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Pokémon Black & White


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Picked up White version this morning, although ever since I've been wanting Black to get Reshiram because I now think it looks nicer than Zekrom. Oh well.


Up to Striaton City now and yeah, it's Pokemon pretty much at the moment, just with a new set of Pokemon and characters. Haven't seen any of the new additions so hopefully they'll elevate the game beyond what feels rather familiar at the moment, which they should as will getting/seeing better pokemon.


Battle animations were something I wasn't sure of when seeing early footage and I admit, they may look a bit messy with bigger pokemon but I kind of like them with the smaller pokemon available around the first couple of towns. The battles do feel slightly longer though, what with the zooming in and zooming out from sprites for attacks. Not much longer mind.


Will no doubt spend a ridiculous amount of time playing it this weekend but I doubt I'll get beyond two gyms as I'm levelling up steadily before reaching towns. Shame Purrlion and Patrat (who I think should have been call Patrirat isn't as I see what they were getting at with the name) aren't great for levelling. The former has Scratch isn't of tackle, which is awful, and the latter seems to take forever to level up. Thankfully, my Oshawott isn't like that, nor is Lillipup, and I've just picked up Pansear.

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I've only done three Japanese trades, not including the ones we've done.. I'm going to have a look at the Unity Tower in a bit, to see what it's like.


EDIT: Just had a look, and there's not much there - just one floor (Japan) with two trainers in to talk to.

Edited by Mike
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Although it's an annoying method, to make the battle go faster, you have to click 'A' each time a new battle message such as 'XXXX used XXXX' and it flies past. So I keep hammering 'a' during battles and it's a breeze.


Definitely enjoying the game, very impressed with it.


Smugleaf (Snivy) lvl 31

Zoruark lvl 31

Herdier lvl 29

Panpour lvl 31

Pidove lvl 30

Meatshield (Purrloin(until I find a final Pokemon)) lvl 5



Oh yeah, on route 5 there's a 'Hungry Maid' which pays a lot more for items than a PokeMart offers, are there any others throughout the game that do similar jobs?


Talking about PokeMart, rest in peace.. The super markets win again! Every one wants their shit in the same place and now it's located inside the PokeCenter..

*tin foil hat mode*


*takes tin foil hate off*

It does make the process of stocking up and preparing a lot easier mind..

Edited by Debug Mode
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Ahhh have my copy right infront me of me :D Don't know who to pick as a start though :/ Getting tough to decide...who's everyone picking?


I went for water as I quite like having a pick the fire pokemon in my team, as they tend to be quite good (Arcanine, Magmar, Ninetails, going off the first game). But it turns out you get the fire monkey thing if you pick water anyway. Ah well.


About 3 hours in. Really very indifferent so far. Played through heartgold a couple weeks back and, well, it's pretty much the same thing innit? And when was gold released? Ten years ago?


I've been out of the videogame loop for a while now so this is stating the obvious, but really, why do nintendo insist on releasing the same game every few years for their big franchises? The new Zelda looks basically identical to twighlight princess but with gimmick sword controls.


I'd love to tell you my team but the names are so lame and unmemorable that I literally can't remember any of them.


anyway, /rant. To be fair I tend to not particularly enjoy the start of any pokemon game, where there's about 5 pokemon to pick from in the first 5 hours so I'm sure it'll pick up...

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I started with Oshawott - and he will stay as an Oshawott until level 43 when he learns Hydro Pump - then i will let him evolve. :grin:


Just thought i'd post having just passed the Skyarrow bridge - how amazing is that part of the game?!


I loved it - def my fave part of the game so far.


4 hours in my team are:


Oshawott - level 20

Blitzle - level 20

Roggenrola - level 20


Loving it! :love:

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I love the designs too.


Got my third badge and is on my way to the next city. After passing the first bridge I'm sure we will be flying spaceships in the next generation :P


Current squad(19-24)








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I've got Pansage and Blitzle atm but I'm tempted to drop both of them as apparently there's a bug/electric type later on which is better and also the version exclusive grass type (for White) looks soooooooooooooooooo awesome.


Man i'm in love.

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Day 2: Revenge is a dish best served Oshawott


I ran into Bianca again.


Being the cruel bitch that she is she tried to take me down with a surprise attack from the trees as I was making my way casually through Route 2 but alas unknown to her My Oshawott (called Clamster) had been pumping HUGE irons in the grass before him leaving a trail of dead Lilipups and Patrats behind him...


Angered and thirsty for more I unleashed Clamster from his prison ball and he ripped Tepig to shreds and drowned him in an intense amount of water. Bianca ran off crying but not before I grabbed some money off her.


I had made it to Striaton City, I thought about resting but my lust had got the better of me. I took my slightly hurt Oshawott and searched about the town. Unbeknown to me Cheren was waiting for me disguised as a school teacher.


He leapt on me and all of a sudden we were engaged in a frantic battle Snivy GOT IN THAT ASS and poor Clamster had to be rushed to the Pokemon Centre for serious attention.


It's at this point I enlisted the help of a female purple cat. She was once royalty but threw in all that to become the head of the most notable mafia in all of Unova. The RatCat (Purrloin) they call her and she is very devious.


I shall train her up and next time we meet I will take down Bianca and Cheren.


I do not forgive.


I do not forget.



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Is there a way to get 3 starters without 2 copies of black and white and doing the whole reach 1st gym then trade thing ?


I own 1 copy of the original game but if i were to get an r4 copy of black or white just to play to the 1st gym and then trade the 2 starters i need would they be classed as hacked in anyway ?

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