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1. Little King's Story

2. Muramasa: The Demon Blade

3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

4. New Super Mario Bros. Wii

5. De Blob

6. A Boy And His Blob

7. Wario Land: The Shake Dimension

8. Boom Blox: Smash party

9. Zack and Wiki

10. No More Heroes







My Top 11 to 20 Wii games:


11. Mario Kart Wii

12. Super Mario Galaxy

13. Punch-Out!! Wii

14. Super Paper Mario

15. Wii Sports Resort

16. The Legend Of Zelda: The Twilight Princess

17. The House Of The Dead: Overkill

18. Madworld

19. Super Mario Strikers: Charged Football

20. Another Code: A Journey Into Lost Memories

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Bluddy hell, I think it's very hard to put the games I like into an order. I like them all for many different reasons, so it seems unfair to put one under another one. I love my Wii. :)


1: Super Mario Galaxy

2: de Blob

3: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

4: No More Heroes

5: Super Smash Bros: Brawl

6: ExciteTruck

7: Mario Strikers Charged Football

8: Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

9: Guitar Hero 3 (I'm addicted. I can't stop)

10: Punchout!!


That whole list in interchangeable. If I play Zelda again within the next month, I'll probably put that above De Blob. Punchout will probably rise in that list. I love them all. To be honest, they're all my favourites, haha.


Potential games that might creep up the list: Madworld, Dead Space: Extraction, The Conduit. Fifa 08 could be on there considering the hours I put into it...it's sickening, I just love it but I don't know why.


Need: Little King's Story, A Boy and His Blob and Muramasa. And Overkill. They're the next games I need.


I've played Zack and Wiki, Eledees and Wario Land at Ine's, and if I owned them myself then I think at least 2 out of the 3 would make my top 10. Great games.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Reads Fused King's top 10...

1. Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

2. Little King's Story.

3. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

4. Mario Kart Wii

5. Super Paper Mario

6. No More Heroes

7. Metroid Prime: Corruption

8. Wario Land: The Shake Dimension

9. Medal of Honour: Heroes 2

10. Wii Sports Resorts

Hmm... no Mario Galaxy. :blank:


*rubs eyes*


Reads Fierce_LiNk's top 10...

1: Super Mario Galaxy

2: de Blob

3: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

4: No More Heroes

5: Super Smash Bros: Brawl

6: ExciteTruck

7: Mario Strikers Charged Football

8: Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

9: Guitar Hero 3 (I'm addicted. I can't stop)

10: Punchout!!

Hmm... no Mario Kart. :blank:




Seriously though guy's, what gives!? ::shrug:

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Fun thread, looking through my Wii games to pick my faves and I've got one hell of a lot of Wii software, more than my PS3 ad 360 combined. Not sure what that says about me as a gamer...


Anyway, my top 10, in reverse order of course:


10. Smash Bros.

9. Mario and Sonic

8. Warioware

7. No More Heroes

6. House of the Dead: Overkill

5. Zelda: Twilight Princess

4. Wii Sports

3. New Super Mario

2. Mario Kart Wii

1. Mario Galaxy


Having looked through my collection a lot of it is just utter crap, things that showed promise yet now leave me completely empty on looking back on them. Can't see me buying many more this year, more than likely just the big Nintendo titles.

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Reads Fierce_LiNk's top 10...

Hmm... no Mario Kart. :blank:




Seriously though guy's, what gives!? ::shrug:


It's a game my housemate used to own, and I've played on it many a time, but I haven't got it in my collection. So, I didn't include it.


If I owned it, it would definitely be in there. But, I don't. Yet. Why is it still full price everywhere?!

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Because it still sells like hotcakes! No need for a price drop on that game.


Aye, I know. But, for us skintbags, it would be nice. :heh:


To be honest, I think I've resigned to the fact I'll be paying that price for it now. I just keep putting it off for some reason. Stupid when I know that I already like that game.

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So far...



10) Mario Kart Frustrating at times but sublime control options and online makes Mazza Kart rock on.(Awesome tracks too!)

9) The Godfather Some of the best (mature) motion controls on Wii.

8) NSMB Proving classic 2D never dies. Inventive as ever too.

7) Guitar Hero 3 Bettered by WT and RB2 but my first real intro to the series. Rockalicious.

6) Smash Bros. Brawl Melee on steroids. I literally shat myself when I saw the content kept coming. Makes other disks seem empty in comparison.

5) Boom Blox Bettered by its sequel but as perfect a blueprint of what good game design is.

4) Family Ski and Snowboard Pure fun on a disk. Add friends and a balance board for added fun! (Closest I'll get to 1080 with Mii's too!)

3) Endless Ocean A breath of fresh air. *chuckle* Soothing, beautiful and deeper than it's source material.

2) Super Mario Galaxy Made me feel 1% of the excitement I felt for Mario 64. Enough to be spell binding.

1) Wii Sports The moment I felt motion control will never leave me. Sublime for it's virtual reality and social aspects.


Bubbling under:


9. ExciteTruck - Wonderful 'tribute' to the Excite series. Addictive star system too.

8. Klonoa - Sublime and dreamlike, kinda relating to the best.ending.ever.

7. Okami - Pure art and the most depth since Ocarina.

6. Grand Slam Tennis - As real to real tennis as you can get. Great online mode too!

5. Mario Strikers Charged - Came out of nowhere! Spammers ruined online but local play is incredible.

4. Twilight Princess - Zelda.

3. Wii Music - Innovative, invigorating and liberating yet you create your own depth here.

2. Bully - Hillarious. School Daze for a new generation (with waggle that works.)

1. Wii Sports Resort - 1:1 was refreshing and table tennis is the stuff of legends. Closest I'll get to a new waverace too...


Sooo many top titles. Probably missed a few gems that I enjoyed too.

Edited by tapedeck
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Hmm, this is gonna be hard. I don't know about the exact order of the games really, it changes. Plus I don't own too many games, so I might not have some games on here that are deserving of a spot.


1. Twilight Princess

2. Mario Galaxy

3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

4. Little King's Story

5. Okami

6. De Blob

7. Zack and Wiki

8. Guitar Hero 3

9. Wario Land: Shake Dimension

10. Wii Fit (Plus)


Hmmm I think that's it. I would include Mario Kart but I don't own it and only played it once, so I really can't rate it. =(

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Hmm, this is gonna be hard. I don't know about the exact order of the games really, it changes. Plus I don't own too many games, so I might not have some games on here that are deserving of a spot.


1. Twilight Princess

2. Mario Galaxy

3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

4. Little King's Story

5. Okami

6. De Blob

7. Zack and Wiki

8. Guitar Hero 3

9. Wario Land: Shake Dimension

10. Wii Fit (Plus)


Hmmm I think that's it. I would include Mario Kart but I don't own it and only played it once, so I really can't rate it. =(


De Blob. So nice we bought eet twice, haha.


I was tempted to put Zelda as my number one, but I thought given that it's primarily a Gamecube game, I should put Mario there.

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stealth edit for Excitetruck. Knew I was missing a gem.


Never got round to De Blob! It's on my two-doo list with LKS and a boy and his PMT mate too.


Hahaha, whenever I see that game, I think to myself "Hehehe, A Boy and his Period."


But yes, get de Blob. Actually, I think it's time we started some sort of collection fund or something, to get these lesser known games playeeed.

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But yes, get de Blob. Actually, I think it's time we started some sort of collection fund or something, to get these lesser known games playeeed.


I know but all I see is...



We don't have a local Sainsbury's.


I still don't get the love for that game' date=' I found it average at best.[/quote']


It was like Burnout with Trucks, what's not to like?! :bouncy:

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Is De Blob really that expensive over there? It was 20€ where I bought it (and games aren't usually that cheap, here)


Anyway, I also recommend it. Truly, a game that deserves love.


I paid around 40 euros for Ine's copy, and then around 20 quid for my own copy a few months later. I can't remember what the conversion rate was back then, but I think 20euros would be a very good deal for it...so you did well. Was that new?

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I paid around 40 euros for Ine's copy, and then around 20 quid for my own copy a few months later. I can't remember what the conversion rate was back then, but I think 20euros would be a very good deal for it...so you did well. Was that new?


You paid 29 euros for my copy. Remember you thought it was 19 but it was actually 29? =P


Also, you can find it cheap online. Found it for 8.95 quid on Zavvi:


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I paid around 40 euros for Ine's copy, and then around 20 quid for my own copy a few months later. I can't remember what the conversion rate was back then, but I think 20euros would be a very good deal for it...so you did well. Was that new?


Yes. And I believe I saw it at that price in more than one place, too.


I know there's such thing as different tastes, but what the hell you guys!? There's a criminally low amount of Super Mario Galaxy on some of these lists. :I


The reason I didn't include it is because I didn't play it properly yet. I still have other games I need to finish first. Don't know about the others, though.

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in no particular order


1 Resi 4

2 mario galaxy

3 HOTD Overkill

4 MarioKart


6 Wii Sports

7 guitar Hero 5

8 Excite Truck

9 Warioland Shake Dimension

10 metroid Prime 3



close contenders go to Disaster, Umbrella chronicles & No More Heroes. Twilight Princess isn't included as i only played the Gamecube version.

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