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Pokémon Black & White


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I keep meaning to ask Serebii, do you have any kind of income from your site?


Any money made through the ads go to the increasingly expensive server costs


Yes lots from ads and stuff.


Lesson of the day; don't go on his site. That miserable bastard doesn't deserve to be living the life of luxray.


I love you too


If I click on the ad's will he/you make more money? I can click em for a few minutes if you want. :p


Ads typically only allow one click to register a day else it's abuse. Besides, I'm fairly certain my ads run on views and not clicks

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Damn it, I missed the Enigma Stone event in Heart Gold! I didn't even know it was running. :( Any chance of it being available at any point in the future?

I am unsure. It's possible and was in Japan. We'll have to wait and see


This is why you should check my site every day

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Any money made through the ads go to the increasingly expensive server costs


Ads typically only allow one click to register a day else it's abuse. Besides, I'm fairly certain my ads run on views and not clicks


Serebii.net is a huge triumph of content over style. I don't mean to cause offense, but the design is rather dated, the navigation often confusing and all the images are just a list of links instead of images.


But... the content is just mindboggling. So much time has gone into the site, it contains pretty much everything there is to know about anything. And links have been built properly, in such a way that your google indexing is frankly one of the best I've ever seen. Assuming bulbapedia is your main competitor, pretty much any pokemon name put into google puts you at #1 or #2, with obvious exceptions like "pikachu". I'm hardly surprised the ad revenue is high.


Keep it up! Out of principle, I will always click the serebii link when I want a bit more info about my Growlithe ;)

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I'm sick of fire/fighting pokemon. The water one looks awesome however, I fucking love it.


I Agree....


I actually really really like the grass type final evo too.



funny how it is.



Out of the 3 new starters 1st forms, i really really like the look of the fire type, not worried about the grass / water ones,


then the evo's kick in and i start to form a dislike for the fire evo's and start to like the grass / water evo's alot.


I'd love a team on Black / White with both the final water evo and grass evo. Whack a Charizard into that team and my goodness....

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