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Did anyone else find it really irritating (don't know if its the same on the PS3) that control-wise, melee is where crouch should be and vice versa? I think there's an option to switch it to "angelic" but I didn't check what else changes with that.


It depends what game you play just before it. I played a bit of CoD4 before I got Borderlands, so I didn't think twice about the controls.


I've completed the first area, and my only complaint is that there doesn't seem to be a quest or anything, but apparently that kicks off later.

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Very glad we did that in co-op. Not sure how I would have managed in single player!


Yeah it was a bit manic. Especially the boss, that bloody turret and those rocket launcher bastards! I still cant believe how lucky I was at the boss. We killed him just as the "fight for your life" thing was about to run out.


Got me a pretty good revolver from one of the boss boxes. Not quite as good as yours damage wise, but it's a six shooter at least.


Levelled my bloodwing as well with some of my skill points. It heals me now when it damages people. Plus it's a bit tougher.




This game on multiplayer just gets more and more awesome! We need more PS3ers!

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I think I accidentally sold my revolver...I'm hoping I just switched it out and didn't notice. Loved using the rocket launcher. It's a bit lame against big guys but against the normal weirdos it's pretty solid.


I'm about 2 levels from upgrading my turret so it shoots missiles as well.


Currently I need a better shield.


Hopefully MSN would have sorted itself out by next time. When do you next want to team up? Evenings are generally good for me.


Dwarf, go get Borderlands.

Edited by Daft
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Played this for hours last night, it could be the best co-op game I've played after the first Gears of War. So much fun. Last night me and my g/f took on some enemies way above us, died a few times but had a lot of fun. After finding some truly wicked weapons I randomly decided to check out an "arena" thinking it would be like a duelling area, only to find it was a main quest with a huge boss at the end which was damn tricky for a siren and a hunter. One of us really should've been a tank :heh: Still, great fun.


At one point we were really struggling against some higher level "baddass" ranked guys with hardly any HP left, then it dawned on me that I'd just dinged 13 and had a lvl-13 minimum purple-rank SMG that I had been carrying around until I could use it. Whipped it out and just annihilated the whole room with it, it was so awesome! It was like a machine gun and shotgun mixed into one, easily hitting about 4 people at once for hundreds of HP.

I'm guessing Angelic would be as close to Halo as possible; on PS3 I use the Resistant scheme which is, you guessed it, near identical to Resistance.


I tried Angelic, it's almost identical to Halo with one glaring error. You have to hold the right stick to aim, I couldn't find an option to set it to toggle... useless.

Edited by Shorty
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Bugger. I got this on PS3 so I could play with everyone and it seems more people have it on 360 now. Arse.


Daft: I'll probably be up for some Co-op most evenings. I finish work late though (I've just got home and had Dinner to give you an idea) so bear with me.

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Tis my payday on wednesday - I'm just a little saddened as I haven't got internetz on my 'box in my room, and not sure of the most economical way to get it sorted, so I may wait a month before i join in (and, obviously, be too far behind to get the experience with a co-op buddy first-time-first-hand, like.

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Not really. It's basically an online co-op Fallout 3 with dungeon looting elements.


Basically imagine FPS version of Diablo set in a cartoony Fallout universe.


The more I think about it, the more I can see similarities between this and PSO. The addictive loot collecting and always looking out for better equipment is similar.


It's got all the good parts of an MMORPG (addictive looting, interacting with people, getting more powerful) without all the boring grinding.


Don't bother getting it if you don't plan on playing online though, it's not that good in single player. Best to play with a regular group too. You're welcome to join me and Daft if you get it on PS3 and my bandwidth will let us play without lag.

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Does the host's connection have to be the best to avoid lag or is it the other way around?


That battle with the beast got laggy. It wasn't bad enough to be annoying but it was there. Not sure why since there was only one (fooking massive) enemy. The rest of the time we played it ran perfectly.


What did you think of the Elephant gun? The lack of sight is kind of annoying but once you get used to it it's got the punch.


Anyone know when you open up the fourth weapon slot?

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I'd dismissed this game, but since then I've heard NOTHING but good stuff. Could well be coming home with a copy tomorrow night, need something to get me back online :D CBA with Halo or CoD anymore, same old boring shit.


Tis my payday on wednesday - I'm just a little saddened as I haven't got internetz on my 'box in my room, and not sure of the most economical way to get it sorted, so I may wait a month before i join in (and, obviously, be too far behind to get the experience with a co-op buddy first-time-first-hand, like.




Speed will be more than enough for the Xbox :)

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Does the host's connection have to be the best to avoid lag or is it the other way around?


That battle with the beast got laggy. It wasn't bad enough to be annoying but it was there. Not sure why since there was only one (fooking massive) enemy. The rest of the time we played it ran perfectly.


What did you think of the Elephant gun? The lack of sight is kind of annoying but once you get used to it it's got the punch.


Anyone know when you open up the fourth weapon slot?


The beast battle was fine for me, although I was the host, so it's not exactly surprising.


The Elephant gun is pretty awesome. I keep it for closer enemies.


I need the fourth slot as well so I can have a revolver, an assault rifle, a sniper rifle and the elephant gun. At the moment the elephant gun is just my backup. It's just a bit annoying that it shares ammo with my sniper rifle.

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