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Anyone else catch the first episode?


Apart from the verging on explicit anti-religion message, I thought it was pretty good. Not amazing but better than average, it has potential.


Assuming it doesn't get cancelled. Which it might have been already.

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I really want to watch this. My Dad was saying to me how it's a remake of a programme shown in the seventies or eighties and he liked it. Must watch at some point.


I don't know what it's about exactly. Is it just aliens and stuff?

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I saw a bit of it, but wasn't exactly taken - it seems like it could be a thinly-veiled of "OMG the government/New World Order/Trans-National Corporations/Jews control everything!!!!!!1" foil-hat wearing piece of propaganda, though.


Still, it has some promise, and I'd like to see where it goes from here.

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I saw some of this the other day...


...all I kept thinking was "And Terminator got cancelled..."


It's kind of like that South Park episode where Cartman gets his own amusement park and Kyle gets an infected ass.


Except V is Cartman's amusement park and Kyle's infected ass is Terminator being cancelled.

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I saw some of this the other day...


...all I kept thinking was "And Terminator got cancelled..."


It's kind of like that South Park episode where Cartman gets his own amusement park and Kyle gets an infected ass.


Except V is Cartman's amusement park and Kyle's infected ass is Terminator being cancelled.


I'm trying to move on!! Why God, WHHHHYYYY?!?! Terminator was so good!!


How long is the first episode? The one I watched stopped so sudden.


About 45 minutes.

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I'm not sure how its got a touch of Firefly about it other than the fact two cast members are in it :p


But yeah it was okay. Its due to go on hiatus in three or four weeks until the new year, so I'll wait until then and catch up.


Preferred it as an opener to FlashForward but still, same old same old really.

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I really want to watch this. My Dad was saying to me how it's a remake of a programme shown in the seventies or eighties and he liked it. Must watch at some point.


I don't know what it's about exactly. Is it just aliens and stuff?


You're making me feel old but no else seen the original series and V:TFB?

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Wait....its got the hugely porkable chick from Lost in?


Winnar. Wanna watch this now. Someone hit me up with a warez download link via pm for win/?


Res, why don't go go watch BSG first.


Before I come over there and force you to watch it.


Although I do want to watch it again so maybe that isn't such a bad idea...

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