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your top disappointing games

mcj metroid

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some guy on neogaf wrote this

1. Thunder Force VI (PS2, Sega)

2. Final Fantasy VIII (PS, Square Enix)

3. Seiken Densetsu 4 (PS2, Square Enix)

4. Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney) (NDS, Capcom)

5. Rogue Galaxy (PS2, Level 5)

6. Mario Sunshine (GC, Nintendo)

7. Unlimited Saga (PS2, Square Enix)

8. Devil May Cry 2 (PS2, Capcom)

9. Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (NDS, Square Enix)

10.Blood of Bahamuth (NDS, Square Enix)

taken from gonintendo

,just to give you general idea.

It's just that game you were waiting for, usually a sequel that just turned out kinda shitty at the end.


unlike the list above try to give a reason for each. I'll give mine a little bit later, I'm too tired to think right now lol, plus i'm interested to hear your ideas :) oh and don' say ninjabread man, you have to have A) played the game and B) had SOME sort of expectations for it.

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Halo 2, it just wasn't the same...


FFVIII-XII(and likely XIII) excluding most of IX, basically clichéd soap operas.


Stalker Clear Sky, some bad design choices bad it worse than the first.


Gears of War 2, don't even get me started, I can write paragraphs and paragraphs of things that annoy me about this game. Mostly Story/Presentation to narrow it down though.

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DK64 - it's just not DKC... enough said. :heh:

Perfect Dark Zero - it plays fine, has a reasonable multiplayer but the extra characters and the main story blows spectacularly.

Nights : Journey of Dreams - the kid parts of the game were abysmal and the central hub was boring as fuck.

Sonic Unleashed - Werehog... ffs why?

Starfox Assault - on-foot sections, while not terrible, don't deserve a place in Starfox unless they are done right, which isn't possible, Fox should be in the fucking clouds not on the ground.

Resident Evil 5 - Co-op is fucking legendary, single player sucks so hard in comparison to Resi 4, Capcom can do better!

Metroid Prime Hunters - technically it's a damn masterpiece, but in terms of story, variation and boss fights it just lets the series down.

Super Monkey Ball : Banana Blitz - Seriously Sega, get the next one right for the love of god, less mini-games that are fun to play = better than loads that are shit, plus the control method? on it's side would have been a better control scheme, luckilly the new balance board incarnation will solve this but ffs if you're gonna include and alternative control scheme make sure it's the right one! :blank:


That's all I can think of right now, plus I'm raging too hard at the thought of the above games to type right now! Raaaaaaaaaargh! :mad:

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At the moment I can think of:


Super Mario Sunshine: Mario, but with all the fun replaced by chores.

Assassin's Creed: Wasn't much fun and hugely repetitive.

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blits: Worse than previous ones in every way.

Burnout Revenge: They ruined the formula.

Turok Evolution: While on reflection it was better than the old ones (in that I could actually play it well), but still hugely disappointing (especially after an awesome NGC Mag preview)

Star Fox Assault/Command: Two really bad games.

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Star Fox Command (DS) - Adventures wasn't that bad, it might even have been a classic if Nintendo hadn't forced Rare to make it a Starfox game. But Star Fox Command was just bad. The turn based aspects were awful, I didn't even get that far in the game, but in general, it was closer to a chore than fun.

Metroid Prime Hunters (DS) - The multiplayer was alright, the single player was awful though. It was a Metroid game that was more about combat than exploration, the bosses were re-used way to much, the enemy design was terrible, the planets were small, especially the space station ones, it just wasn't metroid in so many ways.

Blast Works (Wii) - The game was alright, but it was ruined by how you went about exchanging content. It would have been great if you could just download and play a level someone made, but you had to use a web browser to select what you wanted, forcing you to create an account on the game's website. It just wasn't worth it in the end. Its a shame, this could have been the Wii's Little Big Planet.

Red Steel (Wii) - It was alright, but it lacked polish and the controls were awful, hopefully the sequel is much better. The fact that its been delayed makes it seem like Ubisoft actually want to polish it and get it ready before releasing it.

And I almost forgot:

Guitar Hero World Tour (Multi) - The only Guitar Hero game I played before this was 3. I actually enjoyed 3, the song choice was good, ect. World tour just got rid of all the good stuff in 3 and added more instruments, which were all boring to play. Its become a game that's more for the casual gamers, while the Rock Band games easily surpass it. At least the World Tour instruments work with Rock Band 2 on the Wii.

Wii Play (Wii) - I actually enjoyed Wii Sports for what it was. Some of the sports in it were fun to play back when the game came out. It was also moderately fun with other people. Wii Play was another story though. First of all, there were only 2 games that were actually fun IMO (Tanks and Billiards). Otherwise, once you played all the games once (which you had to do to unlock all the games), it just got boring. You couldn't even have 4 people play the game, so it was no use at get-togethers, there was no point in taking turns with Wii Play, when 4 people could play Wii Sports, and the games were actually better.

Edited by Emasher
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Pro Evo 2008 - What the fuck has happened to Pro Evo? It never used to be terrible!

Perfect Dark Zero - Right let-down and no mistake!

Starfox Adventures - Rareware just had to end their Nintendo affiliation with this bum of a game, eh?

Guitar Hero World Tour - It was here that I realised these sort of games are now pretty much cash cows milked for their worth. This series lost all personality when Neversoft were brought in. Harmonix knew how to make these games well and to split it up was just stupid.

Mercenaries 2 - Just not as fun to blow shit up as the first one was.

WWE SmackDown Vs Raw 2008 - THQ, you fucked up in getting rid of AKI. Now, I'm getting SvR 2010 and it better be as good as I've heard it will be!

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GTA IV Probably because it was too overhyped at the time. I really wanted this to be a revolution rather than evolution of the formula.


All Halo's Single Player Got into Halo pretty late, way after the release of the third game so went back to play the lot of them before I started 3 and.... they're alright y'know but really disappointing as they just weren't as amazing as I expected them to be.


Spore Will Wright does a Molyneux and overhypes the game. Brags about features that didn't make release and there're glaring omissions where it's clear things were going to be in the initial release but were cut for expansions. Also the whole space phase of the game was a fiasco. Was surrounded and constantly hounded by hostile races before I could get a goot in the door.


Super Paper Mario - Didn't quite work as a platform/RPG combo. Lacked the charm of the proper Paper Mario games and the platforming wasn't decent enough to stand on its own. Would have preferred it to be a solid platformer or a new Paper Mario RPG.


Twilight Princess Obviously a good game but something was really lacking and after fighting through it I felt rather empty and dissatisfied afterward.



There are obviously worse games that have been mentioned but generally those were panned in the reviews beforehand so I wasn't too disappointed when I got to play them. My choices were generally praised first which led to my extreme disappointment.

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Dark Savior - I loved Landstalker and hoped this would be similar. It wasn't!


Zelda: Twilight Princess - Don't get me wrong, it's very good, but I expected it to be excellent. It had a good atmosphere, but not really the "Zelda magic", and I was also disappointed that the game had become something completely different to what was originally intended.


Home Versions of Double Dragon - Not sure if this really counts, but when I was young I was obsessed with Double Dragon. At that age, I didn't really understand why home computers couldn't run the direct code from the coin-op, so imagine my excitement when my friend revealed he had it (for the Spectrum, I think). Needless to say, I was very disappointed at how different it was (and versions for the Amstrad, NES etc), and this can be applied to coin-op conversions in general in the old days. It was just something I had to get used to.


I don't really get disappointed anymore, as I'm too cynical!

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All Halo's Single Player Got into Halo pretty late, way after the release of the third game so went back to play the lot of them before I started 3 and.... they're alright y'know but really disappointing as they just weren't as amazing as I expected them to be.


A few things about 1&2, you've played them past their prime which may be a factor, and they've always been better in co-op in case you didn't do co-op/

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Home Versions of Double Dragon - Not sure if this really counts, but when I was young I was obsessed with Double Dragon. At that age, I didn't really understand why home computers couldn't run the direct code from the coin-op, so imagine my excitement when my friend revealed he had it (for the Spectrum, I think). Needless to say, I was very disappointed at how different it was (and versions for the Amstrad, NES etc), and this can be applied to coin-op conversions in general in the old days. It was just something I had to get used to.


Double Dragon II on the Gameboy is supreme, try it!


Some disappointments that I can think of:


DK 64. DKC in 3D this is not. More like Banjo-Kazooie with the Kongs skinned over it. :(:hmm:


StarFox Assault: The first level was the best. After showing such promise from the outset, the game failed to push on and overtake Lylat Wars. :(


Metroid Prime: I've said it before and I'll say it again- I was pumped for Metroid Prime. Had it pre-ordered and picked it up from Game, after school, the Friday it released. Sadly the game failed to truly inspire me and really fell apart at the artefact hunt. :( :( :nono:


Metroid Prime: Hunters: Again, I was pumped for this Metroid game. I thought the demo was quality and I had some great fun with local multiplayer on it. Unfortunately, when I got my mitts on the full game it was nothing special. :( Stupid Metroid. (I want Metroid: Other M. :blush:)


Anyone who thinks FF VIII was a disappointment was someone who only knew about FF because of FF VII, thus not realising the sequel would be totally unrelated. :wink:

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Anyone who thinks FF VIII was a disappointment was someone who only knew about FF because of FF VII, thus not realising the sequel would be totally unrelated. :wink:


Riiiiight. Funny since VIII was a disappointment despite me starting with VI, and Killer Kirby will likely concur (other than perhaps what game he started on).:wink:

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Riiiiight. Funny since VIII was a disappointment despite me starting with VI, and Killer Kirby will likely concur (other than perhaps what game he started on).:wink:


Was having a bit of a laugh. I know there's some people on here that have more experience (geddit!) with FF than from FF VII onwards. In fairness to NeoGAF too, they can be very knowledgeable about Final Fantasy games, its just when you see FF VIII being cited as a disappointment, you have to wonder. :heh:

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Anyone who thinks FF VIII was a disappointment was someone who only knew about FF because of FF VII, thus not realising the sequel would be totally unrelated. :wink:


Sorry, but that makes no sense at all.

Then I should be hating a lot of other RPG's because of that, DQ, SMT series, the Tales Of series...etc etc.

FFVIII WAS, a shit game, I played it again thinking I might have been wrong, thanks to the God awful game of FF X, I somehow enjoyed FFVIII a bit more.

So from 3 out of 10 I would now give it a 4 out of 10


People who don't like it basically like a good story and interesting characters in games, and because VIII didn't have any of that, people hated it, simple no?

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He was just making abit of a joke. Hence his :wink:.


To make sense out of it though, think of like, Gears of War then Gears of War 2, GoW2 is a direct sequel, his joke was people starting with FFVII didn't realize that VIII would have nothing to do with VII therefore disliked it.


You and I both took his bait, I just took it knowing he was joking.

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He was just making abit of a joke. Hence his :wink:.

You and I both took his bait, I just took it knowing he was joking.


Yeah, buuuut this is the internet so sometimes people can miss the sarcasm meter, like me.


I didn't see his post before I posted that it was a joke, but still meh :heh:


Still fun hanging crap on the love bird story making team of Kitase and Nomura :laughing:

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Red Faction: Guerilla:

Me: I want to have fun running around destroying houses.

The game: I cannot allow you do to that Mundi.


My problems are that you are heavily puished for dying, letting colonists die (you can´t dismiss them after they start following you)

The meter goes way too fast to red which means that your gonna have to deal with overwhelming odds of soldiers if your hanging in the same spot.

For a game that brags about a well made structure destruction mechanics it´s very dead set on interrupting every chance you get on playing with that.


Still need to check the multiplayer on that.


Assassin Creed: It´s a fun game but the repetition is a glaring flaw.


Final Fantasy X: The story is mildly interesting (looking at the cover of X-2 does not help to avoid spoilers) the combat is way too easy except on certain boss encounters that just kill you in unfair ways.


Also, people disliking FF VIII should check out this videos, highly entertaining:


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He was just making abit of a joke. Hence his :wink:.


To make sense out of it though, think of like, Gears of War then Gears of War 2, GoW2 is a direct sequel, his joke was people starting with FFVII didn't realize that VIII would have nothing to do with VII therefore disliked it.


You and I both took his bait, I just took it knowing he was joking.


Yep exactly, thats what I meant. :heh: Fair play if you genuinely don't like FF VIII but I find that a lot of peoples reasoning for it is just cos they expected "FF VII-2."


You took the bait well.


Yeah, buuuut this is the internet so sometimes people can miss the sarcasm meter, like me.


I didn't see his post before I posted that it was a joke, but still meh :heh:


Still fun hanging crap on the love bird story making team of Kitase and Nomura :laughing:


You're dead. : peace:

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Twilight Princess


Advance Wars: Duel Strike

Halo (got into it pretty late, didn't see what was so special about it).

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

GTA Vice City

GTA San Andreas

Devil May Cry 2

Resi 5

Soul Calibur II


...not saying these are awful games (apart from a few) but they were not as good as I hoped they would be.

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Hm advanced wars duel strike was my favourite game of the series yet I found it disappointing... maybe that doesn't make sense but I always thought while it made some things better. It should have gone further.


My list so:


1) Super paper mario:

All I wanted to do is stomp stuff but most things I stomped on talked to me.


2)metroid prime hunters:


Oh it's fun in multiplayer...

Ok I wouln't hate this game so much if people ADMITTED it was bad. Ign and gamepot insisted on giving it over 9 scores. Ign even complimented the game for having a similiar style one player to metroid prime.........are they high? The game should have gotten little more than 7.5


If you NEVER played a metroid before it might be a bit better for you, but it turned a single-player focused game into a multiplayer focused game and forgot to tell people.. They even had the "prime" in the title. How misleading. DISAPPOINTING!


3)mario kart double dash: To be honest eveyr mario I have played after crash team racing has been a slight disappointment but this came right after.


they focused on all the wrong areas. number of characters rather than the number of tracks.. Did anybody really every want to play as pety piranha like ever?

16 tracks is very bad. No one player again and at the time having no on-line for a multiplayer focused game even at that stage was annoying.


mario kart ds improved the track problem but CTR proved that a one player story mode CAN work? why won't nintendo try this?


4)gta san andreas


haha I'll never forget the annoying hype for this one. I loved gta 3 and especially vice city. It's impossible to say I hate the theme of this game without sounding racist but how many times did we need to hear" keep it real" and so on. Jesus


and the sims aspects fail so hard. Also everything the game tried to squeeze in controlled terrible , the graphics are worse than vice city I felt. In my opinion the music is far worse too.


just hated it really.


5) pikmin


good god this wasn't very good at all. Just because miyamoto created a game doesn't mean it's a great concept. I have no doubt the series will evolve into a great one but the first game was just ugh.


camera was so iritating, graphics wern't as good as people made out(although by wii stanrdards they are probably godlike) music was excellent mind.

it holds great imagination but like wii music miyamotos opinion is not always right.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Biggest disappointments....


Super Mario Sunshine... looked nice, but where was the variety? Every world looked too similar and the music was bland (except Ricco Harbor which is cool). Levels were a chore and the backpack was out of place.


GTA: San Andreas... GTA 3 was good, VC was awesome and this is devoid of any personality by being set in the most boring time period imaginable - the early 90's. Could really get on board or empathize with CJ and his cronies.


Sonic Unleashed (Wii Version)... Reviews for the game were far more positive for the Wii version but it has more Werehog than the HD games and less running levels. The Werehog combat is far more limiting and doesn't have half of the combos and the running stages are dull by comparison too. I love Sonic's 3D games (except '06 - I like ShTH for what it is), but this did feel like a missed opportunity - especially considering Dimps were at the helm.


Mario Kart: Double Dash...Any racing game released in the on the same console as F-Zero GX is going to look crap in relation but to release this in the same month (in Europe at least) takes the cake. What's more galling is that this mess went on to be one of the GC biggest sellers and F-Zero GX sold abysmally. Generally slow (MK64 was far quicker), dull courses and "karts" that handled like bricks. I wasn't even hyped for this game in the slightest and yet it still let me down.


And how could I forget...


The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass... Stylus controls which are clearly inferior to a D-Pad and buttons. 3D graphics that aren't all that at all despite everybody seeming to think so. The 3D graphics are a necessity of the control scheme but had they opted for buttons, we could have had a sumptuous 2D effort instead of a bland and empty 3D one. Music was almost universally forgettable - the only exception being Linebecks them which plays only a couple of times. Dungeon design was poor, there was little to outside the dungeons, and there were just too few of them.

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