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Rumor: Devs already working on 'new Nintendo platform'


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But that for them would be their next generation console because of the graphical difference, new games wouldn't work on the Wii. From Nintendo's perspective, there's not really a point in investing in newer tech. If they do they might have to actually put effort into the graphical quality of first party games. Not to say there aren't a couple of good looking games at the moment.

Don't troll, it doesn't suit you.


Actually, developers do start looking ahead at next gen as soon as, and sometimes before, new hardware is revealed. When I was at Blitz games we were designing stuff about a year before PS3 and 360 were revealed to us (the unreleased zombie shit-fest Possesion). Just had to work to estimated specs is all.


Ninja Theory started work before PS3 was announced too - they even had a column in Edge for a while, where they talked about the graphical capabilities they expected for this current gen.


Ubisoft announced a couple of months ago that they are already looking at designing games for the next generation of consoles too.

Kinda what I said....sort of ish.

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The comedian in me says bollocks...They can't even work on existing Nintendo hardware. (Unless the vitality sensor is a whole new platform?)


Mind you, the insatiable greed of power guzzling developers means that instead of taking a somewhat eastern approach to gaming and working 'with' a console, they'll be licking their lips on a Dev kit which doesn't deliver the thrills (or financial gain) that current Nintendo platforms can deliver into our senses in the here and now.


I'd rather live and enjoy the present gaming landscape than become obsessive over 'what could be'. If we focused on the next big thing all of the time what we currently have becomes sullied. By perhaps nothing but our own imaginations.

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I think they will announced the Nintendo DS2 becuse



United States November 21, 2004

Japan December 2, 2004

Australia February 24, 2005

Europe March 11, 2005



time frame


United States 5 Years

Japan 5 Years

Europe 4 Years geting to 5 years in March

Australia 5 Years on February 24


for Nintendo Wii


United States November 19, 2006

Japan December 2, 2006

Europe December 8, 2006

Australia December 7, 2006


Time frame


United States 3 Years

Japan 3 Years

Europe 3 Years

Australia 3 Years

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Maybe its the fabled GBA2?


Oh, yes please! In fact, I think that's slightly more likely than a DS 2. One big touchscreen, at least 800 x 450 (for web browsing) - that'd be lovely.


Talking of the DS, it's weird to think that so many people thought it would fail.


Looking at the hardware, it's weird to think that it didn't fail! I mean, I still don't "get" the appeal of two screens when you could have one that was bigger and higher-res. Hats off to Nintendo though, their software and marketing was utter genius - Nintendogs, Mario Kart, New Super Mario Bros, Animal Crossing... and so on.

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You have to look at how much of an improvement the Wii actually was over the Gamecube though. It wasn't just a slightly more powerful machine, they added all sorts of Online stuff, a proper menu system ect. Especially with the low cost of that hardware in that level at this point, releasing a console less powerful than the 360 just wouldn't make sense. There wouldn't be any marked whatsoever for the sort of product you described. It just wouldn't sell. Seriously, who would buy something like that. There are reasons the Wii sold so well, but they're not going to be able to sell another console so similar. Its barely investing in newer technology if you look at how cheap the components for a machine of that power would be today. Seriously, think about it. There would be absolutely no point in a console with minimal improvements to what they have now.

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One thing Nintendo desperately need to sort out is the online system. I'm not asking achievements but a unified friends list etc... a truly always online console. That would be far more interesting to me than simply adding HD. I already have a HD console don't need another.

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One thing Nintendo desperately need to sort out is the online system. I'm not asking achievements but a unified friends list etc... a truly always online console. That would be far more interesting to me than simply adding HD. I already have a HD console don't need another.


You also already have a console with a unified friends list ect.

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You mean a Nintendo Tablet?


No, just something about the same size as the iPod Touch. There are phones and media devices of that size with an 800 x 450 resolution. It's great for web browsing as most sites are designed for 800 x 600, so with that resolution you don't get horizontal scroll bars. I say 800 x 450 because I assume it'll be 16:9.


You have to look at how much of an improvement the Wii actually was over the Gamecube though. It wasn't just a slightly more powerful machine, they added all sorts of Online stuff, a proper menu system ect.


This is true. The two biggest improvements I notice are the better textures (because of the DVD) and in-game use of the built-in memory (such as auto-saving). The system really is very, very like the original Xbox in specs, features, everything.

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Perhaps third parties are just expecting an update - an expectation built on nothing but their own desire.

Iwata has already stated, quite clearly, there will be more to a Wii followup than just HD visuals - and it needs to be something mindblowing. I can't see people buying into a Wii 2 that simply matches the HD machines in power and has just motion control.


That said, what i'm wondering is, could we see a third pillar in the home market?

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Iwata has already stated, quite clearly, there will be more to a Wii followup than just HD visuals - and it needs to be something mindblowing. I can't see people buying into a Wii 2 that simply matches the HD machines in power and has just motion control.



Also, you guys speculate too much. :P

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also nintendo denied a possible new ds, 2 weeks before they announced the DS lite.


Also the rumor has been hitting the internetz:heh: , also THQ is also fueling the wiiHD fire with there quote:

We have serveral titels for nintendo, but we cant talk about them yet.

And then there's High voltage software doing suspisious about the grinder:

IGN: I'm seeing a lot of bump-mapping and awesome projected shadows in the trailer. Has the engine improved?


Kerry: Quantum 3 has improved a lot since The Conduit's release. We have some new announcements coming soon that leverage these improvements such as better lighting options.


and if you look at the trailer at arround 00.22 that looks like lighting from a 360 game.




and its correct that the game also comes to the 360 and ps3 but the developer stated that this video is from the wii version.

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Something certainly seems to be bubbling up...


I want Iwata to actually mean what he said about a new console with just HD added not being enough. Having said that, I'd probably buy one on day 1.


But we don't need it. If we're going to get a new platform, I'd much rather see them push out a true, next-gen successor. The wider market may not be ready for one yet, but all this buzz is making me hungry.

Edited by D_prOdigy
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also nintendo denied a possible new ds, 2 weeks before they announced the DS lite.


Also the rumor has been hitting the internetz:heh: , also THQ is also fueling the wiiHD fire with there quote:

We have serveral titels for nintendo, but we cant talk about them yet.

And then there's High voltage software doing suspisious about the grinder:

IGN: I'm seeing a lot of bump-mapping and awesome projected shadows in the trailer. Has the engine improved?


Kerry: Quantum 3 has improved a lot since The Conduit's release. We have some new announcements coming soon that leverage these improvements such as better lighting options.


and if you look at the trailer at arround 00.22 that looks like lighting from a 360 game.


Because it is the multi version footage hidden to be Wii footage but IGN found out.


You didn't post this part:


IGN: Is the plan still to keep Grinder a Wii exclusive?


Kerry: Our secret is out! Grinder is no longer a Wii exclusive. We plan to ship on Xbox 360, Sony PS3, and PC as well.


IGN: Wow, that's pretty big news! So wait -- how will the PS3/360/PC versions be different from the Wii version of The Grinder?


Kerry: We'll show you first at GDC.

Edited by Dante
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The video of Grinder was certainly of the Wii version, you can see that the reticle moves on the yy axis frequently while in fps that use gamepads it only happens when its needed.



On the new hardware thing, if its just a Wii with specifications to do HD, I won't buy it.

Edited by Shino
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The video of Grinder was certainly of the Wii version, you can see that the reticle moves on the yy axis frequently while in fps that use gamepads it only happens when its needed.



On the new hardware thing, if its just a Wii with specifications to do HD, I won't buy it.


Yeah, whenever Nintendo decides to release the next console, it will need to be something special and not just an upgrade. Saying that thought I'm sure I'd probably buy it anyway.


The majority of people upgraded their DS to DSi, so you never know.

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Yeah, whenever Nintendo decides to release the next console, it will need to be something special and not just an upgrade. Saying that thought I'm sure I'd probably buy it anyway.


The majority of people upgraded their DS to DSi, so you never know.


I honestly can't justify that kind of upgrade, it needs to be substantially different and preferably the new games don't work on the older console. If its just a Wii HD, its even less worthy because I play it on an SDTV.

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