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The Confessions and Advice Thread


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For the most part girls hate it when you lot play it cool, we want to know your interested damnit, long as you aren't over the top then its all good!


Haha, I think it would just piss girls off. And, I don't think many guys are "good" enough to get away with eet. You'd have to be Brad Pitt or someone to be that smooth. :heh:

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(yes its still the same girl, yes Im pathetic, yes I would prefer it to be different, yes I realise Im probably annoying everyone now, no i dont care)


So was at the "winter wonderland" thing in edinburgh today with ze girl. Unfortunately there was another 15 schoolmates there also, but meh, time spent is time spent at this stage. Was quite good fun. She said something which reminded me of my Gran, and when I told her this she seemed far too annoyed by it. She also made some remark about people talking about "us". (I realise im overanalysing again, meh) She also was going on about wanting to buy some thing off a stall but not having the money, I considered buying it for her but figured it was too cheesy, especially with other people being there. If it had been a "date" type scenario I would have done though. I think she was angling to get me to buy it for her but lately I've been getting a bad feeling shes kinda using the fact I like her to get stuff, a lift home from work etc. So I didnt bother. Think she might have been annoyed about this, soon after she decided she wanted to leave. My mate was going on the same train so I decided to go with also. Ended up walking her home because otherwise she was walking alone at night in the snow. Awkward hug at the door. Because she only did it cause she felt she had to? Some other reason? Who knows. March back home in exactly the direction I came from, feel silly. Usual deal.


Oh, and a couple of days ago I had a really bad evening where I was just thinking about her all evening. I felt better the next morning but then seeing at her school put me in a bad mood again and I went quite quiet the rest of the day. She noticed and came up trying to talk to me, asking what was wrong etc. When I wouldnt tell her she asked if it was something she had done, to which I noncommitally shrugged. She ended up sitting beside me and just talking about nothing in particular for about an hour, which was nice. Shame that she needs to be guilted into doing it, though. Meh once again.


Again, I just don't understand what the problem is. It makes perfect sense to me. We're both a bit damaged and probably couldnt handle a normal relationship. We seem to get along ok. Perhaps she just feels she needs to be friendly because she knows how much I like her. I kinda wish she'd decide one way or the other and leave it at that. If I didnt have to see her everyday at school I'd have done something to tip it conclusively one way or the other.


Lols, my grammar goes weird when I talk about her. Argh.

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Yeah, you know I suck at relationships, but here's my five cents, anyway. Use or scrap at pleasure.


Maybe you should just confront her with it. Say that yes, you still like her, but if you're not going to be more than friends, you're ready to accept it and to move on. It's hard, but not impossible. It just seems like the best solution is to clear the air between you so you can at least maintain a good friendship without the awkward feelings.

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Confrontations are a big no-no. If you're going to be all melodramatic before you're even going out then she's going to be turned off.


When the 'time is right' then go for a kiss. If she goes "ew ew ew ewww!" then you have your answer, and life's long enough to get over it.


(I didn't really read all of the posts before this one)

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Cause a scene

Clap our hands and stomp our feet or something

Yeah something

I've just got to get myself over me


Yeah just do it. To quote Martin Crane "As you get older and you look back on your life its not the mistakes you regret, or the times when you make an ass of yourself, its the times you just never try - when you lose your nerve." Hopefully it will, at worse, have hilarious consequences like what followed.

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Confrontations are a big no-no. If you're going to be all melodramatic before you're even going out then she's going to be turned off.


When the 'time is right' then go for a kiss. If she goes "ew ew ew ewww!" then you have your answer, and life's long enough to get over it.


(I didn't really read all of the posts before this one)


Now all I need to get is for the time to be right twice. Once so I can chicken out, then mull it over for a few days, then get another one and actually do it.

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Good luck with the girl problems guys!


I could use a lot of advice on different things, but I'll keep it privaaate.

Except for one thing. In two weeks I'll be having to teach a class (have to teach to my fellow students and the lecturer). Thing is, I get really bad flushing in these sort of situations. Not just in my face, but also on my neck and chest and even my arms. And it looks horrible. And of course the more I'm aware of it (and other people are aware of it), the worse it gets.


So now I'm trying to find out if there are things I could do to prevent this from happening. I know it's caused by stress/nervousness/when I get worked up about something, but I can't control any of that really. =(


Does anyone have experience with this and know of anything I could do? Also, I get this -very- often. Even when just talking to people it can happen, so not just with presentations.

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Try going to a Chinese herbal medicine kind of place, there could be something there perhaps? Even if it just acts as a placebo. As they say, practice makes perfect so plug away at practicing maybe?


Confession: I love my little brother but I wish he was more like Frasier (presuming I am Niles). I'd love some witty pretentious banter at Christmas.


Advice: I'm going to get a graphics tablet but I suck at decision making. Its been the old Pen model, the new Pen model and the new Pen and Touch model. I don't know whether to get the older model for £45 which is basically the Pen, but with a scroll wheel (akin classic ipods for zooming/scrolling), or the new Pen (£50) and just use my mouse for zooming/rotating or the Pen and Touch for £75 which does both. I did look at my pay cheque for next week and thought it'd be fine to get the £75 one, til I remembered I need to pay rent with that, my grandad's xmas present and that needs to last me til the end of February essentially.

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Good luck with the girl problems guys!


I could use a lot of advice on different things, but I'll keep it privaaate.

Except for one thing. In two weeks I'll be having to teach a class (have to teach to my fellow students and the lecturer). Thing is, I get really bad flushing in these sort of situations. Not just in my face, but also on my neck and chest and even my arms. And it looks horrible. And of course the more I'm aware of it (and other people are aware of it), the worse it gets.


So now I'm trying to find out if there are things I could do to prevent this from happening. I know it's caused by stress/nervousness/when I get worked up about something, but I can't control any of that really. =(


Does anyone have experience with this and know of anything I could do? Also, I get this -very- often. Even when just talking to people it can happen, so not just with presentations.


I'd say as you grow in confidence it will go perhaps? I have the same problem and once I'm comfortable with something I am ok...

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Confession (this would probably shock most people)

I've never watched the Stargate episodes in my life.



I'd say as you grow in confidence it will go perhaps? I have the same problem and once I'm comfortable with something I am ok...


I'm completely the same.

Edited by Animal
Automerged Doublepost
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Personally I find your love of Twilight, Hairspray and all other things rubbish far more shocking, and a tad concerning.




Concerned? How? I'm cool. I pretty much like anything. I like almost every kind of movie, book and music going. From chick flicks to action movies, from heavy metal to pop, from romance to horror, I like anything. Don't know why really, I just do. :santa:


TBF, I don't love Hairspray, I just like it, lol. It's just a feel-good funny movie, John Travolta is hilarious in it. With Hairspray, you KNOW what you're getting, cheesy fun. Also, I didn't think it possible but I'm kind of going off Twilight a little. I watched Twilight and New Moon again and didn't like it much. The movies are putting me off. I liked reading the books though but it's not something I could read again and again. So yeah, it's official, I'm starting to dislike Twilight. :hmm:

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Concerned? How? I'm cool. I pretty much like anything. I like almost every kind of movie, book and music going. From chick flicks to action movies, from heavy metal to pop, from romance to horror, I like anything. Don't know why really, I just do. :santa:


TBF, I don't love Hairspray, I just like it, lol. It's just a feel-good funny movie, John Travolta is hilarious in it. With Hairspray, you KNOW what you're getting, cheesy fun. Also, I didn't think it possible but I'm kind of going off Twilight a little. I watched Twilight and New Moon again and didn't like it much. The movies are putting me off. I liked reading the books though but it's not something I could read again and again. So yeah, it's official, I'm starting to dislike Twilight. :hmm:

Hehe, I'm actually the same in many respects. :heh: At least I don't care about popular opinion, I like what I like and stand by it - even if others find it ridiculous or embarrassing. :p To dare be yourself is cool! :cool:


... That being said, I'm still not the biggest fan of Twilight. :heh:

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Concerned? How? I'm cool. I pretty much like anything. I like almost every kind of movie, book and music going. From chick flicks to action movies, from heavy metal to pop, from romance to horror, I like anything. Don't know why really, I just do. :santa:


TBF, I don't love Hairspray, I just like it, lol. It's just a feel-good funny movie, John Travolta is hilarious in it. With Hairspray, you KNOW what you're getting, cheesy fun. Also, I didn't think it possible but I'm kind of going off Twilight a little. I watched Twilight and New Moon again and didn't like it much. The movies are putting me off. I liked reading the books though but it's not something I could read again and again. So yeah, it's official, I'm starting to dislike Twilight. :hmm:


defensive much? :heh: Didn't you squeal with delight when your ex bought you Hairspray? :heh:




Confession: When people don't wash their hands in the bathroom I give them a dirty look, and they fully deserve it.

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Try going to a Chinese herbal medicine kind of place, there could be something there perhaps? Even if it just acts as a placebo. As they say, practice makes perfect so plug away at practicing maybe?

Can't think of any places like that here. A friend once let me use some drops that are meant to make you feel a bit calmer, but it didn't work at all (plus just tasted bad). =P


I'd say as you grow in confidence it will go perhaps? I have the same problem and once I'm comfortable with something I am ok...

Thing is I don't seem to grow in confidence at all heh. This is my 7th year in higher education and I still suck at presentations and the like. Even went to a group for shy people a few years ago to learn how to deal with shyness and the like, but it doesn't seem to have helped. =(


Confession: When people don't wash their hands in the bathroom I give them a dirty look, and they fully deserve it.


Indeed they do! It's just nasty if they don't wash their hands. D:

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