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Still doesn't have it? The person replying to you might have been misinformed, it's been said to be coming plenty of times.


Edit: Found this

"Hello Graham,


Thank you for contacting us. I wanted to let you know that the Friend List isn't a messaging application, but it is rather use to see if your registered friends are connected online. If you were looking to communicate with your friends by sending message to each other back and forth, at this time we have no plans to include a built-in messaging application on the Nintendo 3DS. However, I’ll be sure to document your interest in such a feature and share it with other departments to use as they see fit.


That said, there is plenty of other built-in software for you to use on the Nintendo 3DS. To learn more about them, please visit our Nintendo 3DS-dedicated website. I’ve provided a direct link below:


Nintendo 3DS - Built in Software and Applications at Nintendo


If you need help with using the Friend List application, you can contact us directly by calling at Nintendo's Consumer Service Department 1-800-255-3700 any time between 6:00 a.m. and Pacific Time, seven days a week.




Jennie Chuck

Nintendo of America


Huh, looks like by messaging they meant friends list...

Edited by heroicjanitor
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Still doesn't have it? The person replying to you might have been misinformed, it's been said to be coming plenty of times.


Edit: Found this



Huh, looks like by messaging they meant friends list...


Look what you've gone and done; spoilt Dazzybees birthday - I await his rant.


Its bloody retarded though; whats the point of a freind list if I can't message them to invite them to play - its like having a mobile and only being able to see if they have it on them.


I understand they may wish to limit the grooming that is rife on gaming platforms - I have forgotten how many times I have been groomed for sex whilst playing LBP or Dead Space 2 (possibly because it doesn't happen) - but really, this is over the top. Limit code registered freinds to pinging invintes, while messaging should take place to people you've linked to locally.

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I hope they are mis-informed... because that would be so pointless not to do that.


Messaging friends is one of the 'standard' things to do now which you expect, 360 can, ps3 can, even the wii can gods sake - just can't see when they are online, except on the odd game like Mario Kart Wii! I also believe the PS Vita will be able 2!

Edited by Mike1988uk
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I got my (Aqua blue) 3DS on Friday with Ocarina of Time for £130! I'm blown away so far. So many features to get through! The only gripe I have is the low quality camera, it's awesome taking 3D photos but disappointing that they are so grainy. AR games are awesome though, I love the AR golf game, really impressed me. Face Raiders is also a whole lot of fun whilst Pokédex 3D and Nintendo Video are the complete opposite and pretty rubbish :p



I also noticed the lack of messaging. I thought it was me being stupid and assumed I was missing something until I came on here to see that you actually can't message friends.


Either way, I am really enjoying the 3DS so far and the depth in Ocarina Of Time is just amazing - I've also never been so impressed by textures, it's a huge improvement over those pixellated hills of Super Mario 64 DS.


Bring on MK7!

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(reposting for relevancy)


Ignoring all current rumours about second slide-pads and redesigns for the future, I believe that all 3DS owners are in for an excellent first year.


While it may be true that there is currently only a handful of decent games available currently, this list will have doubled in the next few months to come, Starfox 64 3D is mere weeks away plus we have Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land before the year is out.


As for next year... aside from most notably Kid Icarus who knows what surprises will arise. :D


Not to mention we'll have a fair few decent VC titles from now until then I'm sure. ;)

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I believe Iwata hinted in a back-hand confirmation sort of way that video messaging was being looked into. I imagine it'll get its own 'app' down the line. Will probably take time though.


Yeah, the video recording update has been 100% confirmed. It's coming, but we don't know when.

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It looked pretty poor in the advert, yeh, and Mario Kart 7 will appeal to more people I'm sure :hehe:


I may be mistaken but the first thng they showed was actually Yoshi gliding through the sky which wouldn't instantly make you consider Mario Kart, particularly with a lack of logo on the screen unlike the other games. It is definitely good that they're letting people see it's coming, though..

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Yeah but the Mario Kart footage is longer than that Yoshi clip.


I do think it's a bit cheeky they have Mario Kart, and especially Metal Gear in that advert, considering both aren't out for quite some time, and MGS doesn't even have a proper release date (plus it's looking like the final build will likely look crap).

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I do think it's a bit cheeky they have Mario Kart, and especially Metal Gear in that advert, considering both aren't out for quite some time, and MGS doesn't even have a proper release date (plus it's looking like the final build will likely look crap).


When they mention "state of the art online functionality" and the 3DS in the same ad, it's definitely not the cheekiest thing in there. ;)

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Not the case. It says it's coming this winter. Winter runs from December 21st to March 20th and fits the delay we heard


Why do you allways have to be right all the time I dont want this game next year I want it this year and why is all the devolpers keep delaying or canceling games is it because they dont like the Nintendo 3DS they should do it to the PS Vita too

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Developers delay games so they can make them perfect.


Or in the case of Konami and MGS 3D, the delay is so they can put out the HD re-release which looks much, much better. Although saying that, I did hear a rumour that the recent screens of MGS 3D were using placeholder textures which might explain why it looked awful. ::shrug:


NES games this time next week for us 3DS ambassadors. Thank god, because there's sod all else to play on the thing. Although, to me, it still doesn't make up for the fact that they've slashed the price of the machine a handful of months after launching it, even with the GBA games coming later down the road.

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Or in the case of Konami and MGS 3D, the delay is so they can put out the HD re-release which looks much, much better. Although saying that, I did hear a rumour that the recent screens of MGS 3D were using placeholder textures which might explain why it looked awful. ::shrug:


NES games this time next week for us 3DS ambassadors. Thank god, because there's sod all else to play on the thing. Although, to me, it still doesn't make up for the fact that they've slashed the price of the machine a handful of months after launching it, even with the GBA games coming later down the road.


I dont now if I can get the free games becuse I dont now if I am ambassador and I can wait for Metal Gear Solid 3D Snake Eater becuse I am geting Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection from Zavi and Serebii I am so sorry I wasent trying to be nasty I wonder what is happening on September 13th

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Or in the case of Konami and MGS 3D, the delay is so they can put out the HD re-release which looks much, much better. Although saying that, I did hear a rumour that the recent screens of MGS 3D were using placeholder textures which might explain why it looked awful. ::shrug:


NES games this time next week for us 3DS ambassadors. Thank god, because there's sod all else to play on the thing. Although, to me, it still doesn't make up for the fact that they've slashed the price of the machine a handful of months after launching it, even with the GBA games coming later down the road.

Not so sure the delay is due to the HD releases...do you have a source for that?

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