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Mcoy is a serious man so it comes at no suprise he'd struggle to get a laugh out of most things. HOWEVER Mcoy has never had to struggle to not gouge out his own eyes and ears and cram them up his rectum to avoid watching this video EVER again.

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Mcoy is a serious man so it comes at no suprise he'd struggle to get a laugh out of most things. HOWEVER Mcoy has never had to struggle to not gouge out his own eyes and ears and cram them up his rectum to avoid watching this video EVER again.

So you liked it then?

Love the hats, too :P Good use of music! Satire is always fun :)

I have so many random hats, I couldn't help fusing two for Dr. Man.


Time for the Jimbob break-down of "Comedy Typhoon".




Absolutely everything, the smug grin at the end of the first clip made me laugh. Your piss-take of "Nien" top notch, Scare Kelly was great. The end of that was something that i am expecting Claire to do to Rez one day. Dr Man was pretty clever as well.










Overall, it was flippin excellent. 10/10


It was pro as anything. Loved it all. The Mr.Freeze thing I've seen before though so zero credit for you, bad EEVIL.


Make it a series.

The Mr.Freeze thing I've seen before though so zero credit for you, bad EEVIL.

I don't blame you, the reason it's so bad quality is that I was filming it playing on Youtube. I just loved it so much I had to put it in.


I don't get the freeze thing.


Everything else was awesome.


After watching (not trying to be mean here) smug videos of you and your girlfriend watching CR I wasn't expecting you to be funny.


But it was awesome!


As for the last CR, the ways of greeting people and the Windows advert were best.


The lowest point was the Big Brother, everything else was average.


Here's my opinions:

Intro: Alright but a tad too long.

First 2 puns: Made me smile.

Windows ad:Amazing!

Fun with a pun: Don't really get it.

Johnny Alright, couldn't understand other person.

Forum Quote: Funny

Hitler: Don't get the whole Hitler thing.

Claire: Meh.

iPhone: Funny but took to long to end.

Lab The storm of tumbleweed was funny.


If you want a video of me watching it I guess I could do that for the next video but I don't see why anyone would watch an impressions video.


I've never met Rez, don't consider him as a friend. Yet when I'm bored I pop in here to see a new video. I watch it because I'm bored and at parts it is entertaining. I feel no obligation to watch them or duty as a friend, I watch it because I enjoy it.


You just melted his heart.

Diageo must be pretty warm because it is widely known that Rez has a heart of gold.

1064.18°C warm precisely.

Probably helps that Rez wears his heart on his sleeve, so it's closer to the source of heat.

I know this makes you look gay Diageo (I know you are kinda bi) but just don't take it to heart, who knows, in the future you may have a change in heart.

That's enough of the heart jokes. Mine has almost broken.

here's a question. How do you get your videos into 1080p?( at rez)


Not all of it is actually filmed HD (but some of it is) anyway I then use Movie Maker to export as 1080p.


Well naturally the best part was me. And I love the tribute at the end. I'll go into a full breakdown tomorrow.


One thing though, the sound isn't in sync with your pube thing. It buggered up the sketch and following material. Please tell me this wasn't intentional.

I actually thought that was one of your worst eps. Usually I like quite a lot of them but just none of that made me laugh.


Thats fair enough, I'd say its one of the less-good ones myself.


Rest assured though, such as there was an upswing on Episode 12 I think a similar thing will happen with 16. I've literally already made (well I just finished it) a KILLER clip that will absolutely hilarious.


Also it will probably have public interaction as it will be after the NE meat and there will be lots of public material filmed. :D


That was a bit of a meh episode. Nothing amazingly poor, nothing that great either. Not sure whether it warranted a watch or not. Btw I sent you a clip idea via SMS.


I dont understand why you fill most of the time with movie film clips, its just a bit boring... If I'm watching I'd rather see original stuff, and I reckon the episode could be shorter and a whole lot better.


Listen to the dialogue, you say uhm/ah way too much. I do think you've improved, but still stoppp eeet plz.



Other than that its decent. The pube/penis jokes aren't really my cup of tea, but they obviously are yours!

Posted (edited)

Did a breakdown as I watched it. Here it is:


New opening - Good. I like it. Very sleek design.

Clips show - Nah, didn't do it for me.

Opening gag ruined by penis - Self-irony, I like that sort of thing. Decent.

Fuckable Food - Simply too predictable. I don't find these funny at all.

Movie review - Not really funny. Too predicable, no real punchline.

Phil the Person - Probably a pun, but didn't get the reference.

Life's Unanswered Questions - Is there a pun somewhere I don't get? (See below.)

Nein Nein Nein - Too predictable.

Life's Unanswered Questions (continued) - Really made this skecth work! Underplayed humour suits you. Made me chuckle.

French joke - A bit silly, but made me chuckle as well.

Phonecall/Murray cameo - Absolutely brilliant! Out of nowhere, and the smug grin - priceless! Without a doubt the best skecth of this episode!

Jonny's Segment - Gross, but appropriately nonsensical. The song was a nice touch.

Glue pun - Didn't get the reference.

Scare Clair - Getting a bit too repetitive. Claire's reaction is getting more and more tense. I expect some sort of climax to this series soon. Pun intended if you want it.

Twilight/Dr. Wu-Man - Plain WTF right there.

Pin pun (pun definitely intended) - Didn't do as much for me as your puns usually do.

Fun With A Pun - Didn't make me laugh, but nice artwork.

FaceTime - Your faces are hilarious, and Jonny's in particular is mesmerising. I may need to make love to it.

Inappropriate Ways - Not as funny as usual. The female actor could've performed a bit better when collapsing.


All in all a pretty meh episode. Not your worst, but definitely not your best. A few golden moments, otherwise just shrugs most of the way. A lot of the jokes seemed too predictable, and some of it is getting stale, especially Nein Nein Nein and Scare Clair. It doesn't seem as cringeworthy to me as it originally did, though. Maybe you're getting better at the presentation, or maybe I'm just getting used to the style, I dunno.


Note that I am pretty bombed today, so my reactions were probably less enthusiastic than normal.

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane

Nah thats cool, I'm glad you enjoyed some of it. I totally agree with Scare Claire getting stale. I've had to up my game and this week I've got an extremely elaborate scare lined up. The next episode is going to be a really good one I promise you guys. As I've mentioned it will also (hopefully, if succesful) have the public interaction that you folks have been longing for.


Thanks again for the breakdown. My favourite kind of feedback. :D


Also I agree about Jonnys face. Ridiculously adaptable.

I totally agree with Scare Claire getting stale. I've had to up my game and this week I've got an extremely elaborate scare lined up.


See now im hoping for some kind of giant mouse trap style contraption that ends with Claire getting trapped in the cage and then scared.

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