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[SPOILERS!!] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword


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I'm all for new stuff in Skyward Sword, but part of the fun of a Zelda game, and other NINTENDO games, for me are references to other games in the series (or cross references:))


Especially in the Zelda-series, with its debatable timeline, there are so many things they could elaborate on.


That's why you speak gold Retro_Link:grin:


I'd love to get more insight on those characters, in particular Kaepora Geabora; if only because of its awesome name:D


New tribes are very welcome too.

Loved the Anouki and their puzzle shennanigens.:laughing:


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Anoukis FTW!


I wouldn't like to see a plane feature in the game, when there are far more natural/character driven opportunities. Living companions like Epona, Navi are more interesting than the static King of Red Lions, or a Train.


While I thanked your post, I'm wondering how the hell can you call the KoRL static. Maybe you meant stoic?

I'm also wondering how you reached the conclusion that the train was, somehow, the companion in Spirit Tracks...

Edited by Jonnas
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While I thanked your post, I'm wondering how the hell can you call the KoRL static. Maybe you meant stoic?

I'm also wondering how you reached the conclusion that the train was, somehow, the companion in Spirit Tracks...

Companion/Mode of Transport, whatever... basically what you'll spend most of your time with in the game.


No I meant static, The King of Red Lions doesn't move... to me he didn't really feel alive outside of cutscenes... and even then I have to admit to slightly struggling having a boat speaking to me. He felt somewhat awkward as a companion, being very limited and confined to the ocean.

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Companion/Mode of Transport, whatever... basically what you'll spend most of your time with in the game.


a.k.a. Zelda. Not the train.


No I meant static, The King of Red Lions doesn't move... to me he didn't really feel alive outside of cutscenes... and even then I have to admit to slightly struggling having a boat speaking to me. He felt somewhat awkward as a companion, being very limited and confined to the ocean.


Fair enough. I thought he was a good companion, though.

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Yeah OK, what I mean is, you spend so much time on the Train in Spirit Tracks and don't get as much back from it as you do travelling round on Epona. I also felt this way about The tKoRL, and thus why I personally wouldn't like to see a plane included in Skyward Sword when there is potential in the Zelda Universe for so much greater.

Edited by Retro_Link
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References to other Zelda games would be very welcome. Wind Waker went all out to reference OOT for instance, and even TP had its moments. It's funny I was just thinking this earlier on today and here we are chatting about it.


Let's see a bit of Zelda mythology fanwank thrown in there please nintendo :)


On a different tangent though, I would like to see some sort of musical instrument brought in, it's becoming standard in Zelda games but I reckon it was sorely missed from TP (yes, I know you could make a wolf howl but it was a bit pointless most of the time). The musical aspect really brought a huge amount of magic to Spirit Tracks and obviously OOT and (less so) MM and WW.

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Yeah OK, what I mean is, you spend so much time on the Train in Spirit Tracks and don't get as much back from it as you do travelling round on Epona. I also felt this way about The tKoRL, and thus why I personally wouldn't like to see a plane included in Skyward Sword when there is potential in the Zelda Universe for so much greater.


What you need is a winged Epona.

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Give Tingle 10,000 Rupees each time you need to to ride on his balloons


Getting to ride Tingles Balloon would be a great mini-game, or side-quest with Tingle somewhere in the game!


Or he flies in to help you access a place your bigger flying companion can't.


NO NO NO! Tingle is a shite character and should never ever appear in a Zelda game again, unless however you get to kill him! He's like the Jar Jar Binks of Zelda!

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NO NO NO! Tingle is a shite character and should never ever appear in a Zelda game again, unless however you get to kill him! He's like the Jar Jar Binks of Zelda!
Yeah tbh I'm not a fan (he's alright in Wind Waker) but an appearance in Skyward Sword would make sense.


Perhaps as you fly around the sky overworld, you stumble across him (as an easter egg) stuck in the sky with his balloon too full... and you have to pop it to return him to Hyrule... nothing more to his cameo than that.


Though yeah, I could do without.

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First of all, Tingle is brilliant. He's meant to be weird. Those clowns in Twilight Princess just weren't weird enough compared to the bona fide lunatic that is Tingle. Look at Link's eyes when he stands next to him in Wind Waker. So much unease conveyed in one glance..


I agree with the general idea that organic methods of transport are more appealing than man-made ones. Yes, I'd love Valoo or Kaepora Geabora, but also a giant eagle.


Other than that, I'd like to see Darknuts...



Iron Knuckles...



...and the pig-like Moblins from Wind Waker:


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Agreed on the Iron Knuckles!! They were Epic in Ocarina! :D


Shame we've got those stupid shreaking Guinea Pig looking Moblins!


Overall I find the Moblin design too confusing across the entire series... why did we have Dog-like ones in Ocarina (and maybe some of the older Zelda's?)... and then suddenly they were Pig ones!... Which of course make more sense... but shouldn't have been called Moblins!

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Agreed on the Iron Knuckles!! They were Epic in Ocarina! :D


Yeah, I love the stronger enemies who walk slowly towards you and you can't just knock them over in one blow.


Shame we've got those stupid shreaking Guinea Pig looking Moblins!


Don't worry, they're Bokoblins (apparently). Mind you, for all I know, they're a new sub-species of Bokoblin, making the "Blin" family even more complex!

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Yeah, I love the stronger enemies who walk slowly towards you and you can't just knock them over in one blow.




Don't worry, they're Bokoblins (apparently). Mind you, for all I know, they're a new sub-species of Bokoblin, making the "Blin" family even more complex!

Oh OK good, they're still rediculous designs though! Why keep changing them all?... the ones in Wind Waker were fine!


The way that Iron Knuckle smashed apart the room in the Spirit Temple was brilliant! Looking forward to that again in the 3DS version!

Edited by Retro_Link
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So many good ideas in just one page!


If this game is set before Ocarina of Time (I believe that's a rumour kicking about), or even if it's not really, I would LOVE your companion in this game to be Kaepora Geabora...


If this doesn't happen now I'm going to be so disappointed and you'll be to blame for it, Retro_Link!


Let's see a bit of Zelda mythology fanwank thrown in there please nintendo :)


Yes, I honestly love all that mythology stuff. Anything that can elude to a backstory or info we can place into the timeline (which I accept is purely a fan thing and not something Nintendo initially thought to do). We haven't had a story truly about the triforce since ocarina have we?


What you need is a winged Epona.


Even if it's not specifically Epona, some kind of winged animal would be awesome to ride.


Other than that, I'd like to see Darknuts...



Iron Knuckles...





Nintendo need to make a fanwank (stealing that phrase) Zelda. Just a zelda game with everything in it. All major established races, all the excellent enemies (most of which would be from OoT for me), loads of dungeons, lots of mythology etc etc.


But realistically it'd just be nice to see a place that's actually in danger. In Twilight Princess everyone just went about their business as normal, like nothing bad was even happening. Then you fix it all and there's no one to be grateful :P


Maybe one day we'll have a Zelda set right at the end of the timeline where Zelda and Link manage to get the triforce of power from Ganon and use it to wish for a golden age of peace and prosperity.

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Maybe one day we'll have a Zelda set right at the end of the timeline where Zelda and Link manage to get the triforce of power from Ganon and use it to wish for a golden age of peace and prosperity.


...Wind Waker? :heh: Or is that Link to the Past?



Nintendo need to make a fanwank (stealing that phrase) Zelda. Just a zelda game with everything in it. All major established races, all the excellent enemies (most of which would be from OoT for me), loads of dungeons, lots of mythology etc etc.


I've always defended that the Zelda series could work wonders as an MMO, and Majora's Mask proves the amount of potential that's just sitting there. It's the perfect opportunity to give some sort of coherence to Hyrule and it's surrounding countries, not to mention learning more about each race (even lesser known ones, like the Tokay). Places like Koholint island could be some sort of super-hard-to-find sidequest.

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It's been so long since I played that game, all I remember about the ending is that Ganon gets a sword in his head. That was awesome.


Anyone want to lend me a copy? I used to have the version with master quest but... I.. traded.. it.. in /hates self.

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If you traded in Wind Waker you deserve every ounce of regret. I'm currently being an audience to a playthrough by my g/f, and I'm actually really enjoying just watching it. I only played it once (unlike OoT which I probably finished about 15 times) so a lot of it is almost completely new to me.


I can't imagine any kind of flying transport in a 3D Zelda game, unless it was massively restricted (like Spirit Tracks). The areas in Zelda games are more often than not surrounded by more than your usual amount of invisible or unlikely rock walls.

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I used to have the version with master quest but... I.. traded.. it.. in /hates self.




Not just Wind Waker... But Master Quest? Wallow in your own guilt as much as possible, Peeps, for you deserve it.

Unfortunately, I can't lend you my copy, due to our distance.


I can't imagine any kind of flying transport in a 3D Zelda game, unless it was massively restricted (like Spirit Tracks). The areas in Zelda games are more often than not surrounded by more than your usual amount of invisible or unlikely rock walls.


They could go the Wind Waker route...




I'm not saying anything, you're still playing it.

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Yeah I've only played through Wind Waker once and just the other day was thinking about giving it another play through, especially as over time my thoughts on it have grown fonder. But really I have way too many other games to start and I don't even have time for those atm.


Well in terms of flying, they could give you just a vast expanse of sky to play around in, in the same way Wind Wakers ocean is just a vast expanse of sea, and have it dotted with mountain top temples/villages and some other more wacky floating/being held up by balloons etc... land masses/objects. Some enemies could come up through the clouds whilst flying around, like the giant squids in WW, there could be lightning storms to fly into, and if you fly off the edge of the map, well then you just get returned to it like you do in Wind Waker, or in Star Fox's multiplayer levels (through a banked U-Turn/Barrel Roll).


The area in the sky could be quite a bit smaller than Wind Wakers map though, as there'll be a substantial Hyrule overworld aswell one would imagine.


Pure speculation though, but I can see flight happening.

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