity on both from here-on.

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Switching from Friend Codes to NNID would actually cause some issues with the way all the online games are coded. Every game would have to be patched.

We have to pull through with Friend Codes for the rest of the system's life. It is foolish to think that they would have switched it


Surely there could have been some way to attach NNID to friend codes...when you think of all the ways origin, steam and the like link through the internet and connect various accounts. I can log on to Origin and it tells me all the games I've played online on all sorts of formats with various accounts. To say it can't be done and that it's foolish to think it could have happened makes a mockery of coders who have clearly put in the effort to make that stuff work with other services.

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Surely there could have been some way to attach NNID to friend codes...when you think of all the ways origin, steam and the like link through the internet and connect various accounts. I can log on to Origin and it tells me all the games I've played online on all sorts of formats with various accounts. To say it can't be done and that it's foolish to think it could have happened makes a mockery of coders who have clearly put in the effort to make that stuff work with other services.

Didn't say it can't be done. I said it would require a considerable amount of recoding and patches.

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So I've updated my 3DS, linked my NNID, Miiverse works well but I've now lost access to the eShop. :blank:


Doesn't feel like a fair trade somehow. :heh:


I'm sure Nintendo is working on the issue but still, I was possibly planning on buying some more 3D Sega classics, :( oh well, I can wait.

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Didn't say it can't be done. I said it would require a considerable amount of recoding and patches.


In this day and age should we not expect such recoding to take place? Every other console manufacturer has this stuff sorted going forward. Imagine if Sony didn't have the unified approach with PS3, Vita and PS4?


I still think you're overly harsh in saying someone is foolish to have expected this when it's become the norm. Seems once again Nintendo being half arsed about something.

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Wii U eSHop works fine

Japanese eShop with no NNID linked works fine (seems slower than usual though)

EU eShop I can get to the NNID link up bit but get an error after that.


In this day and age should we not expect such recoding to take place? Every other console manufacturer has this stuff sorted going forward. Imagine if Sony didn't have the unified approach with PS3, Vita and PS4?


Difference is Sony did it right in the first place which is most important and created an open system that can easily be ported to different systems.


Nintendo poorly planned ahead and created a closed off friend system with friend codes which likely only works with 3DS systems. They've sort of fixed it with the NNID's but now we're stuck with a fragmented system. Friend Codes and NNID's.


It's difficult to refactor a 3 year old system to work with a new system while keeping compatibility with the current one.


In otherwords we're going to have to wait for the next handheld system to have completely unified accounts. Yes it can be done with a lot of recoded and patches, but is it worth it at this stage of the 3DS's life? Probably not. Would it be nice? Sure.


Honestly I'd say we're lucky to get Miiverse on the 3DS and the Friend Code system has backfired on Nintendo in more ways than one.

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In this day and age should we not expect such recoding to take place? Every other console manufacturer has this stuff sorted going forward. Imagine if Sony didn't have the unified approach with PS3, Vita and PS4?


I still think you're overly harsh in saying someone is foolish to have expected this when it's become the norm. Seems once again Nintendo being half arsed about something.


Do you realise how hard it'd be to completely redo a system so deeply integrated as the friend system, and have it not be broken or cause issues in the OS? It's ridiculously tricky. Any software engineer knows that you don't just overwrite things like that and hope for the best, especially in this day and age.


Plus, as I said, it'd require pushing out patches for every single 3DS game that utilises the friend list in one form or another.

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