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Does look pretty good. Although I think watching it in gameplay form won't really get across the gameplay as well as a demo so hopefully there will be one so we can see how smoothly the gun play and the faster pace of the action, with the slow down power and the jetpack thing, all comes together.


But certainly one to watch. Platinum Games have been on a roll really with the games they've made so far (I'd only really class MadWorld as a let down as it got a bit tedious a bit too quickly for me).

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Looking pretty smooth other than cutscenes/plot.


And, unprecedented attack on the US starts with......San Francisco? Really? There's nothing there, hell I'd be willing to call it the US just cleaning house.

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And, unprecedented attack on the US starts with......San Francisco? Really? There's nothing there, hell I'd be willing to call it the US just cleaning house.

Maybe Russia wanted to rid the world of American game journalists.


The cutscenes and dialogue do look shoddy, but I'm sure a trailer of RE4 would give much the same impression. Those aspects don't need to be dramatic, just the right side of bad.

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And, unprecedented attack on the US starts with......San Francisco? Really? There's nothing there, hell I'd be willing to call it the US just cleaning house.

I'm just surprised they showed the temerity to call it an 'unprecedented' attack on America, seeing as in film and videogames that's about as original as the ending action cliché "this is gonna be fun".


It just screams of Lost Planet 2, it's close to identical. Mechanics wise, graphics wise, character model/design wise and every other type of wise there is. The bosses have similar looking orange weak spots and the grapple-hook jump thing is the same.


It just looks uninspired. As I said, it's essentially Lost Planet 2, with slightly better controls and visuals, presumably minus co-op.

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It just screams of Lost Planet 2, it's close to identical. Mechanics wise, graphics wise, character model/design wise and every other type of wise there is. The bosses have similar looking orange weak spots and the grapple-hook jump thing is the same.


I disagree. This looks like it has a really fast pace to it. Lost Planet/Lost Planet 2 move as if you're controlling stone statues.

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That actually looks pretty slick in that video. I especially like the switch to hand-to-hand combat. The only thing I don't like the look of is the setting. It's very generic, very typical Japanese futuristic game design. Reminds me of FFXIII and PSO (and to some extent, ODST) in that they don't really look realistic or habitable in any way, rather they were just designed as "shiny fight areas" not "parts of a city".

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  • 3 weeks later...

Europe Release Date Announced

We are excited to confirm that VANQUISH™, the epic sci-fi third-person action shooter from acclaimed game director Shinji Mikami, will hit stores across Europe on October 22nd 2010. In addition to this news, customers who pre-order a copy of the game with selected stores will receive exclusive access to a three-weapon pack, available via Xbox LIVE® Marketplace and PlayStation®Store on the same day.


The Tri-Weapon pack contains a small arsenal of experimental technology, made up of the Boost Machine Gun, Anti-Armor Pistol and Laser Cannon. This triple threat of futuristic weaponry gives players an edge in surviving the frenetic and massive battles onboard the vast space station setting of VANQUISH™.


The Boost Machine Gun is an early experimental weapon with impressive overall fire power and the speed to dispense rounds similar to that of a heavy machine gun.


The Anti-Armor Pistol fires a special penetrative shell and was manufactured to tackle hostile forces with much stronger armour.


Finally, the Laser Cannon is a miniaturised space warship laser and is more powerful than any other weapon available for infantry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Difficulty Settings


Vanquish has four difficulty settings to choose from. One that is surprisingly fun is Casual Automatic mode. Before we started work on it, I can’t say that I had high hopes; however, once we got it up and running, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was wrong. Once you get your target on the enemy, the rest is easy as pie. I’m sure saying it that way makes it sound totally uninteresting, but when you actually give it a shot, the tempo it gives the game play will make you jump up and say, “Woohoo!”


Yet, I still have to say my recommended difficulty is normal. It takes some time to get used to aiming and firing at enemies on your own, but we’ve fine-tuned the aiming controls, so you should be fine. I have a feeling you will be finding yourself in some very pitched battles.


Finally, we have GOD HARD mode. I think our fans will get where this one is going. This mode is only for the chosen few (you can’t select it on your first play through). If you are a bit of a masochist, I think you will have a good time. It is something for our fans to look forward to.


-Shinji Mikami

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It all looks the same Dante. IT ALL LOOKS THE FUCKING SAMMMEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!


Well, some people like to see more of the game. Even if it is more of the same.


I'm looking forward to Vanquish. It definitely got me interested. Hopefully we'll get a demo.

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