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3DS Console Discussion


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The Sun is full of shit, but the 3DS headache stories that they keep publishing really makes me angry.

Not only are they making it up, but thousands of gullible people seem to take what The Sun says as gospel. Although I can't say it surprises me, their gaming page is terrible, the only reviewer who is worse than there's is that guy from CNN.

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At the very least, they have chosen something, that has some truth to it. Some people really don't agree with the effect. And who knows? That person they tracked down in order to add weight to their claim, that thousands are returning brand new Nintendo consoles, might even be real!


It's hardly the worst gaming related thing media has come up with: GTA Rothbury anyone? At least they had to apologize.

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With something like the 3DS, it's quite clear that not everyone will be "compatible" with the effect, since not everybody's eyes and brains are the same. However, I would say that so far the positive feedback far outweighs the negative.


Unfortunately, a negative review, coupled with the extremely rare case of the 3DS actually hurting people, will get much more attention than the thousands of positive ones.

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I don't understand what the gain is for the sun...


Murdoch and Steve Jobs.


Not that I think Jobs would mandate such a thing, but Murdoch's staff will follow the general theme - Murdoch and Jobs buddy up to work together The Daily app and staff just plod on, they'll hear iPad vs 3DS and take the side that Murdoch will likely sit on.

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I saw the Sun's article today and just laughed. Only idiots read the Sun and only idiots will take anything printed on the pages of that rag seriously.


Which, unfortunately, is a rather large part of the UK.

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I hate to admit it, but I also read the Sun. Not that I take everything it says seriously. It's just an easy read to pass the journey to work.


I agree with Arnieboy about how awful their gaming page is. I've always felt that the guy who does it is a Sony fanboy.


Now here's a thought. . . The gaming correspondent is a Sony fanboy, Nintendo bring out a revolutionary new console several months before Sony release their new console, and there's lots of scaremongering going on about how terrible the 3DS is. . . . . . Maybe I'm reading into this more than I should?

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So what probably happened is that some Sony or xbox fanboy working for the Sun mentioned that the 3DS is causing problems and wrote an unjustified exaggerated article which is now getting picked up by the TV news. :nono:


The worst part is that 99% of the people hearing about this will just believe it to be true, without questioning it one bit. Something like this has the potential to really hurt sales, and I find it completely undeserved for what I would call one of Nintendo's best products yet.

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In the latest issue of NGamer they listed a loads of random stuff about the 3DS. Little stuff like blowing into the mic on the homescreen and how you can use the circle pad and shoulder buttons on the space equaliser and the Game & Watch football game in the 3DS Sound.


They also mentioned that you can use mobile phone headphones with music controls (iPhone-compatible ones, anyway. My HTC ones must send different signals as it would only do something if I pressed multiple buttons) in order to control the music functions (play/pause/skip) while the 3DS is closed.


This got me thinking, so I loaded up the recording part of the 3DS Sound and did some experimenting (the main thing I did was to blow into the mic on the headset as anything louder would have been heard by the 3DS' mic anyway) and came to the following conclusion:


The 3DS definitely can detect mic inputs from headsets.

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Amazon are selling 3DS's via the warehouse deals (returned items)


£157.08.. I am so tempted by this.


Is this a big no no?




I'd imagine this close to release it'd be okay. But surely it's worth spending a bit extra and buying it brand new with a game?



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Yeah the Sun's game editor is a Sony fan. He has previously said he doesn't understand the success of the DS and thinks the PSP is superior. Last Friday's Xperia Play test they got some kid to compare it to its rivals. The kid said he preferred the 3DS and vs the iphone it was a draw. The editor had to have the last word however and said that despite losing in the test he still believed it would "change gaming".:indeed:

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Yeah the Sun's game editor is a Sony fan.


It's his good right to be.


If he's intentionally overblowing the issues some people do have however (without mentioning that there's parental control for the 3D + a depth slider and any imbecile's brain should be sufficient for figuring out what those are for), he also is an asshole and his journalistic standards rival those of the average youtube comment. Not that he's alone with that...

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How can anyone take that seriously? ::shrug:


That cross-eyed picture is so awkward and embarrassing for the Sun, but unfortunately it seems that the people who read that will think that playing the 3DS makes you look like that or something! That article looks like it was put together by a twelve year old Sony fanboy, who just wants to paint a completely one-sided picture of the 3DS. I just hope that these uninformed advocates can somehow have their minds changed, but I don't see that happening anytime soon :sad:

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Shame you have to register to comment...


Not sure why they're testing it while walking, Nintendo even warns you not to use the 3D while moving (well actually can't remember if they said anything about walking, but I know they not to use it when in a car/bus/train etc.).


Oh well, I guess it's kinda like the stories about people smashing their's TVs after the Wii came out.

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